Rp idea over here! c:

\\Vita Nuova//

New Member
Hi everybody ^^

So this is something I posted a while back when I'd just seen a movie called "The Wedding Date" and I found the main plot as a rather interesting idea to an Rp ^^ Unfortunately, the Rp was dropped but I really would like to do this 'cause I quite liked it.

Basically, I'm looking for someone who'd be willing to play
male on the plot I'll present shortly or, if you'd like to, who'd want to double, so the two of us could play both genders.

So the plot:

Meet Girl A, she… has a perfect life… more or less. Now a grown up woman, she has a beautiful house, a wonderful job which she is proud of and she's also rather pretty. She must be a woman completely happy with her life, should she not? But when her family decides to do a get together where most of her relatives will be meeting up after so many years on a big villa located on her mother's and father's original hometown by the sea, she's not so sure of wanting to show up there still single, alone and willing to spend two whole months with them. Even worse! Her cousin is getting married during that time but that's not the worst part! Her cousin and her are pretty much of the same age and because they went to high school and college together, they also belonged to the same circle of friends, things get difficult when her dear cousin not only names Girl A as her maid of honor but also invites her longterm ex-boyfriend to her wedding!

Girl A realizes she simply cannot go there on her own, but can't turn down the invitation either, and so in a desperate attempt to make everyone believe she's in a relationship and happy she goes to the extend of hiring a completely strange man - Guy A - to be the perfect guy! He's announced as a male escort and without giving it a second thought so phones him and he agrees! She'll pay him in advance to pose as her prince charming but she refuses to get intimate with him as well as forbids herself to fall in love.

So how will it turn out? This is the story of how Girl A will get to know Guy A as they attempt to make everyone believe they are genuinely in love -not something Guy A is unfamiliar with. Also, this shall be of how Girl A slowly gets to know Guy A is not as perfect as he will try to make everyone believe, he's not prince charming, he's just a regular guy and perhaps, just perhaps, Girl A will find herself attracted to that… And Guy A, he'll maybe find himself harboring true feelings towards a client? Let the two month reunion begin!

The main plot and setting are basically the same as
above. The only things to be added would be the follow: Girl A has a sister who is Girl B, of course they fought a lot in the past, but right now they are unbelievably really good friends, more like best friends! Girl B is asked to be a bridesmaid by their cousin but she too doesn't have a boyfriend. As such, she decides to go with her sister's plan and hires a man - Guy B - as well to pose as her boyfriend. If you'd like Girl B ex-boyfriend can be there as well. Anyway, you pretty much know how this works. I'll be playing Girl A and Guy B and you'd be playing Girl B and Guy A, also, if you'd like, I can play Girl B's ex and you Girl A's ex, so as to make the 'rival' of the Rp the other person and not talk to yourself c: Btw, Girl A and B make a pact to not fall in love with any of those men.

Anyway, the Rp would be starting on the same day everyone is going to take a plane to the hometown.

So, I hope this idea catches the eye on any of you for I'd love to Rp with all of you! :>

The only basic things I do ask for:

  • There most be literacy, of course I don't ask for perfection for I'm far from it, but to write in a way we can understand each other.
  • I really rather not Rp with a one liner, it's okay if we get writers block but not one line for every single post, it can get boring :/
  • Lastly, if you grow bored please do tell me or if you'd like to change something, I'll hear out all of you!

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