Rosseta House For The Musically Gifted

Vocalists -

1. Jess Malcom - Me

2. Devon Reilly - @Oasis

3. Raiki Helvenant - @Icefox11

Drummers -

1. Austin Rowen - Me



Guitarist -

1. Lui Johnson - @Scottish Cupcake



Bass -




Pianists -

1. Rosalina Iris Embersonn - @InfinityxInsanity



Miscellaneous - (Electro, harps, flutes, etc.)

1. Henrietta Marques (Bassoon player) - @NessieAlways






Character sheets:

Name -

Age - (10 to 30)

Appearance - (please a picture but no anime)

Height -

Weight -

Personality -

Bio and history of music career -

Instruments -

Room - (room your character is staying in + adjoining bathroom. No pools in bedroom.)

Other - (tattoos, scars, etc.)

My character:

Name - Jess Malcom

Age - 19

Appearance -


Height - 5'6

Weight - 105 pounds

Personality - She's sweet and funny, she's sometimes flirty but she hides that side of herself. She's very confident in her singing and she's very determined to be in the top 5. She doesn't want to make enemies.

Bio and history of music career - She was very young when she found out about her voice. She would often sing while her great grandmother played the piano. When her grandmother died at the age of 105 and when Jess was 6, she vowed that she would continue her singing career for her grandma, because she knew it would make her proud. When she heard about the Rosseta house she auditioned right away and actually made the part.

Instruments - Voice

Room -



Other -

(and a note on her ring finger)

My second character:

Name - Austin Rowen

Age - 20

Appearance -


Height - 6'2

Weight - 170 pounds

Personality - He's funny, caring and really sweet. People often see him as a player so they treat him like one, but he's the complete opposite and tries to act the complete opposite. He's flirty to girls who are considered "different" in society.

Bio and history of music career - Before his dad left for the military he taught Austin to play the drums. Austin loved it and would bang away on those drums everyday after his dad left. His mom would pretend to be annoyed but sometimes she would sit in the basement and watch him play the drums with a grin on her face. His school life was pretty fantastic, everyone wanted to date him or be his friend, but of course fake friends and girls who want to be popular. He decided going to the Rosseta House would be a good option to meet new people and make real friends.

Instruments - Drums

Room -



Other -

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Name -

Liu Johnson

Age -

21 years

Appearance -


Height -


Weight -

138 lbs.

Personality -

Liu is a very colorful and happy guy

who loves being creative. HE has always

had a passion in making and creating things.

He's a kind guy and likes to keep to himself.

Bio and history of music career -

Liu grew up in a rich town and hated how fancy and snobby they were.

He never understood the rest of his family and they never

understood him. When he turned 7 he was allowed to decorate his own room

and it ended up looking like a wall full of graffiti to his parents and wasn't allowed to make

his own choices from then on. His brother was the one who traveled out in the world

and taught him guitar. He began playing when he was 13 in private schools band.

He would practice guitar everyday that he had time. He went behind his parents

backs to get his tattoos. He learned to love playing guitar and had

fun writing his own songs. His mother sent him to

the house and he auditioned.

Instruments -


Room -



Other -



( Just the flower)

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Work in progress~



"Remember it."

Devon Reilly


"Old enough for you to buy me a drink."






"Unless you plan on shipping me, you don't need to know."



"You'll probably hate me."

Devon is meek and shy when you first meet her, but it doesn't take long for her to warm up to people.

Once you get past her outer shell she transforms into a funny, whitty and sarcastic girl, who just wants to

have fun. She can be very goofy sometimes, but she know when to be serious. She isn't your typical girl,

she much rather spend her free time hanging out with the guys.

Bio and history of music career:

"Do I have to?"

From the very beginning Devon has been immersed in a musical family. At all the family gatherings

she would be singing and dancing about. When she turned 8 her parents enrolled her in piano lessons.

Ever since then she has been hooked on singing and playing the piano. In high school she was bullied

a lot. All of the kids thought of her as the weird girl who would rush home to play on the Baby Grand

Piano. They would prank call her and bash the songs she was writing. The insecurities she had started

to grow, causing her to start self harming. After high school she found solace in music again.



"I do this thing with my voice."

Vocals, but also plays piano


"You'll be visiting."





"Tattoo's man."

Rose tattoo on her inner arm

tattoo on her thigh
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Name -

Rosalina Iris Embersonn

Age -


Appearance -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/BeFunky_kinopoisk.jpg.jpg.b81f4bbbf3106a9ce74a6a487f3e14ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20037" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/BeFunky_kinopoisk.jpg.jpg.b81f4bbbf3106a9ce74a6a487f3e14ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height -


Weight -

113 lbs.

Personality -

Rosalina is very hardworking person. She would do anything she could to protect the people she loves. She has a bit of a hard time when it comes to trusting people. She will always stand up for what he believes in and never gives in to peer pressure. She is a very wise and kind person, and would never intentionally do something to hurt the people she loves. She can be very humorous and dorky a lot of the time.

Bio and history of music career -

Rosalina was born into a very poor family. The only one that really cared about her was her older brother. Growing up her father was an abusive alcoholic, which is why her older brother would take her outside to get away from that most of the time. Rosalina's older brother would always protect and defend her, no matter what. Unfortunately, when Rosalina was only 14, her older brother died in a car accident. She blamed herself for the longest time, not knowing how or even if she could cope. She began to struggling with depression.n When she was 16 her father was murdered and she was taken in by her aunt. That is where she learned, and fell in love with piano. She quickly became very skilled and eventually made it into bn gft

Instruments - Piano

Room -


Other -



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Name - Raiki Helvenat

Age - 20

Appearance -

Height - 5' 8"

Weight - 116 pounds

Personality - Raiki is fierce and loyal. She loves to read and is kind of a giant nerd. She loves Sci-Fi movies, especially Star Trek and Star Wars, she does not take sides on the argument on which one is better. She loves to write her own songs, usually putting a nerdy reference in there somewhere.

Bio and history of music career -Raiki loved to sing since she was a child. Sadly, she was born into a family of geniuses. They wanted her to be a doctor and follow in there footsteps, but her meager grades made that quite difficult. She continued to do music and her parents eventually gave up on trying to make her a doctor and gave her her first acoustic guitar. She started writing and singing from that day forward. Her carrier started when she was around 12. A agency took her in and started working with her voice, but she hasn't made it to the big league yet.

Instruments - Vocals but dabbles a bit in guitar and piano.

Room -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_20-43-55.jpeg.1c4ccc89bafe5c6178ab4e11df1fe5b2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_20-43-55.jpeg.1c4ccc89bafe5c6178ab4e11df1fe5b2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_20-49-27.jpeg.39dd51db6db96f7a8ed60eed8640616c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_20-49-27.jpeg.39dd51db6db96f7a8ed60eed8640616c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Other - Tattoo on wrist.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_20-47-2.jpeg.082e5b14e1ee6b4a353510e35bbf8455.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20041" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_20-47-2.jpeg.082e5b14e1ee6b4a353510e35bbf8455.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_20-49-19.jpeg.cbd7f10769c2ea001ff701aa35eacb5a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_20-49-19.jpeg.cbd7f10769c2ea001ff701aa35eacb5a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name - Henrietta Marques

Age - 21

Appearance -


Height - 5'4''

Weight - A lady never reveals her weight ;)

Personality -

Loud and vivacious, Henrietta loves surrounding herself with her friends. She's a spark of light that flares up when she's around the people she loves the most. Although she wont go up to strangers and start conversations, she can keep a conversation going. Henrietta loves to party and is a very good dancer, not professionally of course.

Bio and history of music career -

Her passion for music was what helped Henrietta keep afloat after the death of her twin sister, Heloise. When she was 18 years old, her and her sister went on a cross country road trip. On their way to Nevada, their car got hit by an eighteen wheeler. Henrietta was able to hold on, but her sister wasn't so lucky. In order to cope with her sister's death she became a drug addict. When her parents found out about her behavior a year after, they didn't hesitate to send her to rehab. After several a year she was discharged and sent back home. While in rehab she found a love for music especially classical. She took up on playing the bassoon, her middle school band instrument, again and began to work on playing professionally. She recently got a small apartment in Long Beach. She used to work for a record company in hopes that someone would discover her musical talent, but she was fired for using it to record her own record. When Henrietta heard of the Rosseta House she figured this was her chance to show the world her musical talent.

Instruments -

Her main instrument is the Bassoon.

Room -

Other -

Aside from the three eyed cat she has in her right arm

Left upper back

Left hand

A couple of scars on her wrists from cutting

A deep scar that runs down from her chest to her belly button from the crash

Several small scars on her face from the crash (barely noticeable especially with makeup)
Guys. Not everyone can be vocalist. And there has to be boys too...

Sent from my LG-E617G using Tapatalk 
We can start with who we have :)
Name -

Johnathan Alexander Evans

Age -


Appearance -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/avan-jogia-hot-victorious-550x436.jpg.53bfc2708a6855fff3d27459331ae11b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/avan-jogia-hot-victorious-550x436.jpg.53bfc2708a6855fff3d27459331ae11b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height -


Weight -

156 lbs.

Personality -

Johnathan can be very rebellious at times, which is why he gets into trouble a lot. Although he acts like he could give less f*cks about the things around him, he does care. He is a pretty big flirt, and loves to mess around with various girls at a time. He's a pretty big party animal also. He loves to drink and smoke. He also has a bit of a drinking problem

Bio and history of music career -

Johnathan grew up in a very wealthy family, who payed very little attention to him, except for his mother. He loved his mother, she meant everything to him. Unfortunately, when he was 8, his mother had committed suicide two days after his birthday. The only thing he was left with was her guitar. He completely broke down and did not speak a word for the following 3 years, all he did was play that guitar. As the years passed, his father had lost his job and they became completely poor. They had to move into a small broken down apartment in a terrible neighborhood. When Johnathan was 13, he fell in love with a girl named Lilly. Unfortunately, he found out a month later that she had cheated on him with 3 other guys. He obviously left her, heart broken. When he turned 15 he met another girl and he knew she was the one. One day he could not reach her at all. When he went to her house is was completely empty. The next day he found out that she had moved to another country, without even bothering to say goodbye. He soon was introduced to alcohol. He loved it, and bought tons of it with his fake ID. When he turned 16, he left home and went to live with his aunt. One day his aunt noticed him playing guitar and discovered how talented he was. He then auditioned and got accepted into the Rosseta house for the musically gifted.

Instruments -


Room -


Other -

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_mnqi76IA9P1spj0e5o1_500.jpg.b991776a289b7cf1663453061fcf7edb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20136" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/tumblr_mnqi76IA9P1spj0e5o1_500.jpg.b991776a289b7cf1663453061fcf7edb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name -

Cove Cormier

Age -


Appearance - (please a picture but no anime)


Height - 5'11

Weight - 170 pounds.

Personality - Open-minded, well-spoken, personable, wise, bold, serious, brave, courageous, adaptable, benevolent, adamant, compassionate, creative, insightful, strong, methodical, loyal, reverence for those who deserve it.

Bio and history of music career - Cove was born to two parents. He started playing the guitar at the age of five, self-taught. When he was fifteen years old, his father walked out on him, leaving six children to his mother. Living conditions were always an issue; for years, since he was a child, they had been moving in and out of section 8 homes, struggling to eat and make friends as the constantly new kid in school. One day, Cove simply decided it was time to stop moving; he started paying the cost for everything. Cars, food, school supplies and clothing, the house rent - all by dealing drugs. As a result of seeing her son be able to take care of the family, but at such a high cost, his mother fell into depression and alcoholism. Eventually, after a couple of years and multiple run-ins with the law, Cove grew weary of his lifestyle and decided to fully embrace music instead.

Instruments - Guitar. Can provide back-up vocals.

Room - (room your character is staying in + adjoining bathroom. No pools in bedroom.)


Name - Evelyn Prescott

Age - 19

Appearance -

Height - 5'2"

Weight - 106 lbs

Personality - Evelyn is sort of the "happy-go-lucky" type of person, easily excited by the simplest of means and tends to "go with the flow". When meeting someone new, she can be quite awkward and quiet around them. She tends to become nervous when she's in the spotlight. Become a friend of hers and she can be a chatterbox and would sometimes do stupid, though safe, things just for fun and laughs. She likes to tell jokes and puns, and prefers a simplicity.

Bio and history of music career - Evelyn was born in the US to an American father and French mother. She began playing snare drum in her middle school band. It wasn't until she entered in the high school marching band where she began to learn and play various other percussion instruments. She was a Drum Major and also in the DCI (Drum Corps International) for a while before coming to the Rosetta House. Evelyn lead a relatively normal life; a good girl who did well in school, graduating as the Salutatorian of her class, had a good amount of close friends, and never got in trouble. Every summer since she was a baby, she and her family would take a vacation to Arbois, France, her mother's hometown.

Instruments - Drums (Percussion instruments in general)

Room -

Other -
She speaks with a moderate French accent and tends to use French vocabulary when speaking English.
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Name -

"Lucy, like that new Scarlett Johannsen film! Aw, man, I can't wait to see that thing."

Lucy Marie Wilder

Age -

"I can actually finally do stuff! I mean, they tell you you can at eighteen, which is a load of crap. Now I can do the fun stuff."


Appearance -

"Hopefully worth admiring, hopefully not from afar."


Height -

"They all tell you that Napoleon Bonaparte was short, but he's still three inches taller than me, so now I feel cheated."

5'3", or 160 cm

Weight -

"Oh, um - wow, it's been forever since I checked this. Not since I joined that gym in senior year of high school. I wonder if I still have my membership there?"

132 lbs, or roughly 60 kg

Personality -

"Certainly nothing bad, I hope? Ugh, that's stupid. I'm stupid."

Lucy is rather lively. She's always full of energy and looking for new adventures. She's knowledgeable, but she's in no terms a genius, and while the way she references history makes her seem like she's maybe trying too hard it's just her strange sense of humour. People are usually surprised to find that she's actually quite dark in that way as well. Her tastes and looks make it appear that she's the typical girly girl, but in reality she's brave, outgoing, and eccentric. Her attempts at safe humour usually end up in failure (such as the Napoleon joke you had to witness earlier). Her enthusiasm is unequaled, but when she's upset she quiets down very quickly. She knows how ridiculous she must seem to others, so she tends to make self-deprecating remarks in an attempt to salvage her reputation. Sometimes it works, sometimes she seems too whiny. She wants to be liked and when she isn't she's desperate to find out why. Typically, she's laidback, and this is evident by the state of her room and binders, but when it comes to certain passions, such as her bookshelves and drums, she's almost obnoxiously meticulous. She's only afraid to share her opinions when she thinks physical harm might result from it. Since her inhibition level is fairly low, this doesn't happen often, and this also makes her a bit daring.

Bio and history of music career -

"I, uh - well, see that dried spider in the case there? I've still got the bite marks."

Lucy's family, as so many families are, was very based in music. Her mother played violin professionally until she and her twin sister Margaret were born, and even after their birth her father played in several bands. She grew up in songs from the past two hundred years and modern tunes alike, and while she, of course, didn't like everything she heard, she developed an appreciation for music early on. She took after her father and played percussion while Margaret took on clarinet. There were a lot of things that changed consistently in their lives, as they moved houses basically every year, and the status between their mother and father switched on a random basis. The one thing that was always consistent was that their father would always bring them red roses to celebrate their lives and achievements. When he passed away of disease, Lucy and Margaret were fourteen. The financial situation became tougher and they moved once more. Lucy felt a strong compulsion, a duty, even, to carry on her musical career, not only because it was sort of an homage to her father but also because it helped her get away and express herself. Margaret, however, stopped playing, and since both girls have gone off to college they keep in correspondence.

Instruments -

"I hit things with sticks. Good sticks, though, I mean, not like, fresh-off-the-tree sticks. Music sticks."


Room -

"This is the first time in, like, sixteen years I've gotten my own room. This is so exciting!"


This is the closest thing I could find to what I'm looking for, which is basically just a standard "pretty" type bedroom, maybe with some French country style.

Other -

"I've got this little buddy here -


- and another one in honour of my dad that looks a little something like this."


usually wears earrings like this:

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