• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Royal Academy of Fine Arts.


Boink Bean
Full Name:
[Tab=In Depth]
Personality: (6+ sentences)
Bio: (6+ sentences)
Former Occupation:


  • Reece Nash


    Gender: Male

    Age: Nineteen

    Dorm: 399

  • Skylar Fay Taylor


    Gender: Female

    Age: Eighteen

    Dorm: 479

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  • Full Name: Kiki SunHee Jiang


    Gender: Female

    Age: 18

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.ac45616f90aae9ad44ec4e34eb14e39c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.ac45616f90aae9ad44ec4e34eb14e39c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.a0f09421cc4c8c3c93903b9177aceea4.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128544" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.a0f09421cc4c8c3c93903b9177aceea4.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpeg
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  • image.jpeg
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  • Georgia Holly


    Gender: Female

    Age: 18

    Dorm: 482

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  • Full Name: Serena Rose


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/fasfewa.jpg.3073090ac80e5de00a990cffa7161570.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="128102" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/fasfewa.jpg.3073090ac80e5de00a990cffa7161570.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17



  • fasfewa.jpg
    124.9 KB · Views: 119
CelestialBunny said:

  • Full Name:


    Gender: Female


  • Full Name:


    Gender: Female


JaneXJeff said:

  • Georgia Holly


    Gender: Female

    Age: 18

Nightwalker973 said:

  • Full Name: Serena Rose


    View attachment 285864

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

I am assigning you all dorms, check 'Overview' in a few moments to find your dorm mates.

Also, add 'Dorm:' to the Basic Info tab on your sign up sheet.

Thank you.
JaneXJeff said:

  • Georgia Holly


    Gender: Female

    Age: 18

    Dorm: 482

Nightwalker973 said:

  • Full Name: Serena Rose


    View attachment 285864

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17


Kim Kyung-Tae


Name | Kim Kyung-Tae

Nicknames | Tae

Age | 19

Gender | Male

Dorm | 453

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - Persona - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Appearance - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - - - - - - - - - - - - History - - - - - - - - - - - - -



- - - - - - - - - - - - - Misc. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Interesting Facts


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Personality | Tae is a fairly reserved person, he isn't depressed or a loner, he just prefers his own company most of the time. With that being said, Tae loves to be around close friends, he enjoys having a laugh and joking around. Around new people he will keep to himself and only speak when spoken to. Tae is often seen with earphones in and hood up (or beanie on) and will walk around in a world of his own. He can get grumpy and agitated when he doesn't get time away from people, whether that is time spent listening to (or making) music, writing lyrics or just simply sleeping, Tae needs his alone time every now and then.

When put in uncomfortable situations, or situations that overwhelm him preventing him from getting his downtime, he can be quick to become upset or annoyed. He often lashes out at people, regretting it immediately. Tae avoids alcohol of any sorts; it has a bad effect on him and will usually cause him to be overly aggressive - starting fights with people, getting emotional, smashing things. It's a very rare side of him that barely anyone has seen, but it does exist none-the-less.

Tae is also fiercely loyal, he values honesty and loyalty over all other traits. However, even if someone breaks his trust or violates his loyalty, he will not cut all ties and be done with the person. Tae has a habit of putting other people first, even when they have been bad to him. Due to his, Tae is often used by people and his loyalty is taken advantage of. Even though Tae knows this, he refuses to change himself.


| coffee | social media | food


loud people
| ignorance | dishonesty | disloyalty


| singing | playing the piano | writing


| taps fingers | doodles | touches earrings

Appearance | Tae has a very quirky style. He doesn't believe in fitting in with the norms of society and will therefore wear whatever he feels looks good. If he likes the current trends, he'll wear outfits that fit in with society, but if he doesn't like it he wont wear it; simple. Tae loves to experiment with various styles and so his hair is a different colour every few weeks to a month. Tae cares a lot about his appearance, he takes pride in feeling good in himself - even if he doesn't believe he looks good. Tae doesn't have any tattoos or piercings other than both ears (two on the left lobe and one on the right lobe).

Clothing Style | Tae's clothing often incorporates rips somehow; in his jeans or tops usually. As said above, Tae has a quirky style. The colours are muted tones of bright colours (greens, blues, reds) and he sometimes wears full black, rarely wearing full white as it clashes with his hair most of the time. Depending on the rest of his outfit, you may see Tae with a beanie on, especially if he's having a bad hair day. His outfits vary based on his mood; sometimes he is wearing a beanie and chains (trying to pull the 'rapper' look off...) and sometimes he is in a turtle neck and glasses.

Hair Style | As said above, his hair changes colour a lot. He sticks with mint green more often than the other colours, but he always has a light hair colour (blond, mint green, pale pink etc).

Eyes Colour | Tae has typical Asian, dark brown eyes. Usually outlined with eyeliner (which is common in Korea).

Background | Tae grew up in Seoul, South Korea. His parents are both fairly successful, his father being the head of a financial department at some big company and his mother is a professor of literature at Seoul National University. Not being one to take much interest in his parent's careers, he doesn't know where his father works or what he really does as a job. Tae's parents are quite strict, making sure Tae always did the best he could and pushed him to do even better. Even though Tae is fairly smart, he is not in the top five percent like his parents wished, instead he is in the top ten percent; which of course, isn't good enough for them. Tae doesn't care though, he sailed through school finding most of the course content easy. As he got older, he began to rebel against school. He would constantly get told off for not paying attention even though he was still getting extraordinarily good results, his parent's disliked his passion for music and so forced him to work harder. After a long battle with his parent and teachers, his countless amazing test results proved he could do the work as well has pursue his love of music.

Tae's mother eased up on being so strict, though she still made him put school work before music. However, his father refused to cooperate leading to a bad relationship between Tae and his father all through out his early teenage years. Tae's father left him and his mother for another woman. Struggling to deal with the separation, Tae lashed out at his father and refused to be a part of his life. For the last three years, Tae has had very minimal contact with his father.

Surprisingly, despite all of the above, Tae still knows how to laugh. He enjoys spending time with his mother and his friends. During school he had friends and though he rebelled against school in his later years, at the beginning of his education, Tae thrived in the environment.

Kim Min-Jun ~ Mother ~ 46 | Min-Jun currently works as a professor of Literature at Seoul National University, she gave birth to Tae when she was twenty six after being married to Yeong-Su for five years. Three years ago, Min-Jun found out that Yeong-Su was having an affair and left him, taking Tae with her. They now live together in a small apartment in Seoul and Min-Jun has not remarried.

Kim Yeong-Su ~ Father ~ 49 | Yeong-Su is the head of the financial department for a technology company based in Seoul. He married Min-Jun when he was twenty four, and had his first child, Tae, when he was twenty nine. Four years ago, Yeong-Su met a colleague with whom he had an affair with, a year in to the affair, Min-Jun found out and left him. He stayed together with the woman he had an affair with (Park Hyun-Ju), promptly getting married a year after his divorce with Min-Jun. Another year later and Hyun-Ju gave birth to a son (Park Yeong-Lee), Tae's half-brother.

Park Hyun-Ju ~ Step-mother ~ 39 | Hyun-Ju works at the same company Yeong-Su does, she works in admin for another department. She gave birth to a son, Yeong-Lee one year ago and has a fairly rough relationship with Tae, who resents her for splitting his family up.

Park Yeong-Lee ~ Half-brother ~ 1 | Yeong-Lee is Tae's half brother and is someone Tae wishes to get to know but refuses to let his father or step-mother know that.

Loves food.

Has a goldfish called Henry.

Sometimes wears glasses purely as a fashion statement.

Can play the piano exceptionally well.

He scored 100% on various math tests in school; being the only student to do so in his year.

Will check his social media notifications multiple times a day.

Loves to write poetry and short stories.

Interested in photography, though he doesn't pursue it as much as he would like to.

Extras | Tae spends most of his time writing lyrics, poetry, short stories or simply doodling anything that comes to mind. He is most at peace when zoned out to his music or focused on his writing. Often seen with his earphones in, hood up and sometimes even his eyes closed, Tae can appear very closed off and solitary - but this doesn't mean he wont talk to you if you approach him.

Former Occupation | Tae worked as a waiter at a bar for a year during High School. He often performed (rapping, singing, piano) on their open mic nights.

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Koala said:

Kim Kyung-Tae


Name | Kim Kyung-Tae

Nicknames | Tae

Age | 19

Gender | Male

Dorm | 453

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place.


no slide

- - - - - - - - - - - - - Appearance - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Appearance | Tae has a very quirky style. He doesn't believe in fitting in with the norms of society and will therefore wear whatever he feels looks good. If he likes the current trends, he'll wear outfits that fit in with society, but if he doesn't like it he wont wear it; simple. Tae loves to experiment with various styles and so his hair is a different colour every few weeks to a month. Tae cares a lot about his appearance, he takes pride in feeling good in himself - even if he doesn't believe he looks good. Tae doesn't have any tattoos or piercings other than both ears (two on the left lobe and one on the right lobe).

Clothing Style | Tae's clothing often incorporates rips somehow; in his jeans or tops usually. As said above, Tae has a quirky style. The colours are muted tones of bright colours (greens, blues, reds) and he sometimes wears full black, rarely wearing full white as it clashes with his hair most of the time. Depending on the rest of his outfit, you may see Tae with a beanie on, especially if he's having a bad hair day. His outfits vary based on his mood; sometimes he is wearing a beanie and chains (trying to pull the 'rapper' look off...) and sometimes he is in a turtle neck and glasses.

Hair Style | As said above, his hair changes colour a lot. He sticks with mint green more often than the other colours, but he always has a light hair colour (blond, mint green, pale pink etc).

Eyes Colour | Tae has typical Asian, dark brown eyes. Usually outlined with eyeliner (which is common in Korea).


- - - - - - - - - - - - - History - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Background | Tae grew up in Seoul, South Korea. His parents are both fairly successful, his father being the head of a financial department at some big company and his mother is a professor of literature at Seoul National University. Not being one to take much interest in his parent's careers, he doesn't know where his father works or what he really does as a job. Tae's parents are quite strict, making sure Tae always did the best he could and pushed him to do even better. Even though Tae is fairly smart, he is not in the top five percent like his parents wished, instead he is in the top ten percent; which of course, isn't good enough for them. Tae doesn't care though, he sailed through school finding most of the course content easy. As he got older, he began to rebel against school. He would constantly get told off for not paying attention even though he was still getting extraordinarily good results, his parent's disliked his passion for music and so forced him to work harder. After a long battle with his parent and teachers, his countless amazing test results proved he could do the work as well has pursue his love of music.

Tae's mother eased up on being so strict, though she still made him put school work before music. However, his father refused to cooperate leading to a bad relationship between Tae and his father all through out his early teenage years. Tae's father left him and his mother for another woman. Struggling to deal with the separation, Tae lashed out at his father and refused to be a part of his life. For the last three years, Tae has had very minimal contact with his father.

Surprisingly, despite all of the above, Tae still knows how to laugh. He enjoys spending time with his mother and his friends. During school he had friends and though he rebelled against school in his later years, at the beginning of his education, Tae thrived in the environment.



Kim Min-Jun ~ Mother ~ 46 | Min-Jun currently works as a professor of Literature at Seoul National University, she gave birth to Tae when she was twenty six after being married to Yeong-Su for five years. Three years ago, Min-Jun found out that Yeong-Su was having an affair and left him, taking Tae with her. They now live together in a small apartment in Seoul and Min-Jun has not remarried.

Kim Yeong-Su ~ Father ~ 49 | Yeong-Su is the head of the financial department for a technology company based in Seoul. He married Min-Jun when he was twenty four, and had his first child, Tae, when he was twenty nine. Four years ago, Yeong-Su met a colleague with whom he had an affair with, a year in to the affair, Min-Jun found out and left him. He stayed together with the woman he had an affair with (Park Hyun-Ju), promptly getting married a year after his divorce with Min-Jun. Another year later and Hyun-Ju gave birth to a son (Park Yeong-Lee), Tae's half-brother.

Park Hyun-Ju ~ Step-mother ~ 39 | Hyun-Ju works at the same company Yeong-Su does, she works in admin for another department. She gave birth to a son, Yeong-Lee one year ago and has a fairly rough relationship with Tae, who resents her for splitting his family up.

Park Yeong-Lee ~ Half-brother ~ 1 | Yeong-Lee is Tae's half brother and is someone Tae wishes to get to know but refuses to let his father or step-mother know that.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - Misc. - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Interesting Facts

Loves food.

Has a goldfish called Henry.

Sometimes wears glasses purely as a fashion statement.

Can play the piano exceptionally well.

He scored 100% on various math tests in school; being the only student to do so in his year.

Will check his social media notifications multiple times a day.

Loves to write poetry and short stories.

Interested in photography, though he doesn't pursue it as much as he would like to.


Extras | Tae spends most of his time writing lyrics, poetry, short stories or simply doodling anything that comes to mind. He is most at peace when zoned out to his music or focused on his writing. Often seen with his earphones in, hood up and sometimes even his eyes closed, Tae can appear very closed off and solitary - but this doesn't mean he wont talk to you if you approach him.

Former Occupation | Tae worked as a waiter at a bar for a year during High School. He often performed (rapping, singing, piano) on their open mic nights.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


  • Full Name: Kiara Barrett



    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Dorm: 212

[QUOTE="Raven Linwood]

  • Full Name: Kiara Barrett



    Gender: Female

    Age: 19

    Dorm: 212


  • tumblr_nfpwbj4Aa21u3h0sfo1_500.gif

    Full Name:

    Clarissa Eve 'Clari' Ivory





  • Talent/s:

    Playing the Piano

    Drawing and Painting

    A bit Kung fu

    Former Occupation:



    To her, People are puzzles she solves.

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PoPcOrNXDaNcE said:

  • tumblr_nfpwbj4Aa21u3h0sfo1_500.gif

    Full Name:

    Clarissa Eve 'Clari' Ivory





  • Talent/s:

    Playing the Piano

    Drawing and Painting

    A bit Kung fu

    Former Occupation:



    To her, People are puzzles she solves.

Height: 5'8

Weight: 107 lbs.


"Don't ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are" ~Stephanie Germanotta


New Romantics~Taylor Swift

no slide

Name: Scottie May Westfall

Gender: Female

Age: 18

In Depth

Personality: Scottie is overall kind of a bitch, but she can be nice. She is a very blunt and semi-rebellious person and can be seen as rude. But, if you take the time to get to know her she can actually be very nice.

Bio: When she was 11, her father left her mom to raise Scottie on her own, and life was never exactly easy. She lived with her mother in a two bedroom apartment until age 17 when her mother died and Scottie was accepted into the school. The wounds are still fresh.

Family: Mother: Veronica, deceased Father: Micheal, alive


Talent(s): Modeling, Drums


-Bass-heavy/Drum heavy music

-Fashion Modeling






-Late nights

-snobby people



-Small spaces




She is vegan, which helps her keep her slim figure for modeling, although it's not her primary reason for the diet.

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Sabah Amirmoez

  • Full Name: Sabah Amirmoez



    Gender: Female

    Place of Origin: Tehran, Iran

    Age: 16

    Dorm: 210

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  • Full Name: Zen Law Chao

    Appearance: His hair is black and very curly (4c texture). He keeps it mid-length in a small Afro, and he has dark brown eyes and a round face. His nose is slightly wide and his lips are slightly thick. His skin is warm and light, but untanned. He stands at 5'10", and has an average body.

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Dorm: Room 382

Last edited by a moderator:
Smoaki said:
Height: 5'8
Weight: 107 lbs.


"Don't ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are" ~Stephanie Germanotta


New Romantics~Taylor Swift

no slide

Name: Scottie May Westfall

Gender: Female

Age: 18

In Depth

Personality: Scottie is overall kind of a bitch, but she can be nice. She is a very blunt and semi-rebellious person and can be seen as rude. But, if you take the time to get to know her she can actually be very nice.

Bio: When she was 11, her father left her mom to raise Scottie on her own, and life was never exactly easy. She lived with her mother in a two bedroom apartment until age 17 when her mother died and Scottie was accepted into the school. The wounds are still fresh.

Family: Mother: Veronica, deceased Father: Micheal, alive


Talent(s): Modeling, Drums


-Bass-heavy/Drum heavy music

-Fashion Modeling






-Late nights

-snobby people



-Small spaces




She is vegan, which helps her keep her slim figure for modeling, although it's not her primary reason for the diet.

sheep said:

Sabah Amirmoez

  • Full Name: Sabah Amirmoez



    Gender: Female

    Place of Origin: Tehran, Iran

    Age: 16

    Dorm: 210

thnksfrllths said:

  • Full Name: Zen Law Chao

    Appearance: His hair is black and very curly (4c texture). He keeps it mid-length in a small Afro, and he has dark brown eyes and a round face. His nose is slightly wide and his lips are slightly thick. His skin is warm and light, but untanned. He stands at 5'10", and has an average body.

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    Dorm: Room 382

All accepted, you may begin posting.

Soo Won


The Basics


Full Name: Ahn Soo Won

Nickname: Swan

Gender: Male

Age: Nineteen

In Depth

Personality: If there was a trophy for giving the most worst first impressions, Soo Won would probably win it. He always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, repeatedly finding himself baffled and confused as he tries to get himself out of his own mess. Of course, Soo Won could easily solve this problem--if he wasn't such a workaholic. He's busy in the morning, rehearsing scripts for small plays and auditions. By the time he finally decides to take a break from stirring up a new recipe or tinkering at his desk, it's..let's just say the coast is never clear for him. He leaves his 'work' and strolls around the neighborhood at an ungodly hour (and appearance) to get fresh air, giving quite a few people a fright as they mistake him for a thief or some other law breaker that clearly shouldn't be out and about. He realizes his mistake only when he catches his reflection in the mirrors or glass of the local stores, immediately wishing that he should've change out of his grimy hoodie and at least taken a nap to get rid of his sallow complexion. But what can one say? He never seems to learn his lesson, at least not yet. As for having friends, he tries to put them before his crafts. He tries. A lot. But as someone who doesn't know what to do with his time but work, apologies are endlessly escaping his mouth.

Bio: Ever since he was young, he liked to pretend to be someone he wasn't. He would try to imitate the super heroes he saw on tv, attempting to summon his nonexistent powers. He even joined the girls during recess as they pretended to cook with their miniature utensils and plastic foods. Seeing this, his father who solely believed that boys should stick to all things considered masculine, decided to enroll him into soccer classes. Starting from five years old, his father had wanted to train him into a world class athlete, which would most certainly grant him a promotion including more vacations. Soo Won's father thought it was a win-win deal. When the boy turned seventeen, Soo Won finally decided to confess that he didn't enjoy the sport. He explained he liked portraying characters, creating things, cooking delicious food. Kicking a ball didn't do anything but trample the ground. It was..pointless. A waste of time. Soo Won's father didn't give up hope. He tried suggesting basketball, swimming, even ice skating to Soo Won, rambling on about how he would be able to master whatever sport he chose since he was an excellent learner. Soo Won refused, insisting he'd rather do nothing than miserably spend his life doing something he didn't like. Hours later, his devastated father had no choice but to acknowledge what Soo Won really wanted to do.Since that day, Soo Won tries to make up for lost time by keeping himself inside, only roaming out when he needed needed materials or ingredients.

Family: Soo Won's parents are constantly traveling overseas due to their jobs. His mother is a stewardess, up in the skies as she makes sure every passenger has a safe and relaxing flight. Of course, she sends her son a post card each time she lands on a different airport. His father..doesn't send him much for he's endlessly running around as an athletic recruiter. Aside from that, Soo Won has a pretty decent relationship with them. He makes sure to give his parents a call every now and then, making sure they're doing alright and to check if they still remember him.

Likes:eating, cooking, fix /creating items, car rides, people who are passionate about their interests

Dislikes: Sports in general


Former Occupation:soccer player at his father's company

Other:Despite being a 'one man band' Soo Won likes to work with others. He gets pretty excited to share and compare ideas, finding out what others have to say and point out.


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