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Rp desired


i have a few ideas running through my head. i am really bored and it doesnt have to be one of these i am alwasy willing to try something new

Modern Reality: Terra is a street racer known for the love of her bike and her almost psychotic drifting on said machine. you are a (racer? bystander?cop?) and she has caught your attention. she like a good chase...so catch her if you can.

Modern Fantasy: Terra is a runner, not just in the sense that she runs from her problems but she also left home. her father Head of Winters corp. wants her found, her marriage to a rival company from Japan could make him the wealthiest man on the planet. you are a (privet detective?body guard? her future groom?) she doesnt want to be found but because on things out of your control you have to get her.

Futuristic: With the coming of the turn of the century came the Creation of artificial life. Doctor Jeffory Bilkoph created the Network Unit Droids to serve differing tasks. With the creation of the military droids wars became damaging not to the population but to the planet whole areas of battle fields burned by the fight of droid on droid. riots broke out to end the battles which led to the military droid being serviced as a police droid. The world had become fat and lazy and very over populated in order to control population the pleasure class droids were created, the creation of a synthetic human sent many people over the edge of panic and the riots grew worse. the more rich and powerful bought the servant class to protect them but it didn't always work in the end bombs began to fall on major cities being fired by their own leaders. radioactive weaponry burned the land and its people.....the radiation spread making many women infertile or men sterol the servant class were given an upgrade but by then it was too late the world was dead the oceans drying up water becoming scares....what is there left to do...to survive. This is a survival RP i have a list of droid types if you want to see them, and one of us can even play a droid if you desire.
Modern Fantasy sounds good to me, but I could do Futuristic as well. PM me if you're still looking.

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