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Multiple Settings Rp plot's and character's~ (MxM) [Edited- 3/10/19]


Yiling Patriarch
If you want to RP any of these plots with me, please PM me or comment below~
**New plot's will be posted down below this post, in their own post, and will be starred**

If you have any ideas feel free to suggest them!
Writing Style-
I normally write a paragraph or more, consisting of 8+ sentences, also could be more. It depends on how my muse is and how my partner replies to my posts. Just NO one or even three sentence posts! I need content to reply to and keep the story moving. I like to have your input on plots, so feel free to suggest what you think makes sense or makes our RP more fun.
As for character description, I will leave that to you. You can do a form, face-claim, or describe as we RP.

Will, you love me for me?
Our guys have been dating since they were teens and now at 24 they are engaged and about to get married. There is one thing though that is still between them. A secret that my guy is hiding. In my guy's case he loves to crossdress, it makes him feel beautiful, but he hasn't told a soul. Not even the one he loves most. In fact, he also has a job where he cross-dresses and he leaves in a hurry ever night to do it, now he is being confronted/found out by his lover. How will your character react? Will he be accepting or will this marriage be over before it began?

The Most wonderful time of the Year
It's Christmas time and two former loves have just both been divorced by their respective partners. Now they are returning to their childhood home where they first met and fell in love. Will these two give love another chance? What complications will come up in the meantime? (I was going to have my character be dying. You may pick something for them to have to work on as well.

Hospital craziness
Your guy has been sent to the hospital to stay because he is terminally ill. Well, the side of the hospital he stays in is for 'normal' patients but there is another side that people talk about often, the side of the mentally unstable. One day he is dared by some friends to sneak into the mentally unstable side, for fun. Well, he does and promptly gets lost, stumbling across a room secluded from all the others. Will he take a peek inside? If he does and he meets another young man, one with multiple personalities how will he react? Will he befriend him or flee like so many others do?


Ties of Fate
Your Mortal character has grown up hearing the stories of the powerful but reclusive God of Life, he has always admired the stories of old and wishes constantly to meet even one. Now eight years past his magical Inheritance at 18, he has felt his Mate Bond tug at his heart. His Mate's Bond has awoken. Now he is on the hunt for his Mate and found himself stumbling through a Portal to another realm, the realm of the Gods.

The Magic God is an interesting individual. More interesting than other Gods, that is. For all Gods are looked upon as... distant, not quite... here. Faerdhinen is much more distant, even to others of his power. He wears a light but deep hooded robe, upon light and simple tunic. His robe is a deep blue, one so deep it is easily mistaken for black. It is lined with silver, marking his rank. Silver is the highest, gold after that. Unlike other Mages, the Mind Mages have only two rank colors and also with them, gold is not their highest rank color, silver is. When you are in the gold rank, you are seen as Apprentice. They prefer the simpleness of this. If they are at all considered… more than their color, such as Faerdhinen is. Each God has their own symbol upon the black of their robes, explaining who they are. Faerdhinen’s symbol is black and white Nightingale. God has their own unique creature, so no one is ever confused for another.

Under the robe, Faerdhinen wears a light forest colored tunic. His skin is lightly tanned and only because that is his natural skin color, as his skin rarely touches the light. The God’s frame is tall and lithe, but don’t mistake him for being weak. For he is mentally one the strongest Gods.. But being part cat, they will never have huge muscles. Faerdhinen’s hair is on the longer side, trailing down his shoulder blades, but not quite to the middle of his back. It is a light shade of brown/yellow… often described as honey color. This is a contrast with his dark brown cat ears, but it bothers him not. Now, his eyes are most certainly cat-like, they are slitted and mesmerizing, swirling with the color of gold. Oh and being that he is half-cat, he also has long white whiskers. As well as a long dark brown tail, the same color of his ears.

Personality-wise, Faerdhinen is very quiet, wise, an observer, invisible. But he is also looked at as aloof, towards others. From older ones who aren’t close to him, he is seen as emotionless. While in reality, he has plenty of emotions, but he shows them in smaller ways than others. A… side-effect, according to his former mentors, if being… more connected to nature, than others. Although unknown to most Faerdhinen has always been an ‘emotionless’ male. On the other hand, to those closest to him, he also has the warmest and most genuine smile when he chooses to. His heart for others is large, and when upset in any way the way he moves and speaks says a great deal of how he feels. One just has to truly listen and watch.


Flowers, Secrets, Intrigue.
Plot- You guy is a Delivery Man who picks up flowers from various shops and takes them to be sold in bigger stores. But there is one store in particular that has gotten your attention. It is run by a young man around your guy's same age and they are very soft spoken but very knowledgeable on plants of all kinds, though flowers are an obvious favorite. They have been wanting to ask them out for a few weeks, but then the other week they went in to finally ask them out, they weren't there someone else was. They were told that my guy was out of town for a while, no idea how long. Now about a month later he is back but something is troubling him. There are bruises on his skin and he isn't as smiley as usual. Will he find out what happened? What about asking him on a date?

Caspian Xavier Matthews/23/Male/Flower shop assistant-
Two words to describe Caspian is petite and feminine. Yet this doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest when called that by bullies or cooed by the elderly, his reaction is the same. A soft smile and then ducking his head and vanishing in the crowd or around a corner. His height comes to just under 5 feet, with no hope of gaining any more inches either. Cas’s skin tone is a delicate snow-white looking color, surprisingly marred by tattoos trailing down his arms and neck, slipping under his shirt. The ones of his arms are various quotes and each arm on the forearm is a design of an animal; on his right, a snail is coiled, on the left a wolf howled at the moon. Putting the tattoos aside, he has a sweet smile that sends light to his chocolate brown eyes. Framing those twinkling eyes is long black hair, with dark blue highlights throughout it. He likes to keep it down over his shoulders and back but every once in a while it is pulled back into a ponytail.

As for Caspian’s choice of clothing, he is pretty boring- choosing dark blue jeans, a solid colored v-neck short sleeve shirt, and black Vans, usually. Though he does keep a chain with the ‘One Ring’ from ‘Lord of the Rings’, around his neck. Otherwise, he doesn’t wear anything spectacular. Nor any leather that one would awesome a person with as many tattoos as he has would wear.

Caspian is very quiet, never one to raise his voice or show any upset at all. He does, however, always have a smile to give someone. His laugh is very quiet but full of joy. No most knowledge he doesn’t have a single bad bone in his body, though his appearance gives many at first the opposite impression. He loves to listen to people’s stories, good and bad. One thing not many notice is that he never speaks about his own life, or family if he has one. No, he is shockingly secretive when one really gives it some thought.


Childhood feelings, coming to Light
Plot- Your guy is the King's personal bodyguard and childhood friend. He is the one that came up with the idea of calling the King his ‘Queen’ after the prince tried on a dress in private. Not knowing that his best friend had been watching. The two have feelings for each other but the council does not approve of him and insist on the 'Queen' marrying another ruler. Can your guy convince the King to ignore the council's will?

Name: King Rainerius of Wirara
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Human
Appearance/Description: Rainerius stands tall and nimble, many call him feminine. But do not mistake that for him being weak, he a skilled sword fighter and even better archer. His skin is a light almost golden sort of tan, no matter how long he stands in the sun or out of it. His body is lined with scars from childhood and war. The worst being a burn mark overtaking half his face, causing those who do not know him to be intimidated by him. Luckily, he prefers to keep his raven black hair long and it tends to fall in front of the scar when he isn’t wearing it back. The long strands of hair frame a thin face and startling topaz blue eyes, that seem to see straight into your soul and to your darkest secrets.
Personality/Attitude: Stern, but can be soft-spoken. Attentive and yet can get easily distracted by anything he considers cute. So babies of human or animal race for instance. Rainerius is very rarely ever seen angry, truly angry. As king he must always be in a calm state of mind, to think things through and make hard decisions.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: A young sister (Reena) who is one of the palace Healers. A large black panther named, Thanos.
Skills/Talents: Skilled with the sword, but prefers the longbow.
Hobbies/Interests: Stargazing, writing, archery, animals.
Other: N/A


Poems, Understanding, Love?
Plot- So, my guy is in love with the ever-popular guy in school (your guy). But my guy is extremely skittish and quiet, so he started writing love poems, light, happy, dark, sad and he put them in the guy locker. Always signing his poems as anonymous. After weeks of receiving mysterious poems your guy really, really wants to know who was putting these poems in his locker. So one day, fate is with him when he sees a person, clearly male, in a hoodie put one in. Then leave. He follows my guy and he finally confronts my guy when he was sure that they both were alone. What'll happen next? What if your guy is also abused but hides it?

Septimus is a fragile looking boy, with long slender limbs and his overall small stature. He stands around 5’7 with no chance of growing even a centimeter at this point in time. His skin is an even sun-kissed tan, from endless hours outdoors. The young man absolutely loves being outside and can be found at the park under his favorite oak tree writing poems or reading some sort of fantasy genre book series. Sep usually has his soot-black hair fall down past his shoulders and some over his burn-scarred right eye. The eye that can be seen is a warm yet shy forest green color. Though he is quite the introverted young man, he does has various tattoos on his skin; a rose wrapped around his wrist, a bleeding heart on the center of his chest, and a semicolon on the back of his neck, never seen because of his hair. Another thing about Septimus is that he loves makeup, something he is bullied for but he simply does not care. So every day he comes to school wearing black eyeliner that causes his eyes to pop and soft peach lip gloss, giving his lips a soft shine.

When it comes to Septimus personality he comes off as a very introverted individual. He’s especially shy around his crush. The young man stutters a lot when confronted or spoken to at all after many failed attempts at getting him to speak without his stutter people have pretty much given up on talking to him. Finding his stutter to be too much of a hindrance. Sep tries his best to always give his crush a smile when their eyes meet but always ends up darting away blushing.

His family consists of his father and mother, though he doesn’t see them as parents at all. Father is always super strict and controlling, if you step one toe out of line it’s a severe punishment to you. He physically abuses (though he sees it as rightful punishment) both Septimus and his mother. Mother is weak and simpering. She cares only for father and sees him as a god, she sees her son as nothing. He is but a failure and is more than happy to allow his father to beat him into submission, she herself verbally jabs at him as often as possible.


Let us be a Family
Plot- Muse A has been in town for only a month now but, he is Mr. Popular already. Which is the complete opposite of what Muse B is. Well, Muse B fell secretly for Muse A from the moment he set his eyes on him. For what reasons... Well, Muse B has many. But, the biggest is how kind Muse A is to him and all peers at college. He has made it clear that he does not judge others by their college 'rank'. In fact, Muse A even called Muse B his friend.
But, there is something... interesting about Muse A and that is that he's obviously hiding something. He has a secret he holds very close.
Well, Muse B decides to follow Muse A home and discovers... him with a kid?! And it's not his younger brother either. No, he's a young father but, how? He is very responsible. So how did this happen? Also, what if Muse B accidentally gets caught spying? By Muse A. Can Muse B get Muse A to trust him with the knowledge that he has a son? Will love blossom between the two guy's over time?

(I will Rp Muse A.)

Name: Edmund King
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance/Description: Edmund is a tall and obviously athletic tanned young man. His platinum blonde hair is normally naturally messy and completely untameable, but lately, he has been trying to grow it out, believing that it’ll be less crazy that way. Ed is also heterochromia, one eye is a dark brown color and the other is light blue. Edmund’s preferred choice of clothing is faded blue jeans, a long sleeve v-neck shirt, and gray Vans. Underneath his clothes he has various scars, varying from minor to severe. Oh, and he wears black eyeliner and a shiny light colored lip gloss.
Personality/Attitude: He is pretty carefree from an outsiders point of view, a smile is always on his lips. However, the young man is very responsible and never disrupts authority. So far no has seen him upset at all, some wondered if it is even possible for him to get angry or sad.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: His son, Zachary. (4 years old, blonde like his father but has two light brown eyes) Oh, and a black and white spotted cat, Bella.
Skills/Talents: He is very much into track and martial arts.
Hobbies/Interests: Caring for his son, helping others, and baking.
Philosophy of Life: “For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.”
Education/Special Training: N/A
Occupation: Part-time waiter
Other: N/A


The Ties of Fate and Love
Plot- Your charrie is a human prince whose parents are demanding he marry, for the good of the kingdom. So far he has met and turned away many, many princes and kings. He's not at all interested in marrying. However, now he is being brought to the Kingdom of Wirara to meet the Angel King himself. What most don't know is that he and the king had already met, many years ago when he was a child who accidentally stumbled through a portal into his realm. He stayed there for a year, a little boy who fell hard for the King of Angels. After a year they were able to return him to his own realm and reopened the long lost ties between humans and angels. Now he is returning as a young man, has his feelings changed or could they have possibly grown? How about the king, has he changed after so many years?

Name: Zaarth
Age: 23
Place of Birth: The Kingdom of Wirara
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Blood-Angel
Language: Common Tongue
Appearance- The King is a tall and muscular male. He is lithe and agile, no doubt because of his Angel blood. His skin is a startling pale color- no matter how long he has purposely stood out on the sunlight his skin refuses to tan or become any other color. Being that he is so pale he prefers to wear light clothing that covers much of his skin. He also wears clothing that covers his skin because of the multiple jagged and deep scars he has littering his arms, chest, stomach, back, and neck. Septimus has long silky white hair that reaches the lower middle of his back, which is usually in a braid or just loose. Most of his siblings have short hair, but he inherited his father’s messy rat nest hair, so growing it out has most certainly made it tamer. According to his family and friends, one of his most captivating physical part of himself is his eyes. They are an electrifying pale blue color. They are so pale much of the time they are mistaken for a shocking white. But, the biggest stunning feature of himself is his wings. They are large, soft, and blood red... They cause him pain. Every time he moves them and flies shards of pain slam into him, so this means he is left grounded much of the time, which is extremely hard for winged creatures. But Zaarth has learned to live with it.
Personality- When it comes to his personality… Zaarth is seen as detached- maybe even cold-hearted, from the point of view of foreigners. In reality, he is far from that. His heart is huge and he shows it to his family, friends, and people all the time. Whether from leaving small gifts to his family and friends, or going to the villages around the kingdom to help out doing farm work, scholar work, or healer type of work.
Pet/Guardian/s- Zaarth has a male black wolf, named Necos (death).
Family- (Siblings oldest to youngest)- Elyon (Male), Septimus (Male), Dazielle (Female), Suriel (Female)

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The character's I have without plots-
Name: Kalzriess, Dragon Lord of the Skies
Age: Unknown
Place of Birth(Optional): Jialexus Realm of the Dragons
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Full-blooded Dragon
Human form- Kalzriess is built enormously tall, broad, and muscled everywhere. His skin is a dark tan from all the hours of sparring and just being outside, he was known for taking his paperwork outside and sitting beneath a tree and filling it out there. Large jagged to tiny scratch like scars littered the warrior king's body. The dragon has long white hair that is usually tied back, as to not fall into his face. Kal's eyes are a dark topaz blue with flecks of red dancing in them. Burned into his skin are different ancient languages. He also has tattoos of the four main elements.
Dragon form- Large dark blue, almost black scales, with a few darker green scales littered about. His eyes are blood red. Claws are black with the very tips of them white.
Personality/Attitude: The king is at first glance the strong silent type. In truth, he is very talkative and warm. His eyes tend to give away his emotions, whether they are happiness or anger. Kalzriess loves to laugh and smile, and so inspires others to do the same. But, when the time comes, the King can be extremely serious and icy. Especially if you threaten the ones he cares for. The best advice one could have is don’t cross the dragon king, for he is unforgiving if you push him too far. That said, he is shockingly gentle and soft hearted if you manage to capture his heart.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: His mother and father are unknown, Kal himself is the very ancient first king of Dragons. Any knowledge of his parents is a secret. He does have a younger sister who is only three years younger, named Sirro. Kalzriess also has two abnormally large pets, a snow white panther (Mallora) and a pure black wolf (Vultos).
Hobbies/Interests: Loves the outdoors is there every moment he can be. Enjoys sparring. Is a sucker for cute things and baking.
Philosophy of Life: “There is no sun without shadow, and it is essential to know the night.” - Albert Camus
Education/Special Training: Extensive swordplay, multiple languages, certain types of magic (mostly elemental)


Name: Chance (Experiment/Agent number- 710)
Date of Birth (& age): December 11, 1996 (20)
Gender: Male
Language: English
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Mother and two sisters. No friends- He is not allowed any pets.
Description/Looks/Scars:Chance stands at 5’2. The young man is very skinny, his body looks very fragile, as if it could break at another’s mere touch. His skin is snow-white looking, there is no other way to describe it. Scars litter his frame, though mainly his arms and chest, which have deep jagged cuts. Certain cuts you could tell were from objects, objects that aren’t usually used as normal torture weapons. Chance also has a symbol of a disfigured phoenix burned onto his face. He does have problems that disrupt his ability to walk long distances and he certainly can’t run. The young man’s hair is a raven black color, which some strands of white around it. His eyes are a entrancing silvery-blue. Oh, he has white cat ears and tail, confirming his cat-like abilities and personality.
Personality/Attitude: Chance is very soft-spoken, it is like he is mute. Chance has no qualms about yelling when he is pushed to the edge, and his eyes seem to literally glow with fire at those times.
Skills/Talents: Being as skinny as he is he is rather strong. The experiments on him did nothing to make him physically stronger, but it did make him much faster than a normal person’s speed, it can be compared to a cheetah, in fact. His eyesight and ability to smell was also enhanced.
Weaknesses: Chance is very vulnerable to the cold. It hinders him quite a bit. In fact, it causes him sharp pain throughout his body, as though someone was stabbing him repeatedly. He actually als can get very sick very easily when it is cold out, something the scientists have tried to cure but have had no luck so far.
Hobbies/Interests: Chance loves to read, when he is given the chance (bad pun, but whatever :P) he will read whatever you give him. He’s read the dictionary three times already, and one of the more kind food-givers even brought him the story of snow-white. Chance has completely memorized both books. The young man loves to learn, that is he loves to learn from books. Chance has never been fond of being taught any violent acts.
Philosophy of Life: “There is no sun without shadow, and it is essential to know the night.” - Albert Camus
Education/Special Training: His ‘special’ training was how to focus on one smell, a far away point, and how to control his speed (to use it to dodge attacks, etc) and use it sparingly.
Occupation: Person Guard/Assassin
Other: N/A
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If your still looking I would be interested in Prince/Servant. I would love to be a servant girl! I was also wondering if to make it a bit more interesting, what if my girl was maybe a spy as well? but as the plot goes on she turns on her home country?

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