Rp idea: Village Surrounded by Flames


Elder Member
I was thinking of creating a rp where there is a village a dragon keeps the villagers in fear. Every new moon the town sacrifices their best crop and during a bloodmoon they sacrifice a villager. this is to keep the dragon from buring down their village and killing the other villagers. The village will allow any species (human, elf, mermaid, etc) and you could have any job (blacksmith, bard, nurse, etc). If I make this rp, I'll need a lot of people to join and or a lot of characters to be made by people in order to fill up the job slots so it functions like a real town. Would anyone be interested? If so please reply below. Any ideas are welcomed as well!

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Also I was thinking of having some romance be important for this village. Like a special wedding tradition.

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I guess its a stupid idea.....
Don't assume an idea is dumb; it's only been up for a little while now.

While not exactly my own cup of tea, the idea shows promise.

So the idea is essentially a slice of life rp in which there's a 'timeline' of sorts; the possibility to be sacrificed, tension could be quite high, and at least a handful of people would try to slay the dragon. Of course that's what I'm seeing; your plans may differ a bit.

Would there be a greater plot, or will this be driven by players? Will there be many special festivities through a year in this village? And will the dragon decide to arrive uninvited from time to time; perhaps during such celebrations?

Don't give up on yourself so soon, try to direct someone in to take a look perhaps; you never know what could happen.

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