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Multiple Settings Rp partner call: Journey through Poverty's Thrills and Adventure Alike B)


wait, what the
Roleplay Type(s)
Lookin' for action with twines to poverty and even spirits of long-dead chimney sweeps? Childish wonder and adventures? Well, bucko, you've found yer place! pm me if ya like one of my starters of wanna make a new one to suit what ya need, I'm mighty versatile with starting points! i don't mind not doing mine B) but lets git this going take the bait people !! 🤏🧀🪤 LOLL

As for requirements, I'm fine with about every type of rp style and word count!
- as long as it's above a paragraph or two, and shows clear signs of you attempting, as for me I will try my personal best to match what you give me! or do better in terms of word count. I can write from 300+ words to more depending on how I feel that day
- I prefer ocxoc rather than fandom-type things
- Lgbtqia+ acceptance is a given
- uh yeah, very mild requirements ^^

AHH interests of mine, fandoms and plots of sorts
+Law of Talos and Endzone
+Little Misfortune
+One Piece (AHH 200 more episodes till I'm CAUGHT UP YEAQHHH)
+Blue eye samurai
+walten files I HATE FELIX stupid idiot
+spooky month
+lacey games
+mob psycho 100
+night in the woods
+deadpool 1 and 2, so excited fer that new un
+madness combat
+banana splits
+a whisker away
AND many more :^)) if ya ever wanna just talk about em id for sure be all for it, bucko

BUT PLOTS/TROPES that i'd be more than fine rping, fair note I prefer platonic things, and if romance a nice slow burn
+poor bastard x rich un
+medic x soldier
+harpy x human, or just another feathered fella
+tournament contestant + contestant
+street urchin x street urchin
+pitate x pirate or village dweller
+shifter x shifter

and other ones, I'm also fine with picking up plots my partners prefer as well ^^

Starters, I wish I knew how to do those lil pop up things but I can't figure it outt
but here, this is a street urchin one (street kid) I'll just call your character uhhmmmm uh hell Remy in honor of the new movie for Rattitoue that is coming out in 2025

----"A Hard Road Ahead"
Wet grounds glistened with the flicker of distant and dull streetlights. A pair of little figures sat within the blanket of velvety darkness. Alfie, lay still as he shifted while cold nipped at his pale nose and fingers making him sniffle and clench his scarred hands into tight little fists. The lingering scent of acidic vomit and stale piss, but thankfully with time became harder to notice. The alley was cold, and the stench of bile and urine was not an uncommon occurrence in these neglected pathways which sucked in their case.-----
Breezes carried the dreadful sent against his skin, rustling his matted locks of dirty hair, he still felt that piercing feeling of a headache making his brain feel as if it was getting compressed inside his skull that's been haunting him ever since that one day, he didn't even like thinking about it. not now, not ever. Taking in the scenery of the overflowing dumpsters and ratty scenery one last time he chewed the inside of his cheek.
His train of thought temporarily derailed at the faint mumble his companion made, looking over at Remy who appeared to still be asleep, though not a good sleep as always but it was better than nothing. The incoherent babble pressed worry back into his tired and worn features he hated feeling this way just by seeing this other stupid kid, sickly and thin as ever. not that food even came by easy over this way but he still found himself feeding the little dim-wit.
Huffing he'd furrow his brows crossing a pair of arms over his tattered jacket and glaring off into the distance, they had to get a move on, they miss the metro their as good as strays to that damned Rudy. Impatient bastard. Shifting he placed a hand onto Remy's shoulder giving the other boy a quick shake, moving so suddenly causing a wave of nausea that bubbled down his stomach, he cursed shaking Remi once more "up, now. we need to go" he hissed as he painstakingly made his way to his feet from off the old unpleasant scented cardboard, the chill still biting at his hands which he shoved into his pockets leaning uncomfortably against a wall

OKAY, that was the first starter, again Remy is just used as a reference to whatever oc of yours wanna be ^^ you don't have to BE Remy. But other than that you may ask questions, in that one you're in a band of orphan street kids ^^

WILL ADD MORE SOOON I need to update my cromebook rq (back)
This one will be of a sheltered rich or middle-class kid (or teen) sneaking off with a little poor fella for a taste of much-needed freedom!

------- "Adventure awaits"
Charlie squinted his eyes placing a hand over his brow, blocking out the vibrant rays of sunshine set on blinding him, he was on lookout duty as he said just moments ago, he bent at the knees and snickered watching as a girl in a stunning blue dress, all dolled up stomp about and cross her arms like a spoiled toddler fussing over getting something taken away, her head on a constant swivel. "Button boy! you best bring (her/him/them) back! Remy! I don't have time for this! Not after last time! " Her shrillish voice squawked off into the clearing of the road echoing painstakingly only to meet his ears. Though not fond of the nickname he let it roll off his shoulder like a droplet of water across a duck's great wings. It for sure was a delightful day of sun and blue skies was ahead of them both, one he wouldn't miss at the chance to fulfill with fun and mischief, Charlie looked back at Remy putting forth a dashing grin.

With a point of his chin, he gestured across the alley, it still managed to surprise him how alleys looked on this side of town, so clean for a place used for disposing of trash. He gave one more look over his shoulder back at the girl in blue before taking off across the alleyway with Remy in tow, his calloused fingers gripping their wrist. Dead set on starting a new adventure with his newfound and self-proclaimed friend he soon tottered into a more brisk walking pace, each stride set to match Remy's

Charlie looked over to the other child, (or teen ofc) a wry smile stretching across his features "y'see th' look on 'er face?!" he chirped, tone bubbling with amusement, stepping back into the gleaming rays his sunkissed skin felt the warmth seep almost uncomfortably onto him but no bit of sun ever harmed him! well- aside from the occasional sunburn. He reached up and turned his cap around so the well-needed shade was bestowed over his dark eyes and freckled smattered face

------"Spirits, thievery and Lanterns"
Deciding to go out for a walk to placate their mind and escape from (whatever your oc is wanting to get away from, family, work, their social life, a crazy ex yada yada.) Remy finds himself meandering about in no particular direction. their mind already preoccupied with cluttered thoughts, (I don't wanna control sum rando character much so ill just continue on, I mean I don't know how they think or act, LOL)
As of the last few days, rumors spread like wildfire about spirits, beasts, and mythical creatures alike, the most prominent as of recently being the ones of "The Soot Mouse" as they named it. Remy never paid much mind to those tall tales of mischief, aside from the few words of the sent it carried and the lists of things it stole it had little known about it, plus who would even think that some "soot being" was running about terrorizing the streets while bringing that horrid smokey sent around? Stealing jewels and rings alike that's just-

The sent hit Remy's nasal cavities irritating their lungs enough to have them hold their breath, even if for just a moment. A light gush of cool air washed over them and the sound of muffled and raspy breaths sounded out on either side of them. As they took one more step, peering over their shoulder a small figure vaulted over a fence and scurried across the gravel a lengthy tendril flicked out of the mass, and in just a few moments everything valuable on Remy's person was missing.

the soot-coated individual, now running away snickered, not giving much time for Remy to do anything else forced them to take off after what appeared to be a child-sized figure, round black ears bobbed with each little stride it took wheezing quietly as it veered sharply left into a field, kicking up fire-flies and grass-hoppers alike. Mesmerized by the lovely glow the boy almost halted before the second pair of footsteps fell almost in tow with him. A still little squeak left the boy and he weaved out of the way.
bolting across the field blobs of a delightful glow painted the inky black skies, from a few to many the lanterns strew into colorful and whimsical pieces of delicate paper lanterns swayed gently with the warm breezes. The warm flickering glow of the candlelight sparked life into the enchanting charms they carried.
Stumbling to a halt the boy froze, looking up at the sky, the sound of hustle and bustle much more audible now that he took the chance to stop a moment, the pair of little eyes delighted with the scene bestowed to his very eyes. He coughed.
A lantern festival!

Then just for the lil fella to get tackled of sumthin LOL i'd love that, BUT more starters in the make!
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yep, so click on my little username and there it will pop up beneath it "start conversation" click it, label it something silly then send a mesage

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