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Magic Eight Ball
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Hello all, my name is Andy (he/him). I'm 43, so probably older than many here. I'm looking for a mature RP/Writing Partner. Ideally I'm looking for something long term but I understand life happens and inspiration ebbs and flows. I will put in the effort for longevity. I'm very friendly/outgoing. I'm typically pretty available and can respond quickly. I usually have the site up on my pc when I'm working. As far as my RP style I tend to be more focused on action and events than romance but I don't mind a little from time to time. If romance does occur I prefer MxM pairings only (real life gender does not matter). I'm completely fine if Romance doesn't occur and its more of a plutonic buddy action flick thing.

I prefer RPs that are a bit more exciting instead of only slice of life stories. Action doesn't have to be constant but it does need to be fairly frequent or I will get bored. I like discord for chatting OOC, gushing about character ideas, plotting, or music and art, but it is not required by any means. RP can happen either in thread or in DM I don't have a preference either way. I won't typically do any fancy formatting here but I do consider myself lit/novella and will write numerous paragraphs, though sometimes it takes me a little time to get the feel for a new character or setting. When I get into a groove I could write 4 paragraphs or more. As far as my partner preference, just put forth some effort, no need to match my length, just no one-liners. Give me something to work with is all I ask.

I have numerous fandoms that I can write in and if there is one you are craving we can always brainstorm. Some of my fandoms include: Marvel/X-men, Power Rangers, Jurassic Park/World, Transformers, Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I usually will only write OCxOC but if you want to RP with a canon that is totally fine by me. Fandoms aren't my only RP preference by any means. I frequently write in a modern supernatural/horror setting and that is typically my genre of choice.

Being a bit older I'm not great with these sort of request/ads but my well of ancient websites and forgotten chats has dried up, so here I am. If any of this sounds interesting to you or at the very least if I sound like a good writing partner for you please don't hesitate DMing me. If you have other plot ideas message me and we'll see if we can brainstorm something fun!
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Hello all, my name is Andy (he/him). I'm 43, so probably older than many here. I'm looking for a mature RP/Writing Partner. Ideally I'm looking for something long term but I understand life happens and inspiration ebbs and flows. I will put in the effort for longevity. I'm very friendly/outgoing. I'm typically pretty available and can respond quickly. I usually have the site up on my pc when I'm working. As far as my RP style I tend to be more focused on action and events than romance but I don't mind a little from time to time. If romance does occur I prefer MxM pairings only (real life gender does not matter). I'm completely fine if Romance doesn't occur and its more of a plutonic buddy action flick thing.

I prefer RPs that are a bit more exciting instead of only slice of life stories. Action doesn't have to be constant but it does need to be fairly frequent or I will get bored. I like discord for chatting OOC, gushing about character ideas, plotting, or music and art, but it is not required by any means. RP can happen either in thread or in DM I don't have a preference either way. I won't typically do any fancy formatting here but I do consider myself lit/novella and will write numerous paragraphs, though sometimes it takes me a little time to get the feel for a new character or setting. When I get into a groove I could write 4 paragraphs or more. As far as my partner preference, just put forth some effort, no need to match my length, just no one-liners. Give me something to work with is all I ask.

I have numerous fandoms that I can write in and if there is one you are craving we can always brainstorm. Some of my fandoms include: Marvel/X-men, Power Rangers, Jurassic Park/World, Transformers, Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, The Vampire Diaries, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I usually will only write OCxOC but if you want to RP with a canon that is totally fine by me. Fandoms aren't my only RP preference by any means. I frequently write in a modern supernatural/horror setting and that is typically my genre of choice.

Being a bit older I'm not great with these sort of request/ads but my well of ancient websites and forgotten chats has dried up, so here I am. If any of this sounds interesting to you or at the very least I sound like a good writing partner for you but you have other plot ideas, please don't hesitate to PM me here or respond to this post!
Bump updated some info!
Bumping! I'm always looking for more writing buddies. I'm really craving some JP/JW fandom RP or potentially a more mature Power Rangers maybe college-age, something a bit dark and gritty. Hit me up! I prefer older writing partners. Ideally 21+ at least 18 +
Bumping! I'm always looking for more writing buddies. I'm really craving some JP/JW fandom RP or potentially a more mature Power Rangers maybe college-age, something a bit dark and gritty. Hit me up! I prefer older writing partners. Ideally 21+ at least 18 +

Bumping! Still craving some MxM / OCxOC in these fandoms. I'm open to other suggestions so pitch your idea and let's see if we mesh!
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