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RP Partner?

Empress Kai

New Member
Name: My name is Ming, but you can also call me Kai.

Timezone: Pacific Standard Time

About Me

Hey everyone! I'm Kai and I'm currently searching for some roleplay partners. I'm a senior in high school, but I have most of my studies mastered. I think of myself as being quite genial and easygoing in OOC chat. I put forth my best effort when writing, but I mainly seek enjoyment from my roleplays. Roleplaying is a hobby for me, and is my way of relaxing.

What I RP

I typically like to take fandom settings and use an all OC cast in them, but I'm also interested in original plots. I'm do not do smut-based RPs, along with sci-fi and apocalyptic storylines. I'm much more a vanilla writer, though I manage to weave in darker and serious themes throughout the roleplay. Romance is fine by me, as are all types of pairings.

How I RP

I follow the format similar to my partner. I prefer paragraph RPs and third person perspective. I try to match my partner's reply length, which is preferably five or more paragraphs.

The cast of main characters should be diverse, or else things are going to get boring. Not everyone can be white, CIS, and straight.

RPs (I'm mainly interested in the Pokémon one!)

+ I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter! I would like the cast to contain all OCs, if possible. The time setting could either be the marauder era or in the future. (I am able to RP canon characters in the marauder era!)

I understand that many Harry Potter RPs are tedious and can be considered a magical slice of life, which can get jejune. Based on other ideas I've seen in the past, we could try to build our own Wizarding and Witchcraft school that's located at another part of the world.

+ Another thing that I'm willing to do world-building for is Pokémon. This would involve making our own gyms, towns, and other various things. We can even make some new pokémon (such as starters), if we feel like it. I actually have an idea for a villain organization, too.

The main characters would probably be a group of four teenagers venturing off on a mysterious journey together in the vast region. I was thinking of our trainers to be similar to the ones in Pokéspe - named after colors / gems / etc. I was thinking my two characters would be named Photo and Synthesis; you can decide what to name your people.

+ I have a plot designed for Avatar: The Last Airbender, but it takes place before Aang's time. If you want to know about this, just email me for the details.

+ Finally, I still manage to appreciate a good ol' slice of life high school roleplay. As repetitve as they are nowadays, they hold a special place in my heart back from my noob days of roleplaying. We could always put a few cliché twists on things, though. Maybe we could combine this with a weird Gravity Falls-esque thing. Siblings move to a weird town and undiscover mysteries with their new friends while having to juggle school.

Creative, I know.

Anything Else?

+ Please do not contact me if you're significantly older than I am.

+ Good grammar and spelling.

+ Be a kind person in general?
I'm willing to do anything I know all of them, except the one of Gravity falls. However, it really depends. You don't mind possible typo's ever so rarely do you? I'm still learning to role-play myself. So, I'm willing to do it. If you decide to have me of course.

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