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RP partner needed


Bust :(
Yo! I am, quite frankly, either bored, lost, or disappointed with most of the role plays I am/were a part of. I am looking for all of you fantasy role players out there to do a one on one role play with! I do have a few rules, but they honestly aren't that restrictive compared to other people I have seen. I have more than the norm, yes, but less restrictive. (And, secretly, I treat most of these as guidelines… Really, only 2, 4, and 7 are things I will almost never concede.)

  1. PLOT. I LOVE THIS. MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER. I cannot express to you how much the story of a world, character or even an item means to me. I love this above all other story elements, so please try to work with me on this.
  2. Romance is fine, but there are two rules I have: keep it PG 13, I only do MxM or FxM(I play the male part) and it won't be a main component of the story. It will be more of a character and plot development thing.
  3. Unless it's a freaking awesome one-liner that I will revere for the rest of my life or your character isn't around other player characters, keep your posts at a minimum of three sentences. If you really feel like it though I won't dis you for having a post that would be a few pages long. Actually, if anything it would be awesome because detail is something else I like.
  4. If you are going to be that perfect hero that never has a problem and kicks butt, get your royal arse out of my sight and never return. Ever. Two things make a character: their actions and their flaws. I don't have a problem with the shiny problem-less hero types... If they are the god of perfection. And I don't foresee that happening, a perfect god mingling with mortals that are anything but perfect.
  5. Language... actually isn't an issue for me. As long as I can tell what you are saying we're good.
  6. I can and will do other types of role play, I would just like for there to be some fantasy element because it allows the imagination to run free.
  7. I'm both stubborn and flexible in plot happenings. I dislike change but am very open to your ideas.
I'm interested!

I tend to agree with all your requirements except for post-length requirement (I think varied lengths make for better reading, particularly with dialog), and I'm a big fantasy nerd. :)
Hey I'm interested. I'm an active response. I have a job that allows time for me to check the site frequently through out the day. I have been role playing for about tens years. I only do romance but that isn't the main plot. It's more of an additive. I have about two story ideas and I few floating ideas they haven't quite formed yet. PM me if you are interested.

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