RP Rules


New Member

RP Rules

Romance/ Drama/ Sex 

  • Romance is encouraged and allowed. Who doesn’t enjoy a love triangle of sorts and the drama that comes with it? Who doesn't enjoy the drama of so and so being a whore and making established relationships strained? We are all adults here or at least I would like to think so. Hinting at sexual acts is alright but please, for the sake of the continuation of this rp don't post it out. Time skip. Else I'll have to get violent. 

Blood/ Violence/ Gore/ Swearing 

  • Know this, things will get as bloody, violent, gory and as disturbing as RPN will allow. If you are afraid of your character dying then don't join. It's that simple. Swearing, again as stated before we are all adults and god fucking damn it sometimes the words fuck, shit and bitch help get the point across. Just don't get carried away and make it every single word that comes out of your characters mouth. 

Body Count 

  • Due to the fact that characters will be killed off as the story progresses and to add some sort of BAM to this rp, if you can keep up with them you can have as many as you please. However there is one small limit. Starting out you are allowed to have two characters. As the story progresses and characters die off you may acquire more. Also, let’s come up with some interesting bios and abilities for them (this applies mostly to demons however exorcists have some stock due to divine intervention). Put some effort into making a decent character and please look at the roles when you are making your character just be careful not to over power your character especially if you are a damn human. 

I am alone and misunderstood 

  • GET OUT. It's one thing to be a dark and brooding individual that interacts with everyone but if you are one that doesn't interact you have no place here. Shit like this irks the hell out of me. 


  • I understand that life can be hectic, as my life is pretty much that so I would like to see at least two posts max from each of you a week (I am flexible if you are waiting on someone else to post) and that's not asking for much. If you'll be gone for a while, please let me know and I'll figure something out for when you return. However, don't let me catch you making numerous posts in the OOC thread if you claim you can't post because your busy. If you have time to post in the OOC you have time to post in the main thread. 

One liners 

  • I understand that sometimes we just don't have the drive to make a decent post. Writers block can be a bitch but lets not make this a frequent thing. Remember the easier your post is to work with, the easier everyone else post will be to work with. 

Joining Process 

  • The process is simple. Go to the Character Profiles, copy the profile skeleton located in the character thread, and create a thread and make a post for your character. If I have rped with you before you don't have to worry about adding an rp sample. If I have not had the pleasure of rping with you provide an rp sample with your profile. Do not make any posts until after you have been approved. 

Getting bored? 

  • So your growing bored with your character eh and wish to create one more epic. No problem but lets make the departure of your current character interesting by killing them off in some epic way!  

**RP Rules (Something to Know)**

Human and Demon Romances 

  • If you want this to happen, then by all means have at it. I enjoy a supernatural romance as much as the next nerd. However, there is something that you should know. A relationship involving a demon is not rainbows, sunshine, glitter and unicorns. It is the exact opposite. Demons are obsessive, possessive and dangerous.  To be the target of a demons affection is not only dangerous for the one they want but for those whom are in the individual life. Such a relationship is filled with abuse be it emotional, mental, verbal, physical or a mixture of all categories. Manipulation is another key factor. They may have done something to protect you from danger but it wasn't your best interest they were looking out for. It has more to do with "No one harms or touches my possessions without my permission sort of deal." For those who aren't in a relationship but have a demon pursuer....I'm gonna pray for you fam.

Entering the Demon Realm 

  • No you cannot just up an make yourself appear in the demon realm. Venturing there without the necessary power makes it quite difficult. The only way you can even open to stumble upon this world is by walking through the rip in the fabric that separates the two planes from each other. A rip is exposed at random times. To simulate this I will randomly make a general post of how things have begun to shift and include character names in that post. From there you can embellish in your next post which will be placed in the darker realm. Leaving the demon realm works the very same way as entering does. You should also know that your skills in fighting don't mean shit here. You are a human plane and simple up against creatures that are out of your league. Fight if you wish, but know you will get hurt....horribly.

Entering the Human Realm 

  • Third Tier (lowest level) demons can only enter the human world by leeching themselves onto the humans that have the unfortunate luck of entering their realm. They do this via possession. However, if their grasp on the human is not strong enough, they will be ripped from their host upon the host returning to the human world. Second Tier (Dukes, higher level) demons possessions are successful. However, they do not necessarily have to possess a human to enter into their world. They can do so by initiating a tether or link. This link will allow them to stay in the human realm for an extended amount of time. However over time the tether weakens and they are forced to go back where they can strengthen the tether before returning. First Tier (the big 7, Kings of their respective sin) demons have two ways of entering the human world. They can do so by being summoned by someone foolish enough to try it or by the same means humans enter their world. Possession and tethering is not necessary but that won't stop them from doing it for the fun of it. The command legions of third and second tier demons to do their bidding. They also have the ability to claim someone as a possession through marking. Receive their mark and there is no escape. They will know where you are always.

Possession | Exorcism

  • Possession and exorcism will not always be successful. Like being sent to the other world, this too will be random. Some possessions and exorcism may be instantaneous while others may take time. Just know that the longer an exorcism takes...the more the exorcists will consider alternative means to save your soul and it won't result in you keeping your life.

Demons | Alias

  • Demons are extremely protective over their identity and will stop at nothing to keep their true names hidden. Accordingly, they will always use an alias when dealing with humans. Why so protective? Simple. To know their name means to have some power over...that is if your an exorcist. In knowing their names, the exorcist can direct the grace of heaven at them specifically and force them back into the hellish world in which they reside.
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