Care Bears... prepare to stare!
It's been thirty years since Pitch was defeated by the new guardian Jack Frost and the children of Burgess. He flew away and sunk into a hole in the labyrinth underground. Slowly biding his time, slowly building his forces. From those plans grew the Anti-Guardians, a group of nasty beings with negative centers. They want nothing but power and they get that by helping pitch. Or some are just misunderstood and neglected by those around them. Pitch is manipulative with how he gathers his forces. With wind carrying the news of Pitch's growing forces, Man in the Moon goes into overdrive, he starts creating new Guardians and basically dumping them on the big five to deal with.
This is where our story begins, a war on the horizon and new guardians that have no damn idea what they're doing. Seems pretty hopeless, right? Only time will tell.
You can either play a Guardian or an Anti-Guardian, or a mere mortal, choose your side wisely.
A new age, comes a new war on belief.
GM: Ganymede Apathy
Co-GM: Nico
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