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Fandom Royal Academy Revival (MHA/BNHA RP)


Caught in a storm
Royal Academy is/was a My Hero Academia role-play that took place in Britain/The United Kingdom.
So why am I bringing up an old RP? Well the unfortunate happened to me and I had lost my computer which had some documents and being on mobile made it difficult to type long paragraphs.
Well now I have bought a new one and the time is now to revive the role-play. You'll be joining in late but we barely got anywhere as students simply arrived at the school and were sent to participate in a capture the flag event in a forest near the school. That's all that happened!
One more thing! We're part of an evergrowing community known as the Quirkverse, a collection of BNHA RPs.
Joining us isn't just joining this RP, it's joining a community of RPs where you can optionally decide to join additional RPs or hang out with people from other RPs on discord.

Royal Academy is secretive, exclusive, well funded and has ties to both the government, and various branches of the armed forces.
The school is expansive, housing many acres of land, courtyards, training facilities, multiple gyms, classrooms and countless halls.
It isn't improbable to get lost here but you'd be wise not to be late for any of your classes.

Founded about 200 years ago the school has gradually expanded into what it is today. Founded by one of the country's own former military generals, a high ranking spy, a navy commander and a pro hero, the school was approved by parliament. The school is not only a school for young individuals to become pro heroes, it is also both an agency and a military experiment. The school itself is recognized and supported by the Royal Family itself.
The Agency
While the specifics aren't very well known to the public, it is known that the school is directly given missions on occasion to the students, in which government missions are handed out and led by teachers, often with help from necessary individuals from the government or armed forces deemed necessary for said mission.
The missions vary, often ranked by difficulty, with some being able to be turned down by the staff or teachers at the school.
The missions can be anything from spying at a gathering, helping an investigation, protecting a government official, to smuggling in refugees from other countries. The school itself has a very high success rate when it comes to these missions. This is well known.

One of the unfortunate or fortunate side affects of this agency is that the public is constantly trying to learn about the specifics of the mission, often with reporters trying to get the scoop. The students are not allowed to speak of the specifics of the missions to the public due to obvious reasons, which is enforced by a mandatory signing of confidentiality before going on missions, to break this contract is to lose your position at the school.
Military Involvement

The truth is that the school is also an experiment to test compatibility of students to various armed forces, offering enlistment with benefits.
It isn't uncommon for there to be visitors from the Armed Forces to the school for different reasons, often for formal representation or showings.
The military often comes by on scheduled events to show off their soldiers and perform various techniques, takedowns or disarms.

Some of the military noble family themselves have their children sent to the school, as such the school is a representation of the country's might and academics, leading the country's future.

The school itself differiates between backgrounds officially and within the school there may be echoes of social status.
It isn't uncommon for noble familys to view themselves as superior to normal citizens. As such everyone tends to want to raise their own social standing.
This can be unfair but it's yet another problem within the country. The country's unbalanced social system is at the heart of some of the bigger problems of the country.

The country is close to a revolution, with many radicals being villains who aim to absolve the current unbalanced social system within the country. This is however unlikely to happen. The current system may be unfair but it is also central to the country's survival. While on the surface things may look unfair, different classes don't actually get any more rights than lower classes, leading most to be content with the way things are. After all, most of the families with power are directly tied to the government often through earned positions or of their own merit. This tightly woven system of reward and exclusivity has created it's own sense of patriotism.

Societal Positions

British Army
Royal Navy
Royal Air forces
Royal Marines
(Military/Noble Families, anyone who is enlisted in any of these families is automated elevated to the official title of noble, regardless of rank within said forces.
This makes it very attractive and fair to join the armed forces, many would join to try to give themselves a better position in society to be viewed as respectable, those who are successful might even be rich, those who are higher ranks tend to be either rich or have more prominent benefits for their families.)

Noble Families
Knights/Dames (You can be knighted by the British royal family, , often the Queen or King, although yes this is modern day so they don't do much besides ceremonial stuff, and most political duties are done by the actually government, you know the ministry, parliament, the prime minister, the cabinet, blah, I won't bore you with details.)
Various Lords and Ladies

Most of this would occur through birthright, with the exception of being knighted, so Noble families generally aren't created often. That being said, often times even distant relatives of a noble family could be a lord or lady of some lower rank, so you don't necessary need to be some high class or rich/successful background person, you could be a very distant relative and technically be a noble, just don't expect to live like one.

Royal Family
Probably the highest ranks besides the Prime Minister
They're rich and while they don't hold too much actual political power, their status is useful for shows of power, perhaps sending a member of Royalty to meet other country officials as a sign of goodwill or trust, or having them show up at special events to signify significance

So then... If this at all interests you I advise you to go check out the threads of our old RP and likely I will be remaking some of the threads to give us more of a clean slate. But I won't be rebooting the RP so if you want to roleplay at the very beginning then I'm afraid this may not be for you.

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