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Rp Partner


Bumblebee Therapist
Hello! I'll try to keep this simple since I'm pretty open-minded and don't have many restrictions.

I'm not a very picky role player but there are things I don't like/won't do and I figured I'll put them out here first so I don't waste anyone's time

  • I'm not a fan of fandoms (pardon the pun) unless you have a unique or in depth plot. And even if I do happen to play a fandom I usually prefer to be an OC rather than a character from said fandom.
  • I prefer to play female but will on a rare occasion play male, or if 2 characters are needed I'll play both
  • Don't control my character; meaning don't make her do actions, say things, etc... She's mine to control. No "god-modding" basically.
  • Don't just disappear, if you're uninterested in the rp or grow bored let me know and I'd be more than willing to come up with a more interesting/alternate option.
  • I should be able to post at least once a day and hope I can get the same from you. At the very least every other day, I understand things happen and I'm pretty patient.

What I like

  • In-depth, fleshed-out characters. I want to be able to be able imagine them in my head.
  • Decent grammar and spelling. You don't have to be perfect just don't be lazy about it.
  • At least a paragraph in replies. I don't expect an essay but enough to keep things interesting and something able to build upon. Always quality over quantity. But NO one-liners, I prefer at least three at the least.
  • In general I like rpers that would be considered intermediate or advanced. I'd like to consider myself in between. I'm a mimicker, meaning if you give me several paragraphs I'll return it back.
  • I like to play stubborn, independent characters so I like someone who is not afraid to stand up to her.

Roleplays, in general, I like to do, in no particular order (don't be afraid to suggest something if you don't see it)

  • Anything supernatural, vampires, werewolves
    My version of a werewolf is more a shape-shifter. Human to a wolf and can transform anytime they want, but I'm not opposed to the original idea either.

[*]Medieval fantasy based things




Some plots I have (All are flexible and can be changed/edited/whatever)

  • Werewolf
    Two friends have known each other since childhood. One is "cursed" with the werewolf curse. They have kept it a secret from everyone in their life. However, what they don't know is that her best friend has been training for to be a werewolf hunter, never telling the other friend since they figured they wouldn't believe them, most humans wouldn't anyways. So they would always say they was going to some hobby, boxing, sport practice, whatever. When they get their first solo job it's actually on their friend's head but they still doesn't know it's the other friend since they only have a picture of the wolf and where they has been spotted hanging around at. Perhaps they develop a romantic relationship before this mission

  • One character finds a "wolf" close to death while on a hunting trip a couple years back. They decided to nurse them back to health and the wolf never left their side since. They always found it curious that they was smarter than most animals, understanding their requests no matter what they were. The wolf is always in tune to their emotions as well, attempting to comfort them whenever they were upset etc.... They always helped on hunting trips, making it much easier than on their own. They always wanted to change to their human form and to speak to them, but the way the townsfolk and the human spoke about werewolves and such, made them never do it. They occasionally went on "werewolf" hunts when a sheep or some other livestock was slaughtered by some wild animal. The imaginations of the townsfolk fabricated some dangerous half human/half animal creature that was most dangerous on full moons and at midnight, etc... when really they were one form or another. They could be a wolf for as long as they'd like and a human for as long as they'd like, no full moon needed. What will one character do when the other changes into their human form when another werewolf (someone from their past from before they met the one character) comes along and forces them to show their human form to the other character, thinking the human will cast the other character aside.

  • Mutant-esque
    One mutant works for the government by some chance or another and has been sent on a mission when the whereabouts of the other character are located and they use the mole to lure the mutant to the hands of the government, but instead a relationship forms making them not want to do their usual job.

  • Medieval/Fantasy
    Chosen (I've done this one several times recently so if you really want to do it you'll have to convince me)
    In a kingdom the villagers are speaking of a revolt. The king's solution to this is to have his 2nd son wed one of the villager's daughters. The king is wise enough to realize that one who would know what's best for the village would be a villager themselves. My character at hearing she's been chosen decides to make a run for it, having no desire to be royalty. She's far from the norm of the ladies of the time. She dreams of choosing her own path. She hunts her own food and spends most of her time wandering off in the forest away from the chaos of town and people's judgmental words and looks. She lives on her own able to make a living by selling her kills. She doesn't wear the dress of girls of the time, choosing to wear pants, leather, boots, and tunics, things comfortable to hunt in and move through the forest in. Not to mention she isn't a "been seen but not heard" type of girl either. She has no problem speaking her mind. Many may see being chosen as the next princess to be "freedom" from their every day lives. She sees it as a trapped life with duties and responsibilities. Basic plot: While hunting, wanting to have some food before making a run from the kingdom, she comes across the prince on his own hunting escapade, not recognizing him, she has a fit when he spooks a deer she was close to getting. The prince from there can determine his attitude of addressing her. Of either staying "under cover" so to speak and helping her make a run for it, going along for the journey or finding out she's the one that had been chosen and having her taken to the castle not letting her run. I'm really flexible with this one, magic and anything is more than willingly accepted.

  • Shape-shifter/The experiment
    The Basics
    After a year of living in a small room, only to have their blood drawn, things injected in them, as well as various of other experiments performed on them they are released into an enclosed area with a large house and lots of forest around them, that if they ran far enough would come across a very high electric fence. (with radar systems and stationed guards equipped with tranquilizer darts for anyone who attempts to fly or dig under or around) It didn't take them long to realize what had been done to them, finding they could change into an animal at will. Their necessities were supplied to them, basic food, clothing, and hygiene supplies were delivered once a week.
    The Experiment
    The scientists created this particular experiment to see how their shape shifters would interact with each other, especially after having very limited social contact for a year. There were cameras everywhere to watch their progress.
    As a side-note this rp will require us to play more than one character

  • Realistic
    Beauty and the Beast-esque
    A is the daughter of a man with a serious gambling problem. He’s a sweet man, always doting on A with her favorite books and rare flowers, but he’s up to his ears in debt after borrowing money from the wrong people. One afternoon, A’s father is confronted by B, the ruthless crime boss of the city. Few people have ever seen B’s face, as his henchmen usually do his dirty work, but everyone knows his name and cowers in fear appropriately. A’s father owes B a considerable debt, which he cannot pay. Rather than kill the man, B offers a trade – the man’s beautiful daughter in exchange for the forgiveness of his financial debts. He has one night to make this deal happen or B will come for him. When A’s father explains the predicament to her, she is willing to go, as long as it ensures the safety of her family and her father promises to put an end to his troublesome gambling habits. A moves in to B’s mansion outside of town the following day. From the moment A arrives, B is on his best behavior, lavishing her with gifts – a library wing for her, a pretty garden filled with the finest, imported roses – jewelry, and so on. Gradually, A comes to see that B isn’t a horrible person, behind closed doors, but the circumstances of their arrangement (and the terrible crimes he commits as a crime boss) make it difficult for her to fall in love with him as he’s fallen in love with her. Each time B proposes marriage, A refuses. A becomes terribly homesick and begs to be allowed to visit her father. B allows her to leave him as long as she returns to him within a week’s time. While A is away, B is attacked by a disloyal bunch of conspiring underlings. When A returns, she finds B wounded and left for dead in his home office. She realizes in this moment that she does love him. Her quick actions save his life and whatever happens from there so be it.

And as always I'm open to other ideas.

You can post here or PM me.
Nerdygeekflower said:
The second werewolf plot I like, But I don't understand is the human a hunter?
Sorry for any confusion. Yes the human is a hunter, not necessarily a werewolf hunter, just one in general.
Could that potentially change? What is the setting? Old fashioned village I think? Cool. I really like the plot, I will do it but I may request some tweaks?
Yes it can change! My plots are very "moldable". I don't like things set in stone. And the setting can be anything from medieval to modern and anything in between. As for a more specific setting probably a house back in the woods rather than something in the middle of town, just so the plot is more feasible but it doesn't have to be that way. And request all the tweaks you'd like.

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