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Realistic or Modern rose-colored glasses


laburnum gold

you know ;)

  • tumblr_pcgi511qM61tw4buoo1_400.jpg

    — ic

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— orientation
— iris, spring hall, 3rd floor, common room​

Though ICU paraded its intimate and specialized education, it was hard to reconcile that with the student body of under one thousand people - the only way the school could achieve the things they did. From the dorm room windows, you can only see curious packs of freshmen wandering around the housing quad.

This doesn't make a lot of sense; you know there are people on campus. When you drove up the road yesterday, you saw them - perhaps all of them - on the porches of their 19th-century houses. They looked like college students, laughing, drinking whiteclaws at 2PM, playing indiscernible music. Sometimes, you'd lock eyes with one of them and they'd still, looking for a moment less young adult and more animal predator, only for that feeling to dissipate with a cheerful wave.

The only interactions you've had so far have been limited to the people in the hall, and even then, just glimpses of them moving boxes into their rooms. You've had some conversations with the roommate, but nothing concrete yet. But even still, you haven't seen any upperclassmen since you moved in. You know you probably will during orientation, though.

Your phone pings with a message from your RA in the hall group chat. An amendment: you haven't seen any upperclassmen besides Duke Ingram who helped with move-in last night. His message:

1.30 common room for orientation introduction bullshit
hope you ate already but if you haven't, i have eggs and toast
venmo duke-ing $3 if you want any

The common room on the far end of the hall isn't anything lavish. On the left, a grouping of three-seaters and armchairs around a long coffee table. There are boxes of crayons, scissors, and construction paper laying on top. It looks a lot more like a kindergarten craft day than college orientation.

On the right, a kitchenette already in use with paper plates, an open egg carton, and a bag of bread on the counter. Duke has his body turned toward the entrance to greet everyone, but his attention is divided between the frying pan on the stove and scrolling through his phone.

Duke seems half awake still honestly, and it's 1 in the afternoon. It's hard to tell if he's tired because of preparing for the beginning of the year or if that sort of exhaustion is settled into his bones. He still manages to smile up at people when they come in, gesturing towards the sofas and it's welcoming if not polite.

His eyes linger on the poster board on the table, and his face scrunches up with distaste. You get the feeling he doesn't care for whatever orientation bonding activities he's being forced to do. Hopefully, all of you can just get past this awkward first part and move onto the fun part of college.


Today was orientation. The thought swam in Lauren's head and only popped back up to the surface for air every time her eyes lingered to her phone. Their RA (Duke - cute yet emotionally unavailable much like many she knew back home) had texted the group chat full of people she only skimmed from their eyes all the way down to their chest. Some had caught her eye, others hadn't and at the end of the day, they were merely going to be people she saw whenever she was coming back to the dorms with someone gorgeous hooked to her arm.

Though, there were a few that stood out from the rest.

She applied her lipstick. She combed her hair. She straightened her smile. Today was going to be the first of many, in a country that her parents spoke as a capitalistic hellhole, a term that only made her laugh while she was packing her bags and the murmurs of their dissatisfaction traveled through the interior of their "humble abode." Lauren Bower was satisfied that another choice of her own accord only served to torment those that claimed to be her mother and father.

Her gaze fell from the mirror towards the floor, traveling up the walls and soon onto the ceiling. It was absolutely disgusting in her accommodations when the boxes had been dropped down to the floor and a cloud of dust littered her jeans. Lauren had been cleaning more than unpacking, spine aching from the hunched position until the floor was deemed acceptable enough to eat off of if one so chose to. The process was tiring, and she soon realized that she was going to need to use a little more concealer than usual to hide her haggard appearance. No matter.

Lauren stood up abruptly, the chair squealing against the wood. Hands found themselves straightening her dress, and with a simple push to the chair, she was grabbing her phone and leaving her dorm without so much as a goodbye to her dormmate. Not yet. There were already pleasantries exchanged the previous day, and Lauren was of the impression that Molly (attractive, innocent, the whole shebang) preferred to be given some time alone. That was fine.

The hall seemed quiet even if it wasn't true, a slight ringing that only encouraged her to straighten her shoulders and walk as if she had a purpose. She did have a purpose. Perhaps she should've given Duke the three dollars for breakfast because she hadn't eaten since... whenever. A perfect ploy to force him to talk to her. She wasn't quite hungry, though.

"I love a man who cooks."

Another smile. Lauren didn't stop to try and bend over to let her dress hike up for her RA, she instead followed his instructions and sat down. Then she allowed her dress to hike up when her legs crossed. An opportunistic time as any to flash anything when the entire hall was to be meeting there soon.


Lauren began to unlock her phone.


code by yousmelldead

x X X XX X X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


tagged: everyone // mentions: lauren, duke // loc. common room

Having her own dorm room wasn't something Marcy had been expecting, but maybe having 'no roommate at all' was a better option than having some loud, obnoxious, or nosy one; and based on first glances at the others in her hall... there were a few dorm mates that looked like they could fit that exact description.

In a way, it did almost feel like some kind of uncomfortable joke - she arrived solo, and was now going to be living solo. Her twin had said once that she would be a 'room mate's worst nightmare' and now look at her, living alone. A roommate of herself. Could be another potential sign from him that she needed to write down later.

Her cell dinged with a message from the hallway's group chat, and mere minutes later, she venmo-ed Duke six bucks, with the comment: 'left a three dollar tip for ya. do you guys have apricot jam?'

After not receiving a message for several minutes after, she sent another message: "jk about the apricot jam. any jam is cool."

She pulled herself up and off her beanbag chair, and slipped on some high top converse before casting a quick look-over around her tiny, under decorated, lonely looking room. Maybe a fishbowl or something could help give this room... some life? Maybe a plant? A damn rock would probably even help. She decided to make a quick social media dip on her phone before heading out.


The Common Room doors were open, and upon entering, the smell of eggs wafted through the air. Marcy gave a casual quip greeting to Duke, and a nod of acknowledgment to the blonde chick seated in the room.

She threw a piece of bread into the toaster and held out a paper plate for Duke to plop some eggs on. "Thanks, Mr. RA. I was starved." she commented, with a small grin. She happened to glance over her shoulder only to notice the other person in the room looking up from their phone to make a not so subtle look at their RA. Marcy held back an eye roll.

Once her plate had what she wanted on it, and her toast was jellied up, (with apricot jam that they did end up actually having) she pushed herself away from the counter and edged her way casually towards the chairs, deciding to stand instead of sit.

She gave the blonde another once-over, writing her off as someone she didn't immediately recognize; but then taking notice of the rather obvious and risque length of her dress. Marcy slowly brought her eyes back up to the fellow freshman's face, before taking a bit of her toast. "Don't think I met you yesterday." She finished chewing and licked apricot jam off the side of her lip, before adding,"I'm Marcy."

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code by yousmelldead

"The scholarship is contingent on you dancing for me, I hope you know that." It was worded as more of a threat than a question from the smartly-dressed woman. Face sharp and angular, with a stocky frame; the woman was no one to be messed with. "You have raw, unrefined talent, girl. I'm sure I can whip you into shape. If not, I can see potential in modelling, you have a beautiful look. Plus, they eat up that small-town, country girl thing." The advisor from Iris and Candor intently analysed the blonde across the table, as though she was her purebred prize horse. "Now sign here." The woman slid the contract across the table along with a branded Iris and Candor pen.

Naturally looking like a deer-in-headlights, Molly's ocean eyes were wide with pouty, parted lips; constantly looking confused and lost. Most found it endearing, a quality that left the young and beautiful girl in no shortage of help from strangers. Her eyes shifted to the hefty contract on the table, causing her to gulp. Picking up the pen with poise, Molly considered reading the contract.

"It is just standard stuff, girl. The plane leaves in a few hours, with or without you. I'd prefer if you were on it." As though reading her mind, the woman crossed her arms. The tip of the pen touched the paper and Molly's worries melted away; visions of her on stage as the crowd erupted in applause and cheering. Neatly signing the contract with ease, Molly peered up to the woman with a smile.


Molly arrived at Iris and Candor University with merely a single suitcase that held a handful of clothes and a dishevelled teddy bear. Her first week consisted of settling into her dorm which was accompanied by her new roommate — Lauren Bower. Based on appearance alone, the two couldn't be any more different. Lauren was dressed in designer clothing and face clad with make-up. On the other hand, Molly was dressed in an old floral sundress, scuffed boots and her face bare. Her roommate was very clean though, almost obsessively, making sure that their dorm was spotless.

The Nokia brick phone buzzed in her pocket, causing Molly to fish it out. An unenthusiastic message from her RA, Duke, detailed an orientation meeting and something about Venmo if you wanted food. Molly was puzzled, having no clue what Venmo was. Lauren had seemingly left for the meeting, leaving Molly to make her way to the common room alone.

Exiting the dorm, Molly walked, or more accurately, floated with effortless poise towards the sound of voices. The common room was still quite empty, her roommate was speaking to the RA, her dress dangerously high as she sat cross-legged. By her side was an unfamiliar face, with blunt-brunette hair that barely grazed her chin. Molly approached Duke, placing three crumpled dollars onto the table next to him. "I wasn't sure what that Venmo thing was, but here is some money," Molly spoke meekly, offering a soft smile to Duke as she took a plain piece of toast.


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Slyvester Frazier

I look perfect as always.

Sylvester admired his perfect proportions that could be seen from the full body mirror that was installed in his dorm room. He flipped his head slightly in order to show his appreciation for himself. It could have seen in its full effect had his hair been slightly longer, but nonetheless- his every movement was imbued with grace and beauty. He smoothed out any creases that could be seen on his clothes. How embarrassing would it have been if he came out in that manner. No! No! That simply wouldn’t do! Sylvester would never allow such catastrophic event to occur. He would rather die than go out looking like an embarrassment.

He twirled his body, having no trouble at all moving with the three-inch heels that he was wearing which made him even taller than he already is. Sylvester just knew how he had chosen the right fabric when he created this ensemble just for today. The fabric just simply clung to his body and delightfully emphasized his supple ass. No doubt he was going to turn heads no matter where he goes. Although today may have been simple orientation but this was still the first official meeting he’s going to have with his fellow freshmen and the rest of the school. This meant to state that he shouldn’t hold himself back and go all out. He reached out to his dresser where a black bunny ears headband was waiting to be adorned on his perfectly styled that spoke - MESSY BUT SEXY. In order to tie his look together, he reached for his favorite red bold lipstick smacking his lips a few times to make sure it sticks. He smiled wildly then to check if any lipstick stain were ever to get into his teeth to remove it.

When he was done admiring himself just one last time with the mirror. He made it seem as though it was physically painful in forcing himself to extract his gaze away from the vision that is himself on the mirror. He clicked his tongue, quite annoyed while surveying his room. It can be said that his room was one of the better ones these year considering he was the only one staying in the room compared to many who are forced to share. When he had gotten the news that he didn’t have a roommate, he quickly made plans to renovate the extra space for room for his walk-in closet and workshop. Although, now looking at it- he still found it rather- small, squinting his eyes as there are still boxes that he has yet to finish unboxed.

No matter. His high heels clicking as he made plans to leave his room, picking up his phone where the group chat was opened. One of the latest messages came from their RA, Duke. He’d already plan to go to the common room and basically check the state of his cooking. Sylvester was very particular about his diet and quality of his food. He couldn’t just let anything enter his mouth after all- what if it was actually trash and affected his good looks? A modern tragedy. He laments.

Speaking of tragedy, it was time to do all the poor unfortunate souls a favor and basically bless them with his presence. Without any regard for privacy or courtesy or both, he would slam the door open and make himself at home acting very overly-familiar with them. “Hello! My Darlings!” He greeted as his hands would slither to their waists without them knowing. He would even steal a kiss or two on anywhere on their faces, much preferring to opt either on their cheeks or on their lips (if they were so lucky or unlucky depending on their perspective). “The day is so beautiful isn’t it!” He chirped, bright and cheery. Far too energetic than what a normal human being should have. “Of course-“ he pauses for dramatic flair “It is only beautiful since you’ve been graced by my wonderful existence!” He narcissisticly exclaimed without any hint of shame. “Oh!” He gasps, “I’ve only come to give you my greetings and I know you must terribly be sad to see me go but there are also others that I know must be wanting to see me as well.” He pulled a white handkerchief and carefully dabbed it on his eyes despite not having any tears. “I know you all will be very excitedly in seeing me very soon during the orientation. Don’t worry,” he comforts them, “I’m terribly excited to see me too.” Sylvester was shoving words to their mouth and didn’t bother listening to any complaints or any words they were saying at all- completely blocking them out. “Anyway, toodles!” With a click of his heels as he gave them a flying kiss paired with a wink, he came in through like a storm and left just like one too. Not aware or caring for the repercussions he has made to the poor people.

He hadn’t take long at all to reach the common room with his long legs. Just as he has done earlier, he opened the door with a bang without much regard on breaking school property “WASSUP BITCHES!” He greeted, feeling rather playful- getting all excited after meeting new people allowing them the opportunity to be blessed in seeing his beauty (in person). He dragged an empty chair to give him more space then suddenly slapped one leg upwards as though emphasize how long exactly they were before crossing them together. He glances at the food prepared, quirking an eyebrow before deciding that he was good right now. “Babe,” he called out to Duke although they were probably acquaintances at best. “Does the school really work you that hard? Your skin’s horrible.” He can’t help but sigh, the more he looks at their RA. “How pitiful for you.” He shakes his head while clicking his tongue. He couldn’t imagine suffering the same fate- of bad skin.

everywhere and also nowhere


"My beauty is a sin."


White Suit, Black Heels, Black Bunny Ears and Red Bold Lipstick


@/everyone laburnum gold laburnum gold
coded by natasha.
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Walking from the nearest gas station proved to be exactly as taxing as Soraya's captain obvious intuition expected. The only thing she had to show for her hundreds of steps was an enormous cup of lite lemonade that kinda tasted like horse shit and lead. Still, she sipped away with a bounce in her step as she fantasized how the afternoon would go, after this whole mandatory orientation of course.

The clouds streaked overhead sculpted into inconceivable shapes by the gusts blown about, causing Sora to repeatedly flash her ass beneath the short shirt she wore above her favorite fishnets. Whoever was behind her owed her money for the show.

Her hair was loose, fallen to the small of her back in lazy pink waves, accents of orange speckled here and there. Her gait was rather hasty - a habit she'd picked up over the months after seeking to shed extra calories. Despite the innately open nature of her speech, she was never eager to spill the beans about her eating disorder. The PTSD? Sure! The anxiety? She'd gush about the horrors. But something about her food intake, or lack thereof, was immensely personal. Deep down, she knew exactly why it was that such an ailment plagued her. In her case, it was self-prescribed treatment for what she assumed was deserved.

After entering the school-grounds, she revised the message on her phone one more time. Orientation. Right. She knew where that was.

Just before slipping inside the rendezvous room, Soraya popped a vyvanse and dry swallowed after a failed attempt at harvesting lemonade from her empty drink. It wasn't her prescription, but that wasn't the point.

The room was only sparsely populated, characters of extraordinary difference looking tired, preoccupied, and cautious. The RA, Duke Ingram, offered up a wave upon sight of the female with her hand clenched around a cup only now classified as trash. She tossed it with a grin, lifting her fingers at Duke before pulling herself onto a table and crossing her legs. They swung beneath her as she sighed through the nostrils. Soraya felt up the inside of her pockets (mhm, a skirt with pockets! such a rare, incredible blessing) until she felt the frigid and smooth surface of the glass figurine she'd crafted two years ago. It was small enough to fit in her palm; a yellow kangaroo, with an orange kangaroo baby nestled within its pouch. She felt nothing when she looked at it now. It had lost its novelty, and become an unneeded weight in her pocket.

Yet casting it into a dark drawer seemed too cruel a fate for it, so she kept it close. It represented her mother and baby sister, as you could likely have concluded. It used to drag her mood down the drain to study it over and over, night after night. But by now, it was just another thing she'd crafted. Was that recovery, or sociopathy? Both made her uneasy.


where everyone is


pensive, observant




no one yet
coded by natasha.
Hattie Carson.

Hattie Carson had never been late before in her entire life.

Never, ever.

Punctuality had been drilled into her head ever since she was in kindergarten, the importance of good first impressions and making strong connections and all of the things her mother had tried to instill in her. It had worked. Stuck to her like glue and she’d obsessed over meeting every expectation with flying colors.

But today, she knew she was already failing.

She hadn’t expected being so far away from home to be so…odd. Homesickness wasn’t something she ever thought she’d believe in, but looking outside her window and seeing an expanse of strangers instead of the comfort of her backyard made her feel…hollow. Like her chest had caved in and there was nothing but a gaping hole where her heart used to be.

That sounded so dramatic when she thought about it more, like she was waxing poetic when she should have been focusing on the good parts of being away from home. That was hard when her mother wasn’t calling or texting her like she’d promised, though. The last message she’d received was a “I’ll call you later this week. Promise!” And then radio silence.

She was busy. Like always.

Hattie stuffed her phone in her pocket, tired of seeing an empty lockscreen, “Mom” or “Olive” nowhere to be seen. Loneliness was her worst fear, and now she had it in spades.

Her chest felt tight when she left her dorm room, barely bothering to say anything to her roommate, though she supposed she should remedy that after the day was said and done. Good first impressions and all that. But right now, every tick of the watch on her wrist reminded her that she was almost late, and if she didn’t get things in gear now she’d hate herself for the next year.

The text from Duke, the RA, had promised breakfast but Hattie couldn’t have the toast and she didn’t even like eggs. Whatever, with the way her anxiety was twisting her stomach in knots, she didn’t think she could stomach anything anyway.

Hattie stuffed her hands into her pockets, a nervous tick her mother had tried coaching her out of, “come on, Hattie. Head up. Shoulders back. Stop fidgeting with your pockets.” And then she’d mumble something in Russian and Hattie could never understand it because languages never came easy. Hattie took a deep breath, her lungs burning with the effort, but it made her hands shake a little less. She nodded in Duke’s direction when she passed him, relieved that he looked distracted, his face in his phone and the eggs he had in the pan on the stove looked like they were somewhat burnt. Not worth three dollars. She looked around the room, feeling butterflies in her chest—the kind with razor-sharp wings that seemed to cut up her insides when they moved. She tensed. She noticed a myriad of people she’d be somewhat interested in speaking too—a blonde whose dress was hiked up far enough for Hattie’s cheeks to flush red from the sight of it. Another girl with pinkish-orange hair and an aesthetic she’d never seen before from the safety of her prep school.

Deep breaths.

1, 2, 3.

Hattie turned her attention back to the floor, and found her seat with a sigh.

This was going to be a long day.


Charlie Zhang

locations: multiple // tags: none

Charlie walked into the common room at twelve thirty-four on the clock, only to very rapidly realize that orientation was at one thirty.

Oh god. She'd spent the last half hour pacing anxiously in her room for nothing.

On her way back to her room, she tripped over her own foot while thinking very intently about how much she wanted to sink into the floor with mortification, and tumbled and rolled until she was flat on her back in the middle of the hallway. Then she started thinking about how much college costed, and really, was a lifetime of utter shame and debt worth the piece of paper?

Charlie laid there for another minute or so, and then got up and quietly let herself back into her room.

"Please tell me no one saw me," she chanted under her breath, and crumpled onto her bed. So, all in all: not a great day.

Somehow, the thought of not actually attending the orientation didn't cross her mind until it was one thirty-one and she had stepped into the common room with enough dread to power a small country.

She hadn't paid Duke for food because she'd already eaten, but now she wished she had, just for something to do other than bounce her knee frantically and try not to make direct eye contact with anyone in the room.

One way or another, this was going to be...interesting.

Camilla checked the time as she made her way to the common room. 1:22 pm. Perfect. She would neither be late nor show up too early. Just the way she likes it. Adjusting to a whole new time zone, one that was six hours behind hers, was not easy; however, she was finally feeling like she was starting to get used to it. For starters, she didn't wake up at 3 am anymore. She still woke up quite early compared to her usual routine, but it was at a more reasonable time than she had been. She had plenty of time to get herself ready for the day, which she took full advantage of. She wanted to make a good first impression and she also wanted to keep quiet as to not disturb her new roommate.

Before now, Camilla had never had to share a bedroom. Luca, her older brother, and her never had to share, so this was a new environment. Honestly, she didn't mind the idea of having a roommate. Sure, she was worried that they wouldn't get along, but that hasn't seemed to be an issue so far. Otherwise, she thought it was a good way to make a new friend on her new journey. She was starting completely over in a new country with no connections or support system immediately available. She wasn't going to lie, it was a little bit terrifying and she maybe cried a tiny bit her first night.

She had already eaten, so she wasn't worried about being the first to arrive to ensure that she gets some food. Though, she did appreciate the idea that the RA was prepared. Once she arrived, she surveyed the room, looking for any familiar faces. Thankfully, she spotted her roommate, Hattie, rather quickly, She quickly took her seat next to her.

"Hey," she greeted before looking around the room once more, trying to get an idea of the people there. It was hard to miss the girl in the tiny dress. Camilla made sure not to stare, before continuing on. Her eyes continued to wander around the room, being drawn to the overly friendly guy with the bunny ears. She had met him earlier and he surely was unforgettable. She was quite comfortable with kissing on the cheek as a greeting, as it was a part of her life normally, but with a stranger was a bit odd for her. But, he seemed friendly, so she brushed it off.

Honestly, she had no idea what to expect from this orientation. She's only seen movies and television shows about university in the Unites States, so she couldn't tell what was made up and what was actually normal. She just decided to follow what everyone else was doing and hope for the best. She was definitely out of her depth here and didn't want to do anything wrong. So, she sat back and waited for the meeting to start.

camilla rossi

-lauren ( RykeMyers RykeMyers ), sylvester ( Feyrie Feyrie )
-hattie ( uginati uginati )-

code by yousmelldead
Fatima Khatri
the attorney

So the day has finally arrived… Who-- do tell, would be the first for Fatima to threaten to send to court?

Fatima was standing with her fierce gaze fixed onto the entrance of ICU, she was constantly fiddling with her phone as if someone were to call her at any moment. Not to be misinterpreted, Fatima was not nervous—no, she does not get nervous, according to her own words. She was only simply attempting to push down any complaints that were giving rise to suspicions in the depths of her mind. The school was as dull and depressing as she originally thought, which brought up the question of why her sister so-desperately wished to attend the prestigious university. Fatima had more than a couple of things to critique this school about but in the face of her prideful mother and disappointed sister, how could she bring attention to these logical evaluations? Fatima sighed, though it sounded more like an exasperated groan. Now was not the time to chip away at her own sanity, she needed the majority of it to deal with whatever events could take place.

The attorney-to-be strode into ICU, making her way towards her hall and glancing down at her phone from time to time. She could not help but slightly jump when she felt that familiar buzz of an incoming message.


Ah, it was Madura. Fatima truly felt pity for her poor sister, and here she was attending Madura’s dream school with a hesitant heart. In theory, Fatima should be more than happy to be granted the opportunity to enroll in such a school. However, seeing her sister’s poor attempts at hiding her clear distress was enough to prevent that from happening. At least she was still upholding the expectations to be a good big sister to Fatima, and that is all she could really ask for. Fatima took the time to stop in the middle of the hallway, moving a few inches to the right or left, depending on who wanted to push by her to get to their own dorm room. Her right thumb danced across the phone screen, making the occasional mistake which autocorrect was obliged to fix almost immediately.


She knew how slow her sister could be at responding to texts, therefore Fatima promptly resumed her pace towards her designated dorm room. She did risk a couple cautious glances at her hallmates, already judging them based on their appearances or any audible hints she could receive from their voices. Once Fatima stepped into the dorm, she froze mid-way, seeing the baggage of what seemed to be her roommate. Though she didn’t exactly know where her roommate could be, the importance of that appealed less to her.

She began unpacking her things on her side of the room, making sure to properly fold her clothes and place items in their locations.

_ _ _ _ _

Her stay at ICU had only lasted about a day before Fatima was already contently investigating and lurking around the library of the university. The extensive collection of books they had brought more than enough joy to Fatima and soon she was doubting some of the critiques she made about the school. Another buzz went off within her coat pocket and she reached in. She searched for her phone amidst the folded info papers, forms she will never fill out despite the promises she made to the ones handing them out, and random paper clips. It was most likely Madura again, the girl would not stop bothering her little sister since the time she arrived at ICU. To Fatima, it felt as if Madura was trying to live her dream through her sister, asking for pictures of every aspect of the campus as if she were there herself. She would even go as far as to facetime her, but Fatima would gladly reject that offer.

Her brown eyes lit up slightly upon seeing that the message was from the RA, reminding everyone about the meeting. Right… social interaction… Fatima did her best trying to avoid others, but it was time to put to use her nonexistent social skills. This was college as well, in high school she had an easier time being an introvert until Demetria spawned in out of nowhere. In fact, Fatima might have at least some people skills she acquired from the popular girl. Yet, she highly doubted the supposed-proficiency she had in those skills would be high enough for her to actually make a friend.

Fatima would rather eat rocks than eat whatever horrid food they were serving at the group; someone might have poisoned it for all she knew. And so, she was avid to prepare her own lunch before her inevitable doom.

Upon arriving to the common room, Fatima took a good look at the ones who had already settled into the couches and lounge areas. She could already feel the imminent clashing of ideals and personality traits as soon as she finished scouting out potential acquaintances. Nonetheless, this was a time for alliance-forging. After nodding briefly in acknowledgment to Duke, who seemed to be too preoccupied with his phone and cooking, she reexamined her choices of who to sit with first. If anything, speaking with her roommate would be the best course of action. After all, Fatima was going to spend her entire freshmen year with this girl.

“Make sure to smile, Fatima. Smile. Not frown, not… uh, whatever that was that you did before. Smile! Like this, see.”

Demetria’s cheerful voice was already echoing through Fatima’s mind and she felt as if Demetria was walking in alongside her. Maybe she should at least try to put Demetria’s valuable advice to use.

She looked more like a robot closing in on a target than a human being wanting to make friends. Fatima did not even bother to sit down in one of the chairs, she only leaned awkwardly against them. “Greetings… Soraya.” Fatima said as she stretched her mouth into what she thought was a smile and welcoming look, when in all actuality, it was more of a pained expression. Yes, the best way to make friends, resemble an alien from outer space attempting to adapt to Earth’s customs. Wonderful, Fatima.


Pessimistic, to say the least


tags/interactions/mentions Queen. Queen. laburnum gold laburnum gold
coded by natasha.
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name. orey reinhardt.
location. communal dorm lounge.
song. good while it lasted - old man canyon.
mood. tired, disinterested.
outfit. t-shirt, sweatpants, house shoes.
interactions. sylvester & duke & camilla.
tags. Feyrie Feyrie & laburnum gold laburnum gold & shapeshifter shapeshifter .
Sunday, August 30

Something was keeping him from feeling as excited as he felt he ought to be.

Orey couldn’t quite place what it was. Even as he strode onto a gorgeous, sprawling campus he could finally call his own, as a first-year student, watched his new dorm room fill with all of the new, shiny, tasteful furnishings he’d spent months choosing online, and watched his new neighbors also begin to call this shared space home, nothing monumental stirred inside of him. Part of him felt guilty for not feeling that same infectious glee that his other classmates clearly had—screaming, laughter, and chatter filled the halls, rang out in echoes between campus buildings, and only added to his growing, gnawing emptiness.

It was all a bit anticlimactic, the young man concluded as he waved a somber goodbye to his parents as they headed back to their hotel for the evening, effectively stranding him. They’d spent the day toiling along beside the movers, sweating and aching and complaining with the touch of late summer humidity still hanging thick in the air, for what? Half of his shared dorm room was immaculate and decorated to the nines with shelving, new duvets, and tasteful posters—and the other half was completely normal. His vision of the day and the space he was going to inhabit for the next handful months had not been realized in the slightest.

He had a hard time distinguishing between whether or not it was the outcome of the day or his own broken brain that made it all feel like such a flop. Orey frowned at his reflection as he brushed his teeth in the mirror after cleaning up later that evening. This new pill he was taking seemed to dull everything out—apparently it was supposed to for only a little while, until his body and brain made friends with it, and then he’d feel like his old self again. But his psych had always been the sugarcoating type, hadn’t she?

Orey slept in late the following morning, and when he awoke, he was instantly consumed by anxiety that he’d had a bad dream that bothered his new roommate—what was his name, Isaac, right? Fuck, he was always so bad with names. And the entire cohabitating situation worried him to begin with: even though he was meticulous with his own cleaning and hygiene habits, he’d never shared a space with someone before. He could tell this man was also a calm, easy-going type, and he hoped for nothing but peace between them.

He reached out to his side, fumbling through the blur and the new trinkets on his nightstand before finding his glasses. Once he slipped them on, Orey reached for his phone, eyes widening in horror as he realized what time it was. He slept for at least ten hours, and it was almost one in the afternoon.

A text from the floor’s group chat intrigued him though—an invitation to breakfast, sponsored by their RA. The young man resisted the urge to groan. Despite the massive pain getting out of his comfortably warm bed (these new sheets his mother splurged on were quite worth the extra expense), it was something to get him up and moving for the day. And he appreciated that his RA also shared in misery of this forced interaction. Perhaps he’d be a cool one that would turn a blind eye when he eventually started getting booze and things to smoke inside the building at some point.

To begin forging that positive relationship, Orey opened Venmo and sent Duke $30—obviously way more than he would have needed to spend on what was going to be a lousy, lackluster brunch. His note was, “This better be eggcellent.” He wasn't even hungry. A small price to pay for fun times later on, he rationalized.

After swiping on some deodorant, changing into a long-sleeved t-shirt and sweatpants, and sliding into a pair of slippers, Orey took his keys and phone out into the hallway. It took him a couple moments longer than he’d like to admit to find the kitchen-lounge-whatever area, but when he quietly entered the room, he was instantly met with a small commotion.

A tall, flamboyant kid was chastising their exhausted-looking RA about his troublesome skin. He resisted the urge to grimace at the words said, but he couldn’t help but find this situation comical—Duke already appeared resigned, and this other first-year student continued to go on as if he didn’t notice. The heels and bunny ears were a fun touch, and unnecessary, given how tall he was without them. But who didn’t like Ariana Grande? Was this even a nod to her, or was this just his own thing? No doubt that student, whatever his name was, was going to be someone to find at parties.

Orey stuck to the back wall, hands deep in his pockets, already feeling out of place before this meeting even had a chance to start. Thankfully, though, he wasn’t the only one in sweats, ragged, looking like they had just woken up. He spotted an attractive girl off to his side, and after quickly coming up with a neutral ice-breaker, he spoke to her.

“What a way to enter a room, hm?” He quietly remarked, his expression easy, friendly. “So... unforgettable." That was a good way of putting it without necessarily sounding disparaging. "I just got up and this is already too much to deal with.”

code by yousmelldead

The distance between Isaac’s dorm and the common room wasn’t very far. In fact, it was literally right next door. Yet at that moment, it felt like a million miles.

The jet lag from the flight to Pennsylvania had further fucked his already fucky sleep schedule, and he was really feeling it that morning. His brain felt like it was full of fog, and it was a herculean effort just to put his pants on. He hadn’t even bothered to get out of bed until he got that text from Duke.

Of course, Isaac had only exacerbated the issue by staying up late setting up his PC. But in his defense, he had only intended to plug the thing in. It wasn’t his fault that when he turned it on it had to update, and once that update was done, it had caused compatibility issues with some of his custom programs, forcing him to spend the next few hours updating them too. What was he supposed to do, wait until morning? Don’t be stupid. Though, he did wonder if his late night shenanigans had woken up his roommate, Orey, at all.

Roommate… Isaac had never had a roommate before, and he was still very apprehensive about the whole thing. Sure, Orey seemed to be okay so far, just some mild mannered, old money looking kid. Isaac could have done a lot worse in terms of roommates. That said, you can never truly know from first impressions, and his mind was spinning with worst case scenarios. The idea of someone in his space… looking over his shoulder… touching his computer… going through his files… urk. Imagining it made him physically ill.

Of course, in the more rational part of Isaac’s brain, he knew he was being ridiculous. He had no reason to believe that Orey was anything other than the ideal roommate. That said he also had no reason to believe that Orey wasn’t a complete psychopath, so he figured he had the right to be wary. And that went double for the other students he’d meet at orientation.

Oh right, orientation. Isaac realized he was standing in front of the common room entrance and had been for some time. He sighed. He was not looking forward to this. He’d always hated these kinds of “bonding activities”, and was kind of hoping to leave them behind in high school. No such luck.

Well, at this point he was just stalling. Might as well get on with it already. Walking past Duke and his lame breakfast(Isaac had eaten a couple of poptarts beforehand), he sat himself down in the furthest available armchair. From there, he quickly scanned the room.

A collection of a dozen or so students had accumulated, milling around, chatting among themselves, doing the whole socializing thing. Isaac crossed his arms, further folding himself into the chair. Why were they doing this again? If these people really wanted to get to know each other, they could do it in their own time. As for him, all he wanted was to get his degree and get out. With no distractions.

Was that so much to ask?



it was orientation day, and well, amber had a hell of a lot to get used to. she was only a day in, and she'd already drafted up a list of complaints in her head. nothing she would actually verbalize, though, because she didn't want to get started on the wrong foot. no, she wasn't going to be regarded as that spoiled, daddy's girl, princess. she was going to build a clean reputation and make a name for herself. plus, there were already enough trust fund babies walking around on campus. according to her mother (who was always caught up with the gossip that was circling amongst high society), apparently a vanderbilt would be graduating from icu this fall- wait why wouldn't a vanderbilt go to vanderbilt? maybe they were trying to stray away from their family name like her? or maybe it was actually a rockefeller? honestly, she didn't remember or really care.

anyways, one of her biggest internalized complaints were that the beds were hard and that her room was uncomfortably stuffy. let's just say it was nothing like what amber had been used to growing up, so it was no wonder she'd been up since the crack of dawn. and, she had to share a room, too? while other people got a single? amber honestly wouldn't have minded sharing a dorm if only her roommate would actually talk to her. at least this meant that she could easily get in her beauty sleep... well for now while she didn't have any exams to study for. she was hoping to at least be able to sleep in today, before her rigorous skating schedule and 5 am for morning practices took off, but alas she couldn't, so she found herself wandering...er jogging around campus. because why not take this opportunity to workout and keep in shape? it was what she did best anyway. she also knew that from now on she'd also have to get in extra reps whenever she could. amber knew for a fact that freshman 15 was a real thing, but it was not going to happen to her. not on her watch. it didn't seem likely, anyway, given that the dining hall food was pretty trash. barely anything there was fit for her athletes diet, and she also didn't plan on living off of instant ramen. jesus christ, if only she could bring her personal chef along with her, but at least she could lose a little weight while she was at it getting her higher education. being light was always sought after in the world of figure skating, and she'd admit that it was toxic and harmful, creating unhealthy mindsets in younger girls, but growing up, she did what she had to do to succeed, even if it'd pushed her to having an eating disorder (it didn't help that she was considered tall for a female skater), something she rarely opened up about. not that her parents ever recognized it. mental health just wasn't in their vocabulary, and they'd rather boast about how perfect she was to the rest of the world.

consumed in her thoughts, amber ended up running down the road and made her way into town. she'd gotten pretty hungry working out on an empty stomach, especially since she could barely touch the dining hall food she was forced to try last night, so she found a smoothie bar through yelp and got herself some green juice/protein shake hybrid. it wasn't great, but it was drinkable so it would have to do. it beat the dining hall food, which was all that mattered anyway. she reminded herself that if she was going to mostly dine off-campus, she was going to have to watch her spending (especially if she was going to stop taking handouts from her parents) because this is definitely not what she wanted to spend her trust fund money on. god, why didn't she just listen to everyone else that told her to just take "daddy's money" and go skate at yale. everything would've been so much easier for her, and she would've be skating alongside nathan chen. ugh, who didn't want that?! but she knew the answer. she was extremely stubborn and way too ambitious for that. she was determined to challenge herself and somehow detach herself from the kennedy name. if only she as less difficult and hard-headed. ugh, whatever, she shook her thoughts away and decided to clear her head by continuing to explore the town.


by the time she got back to campus, pretty much everyone was still sleeping, so she didn't really get a chance socialize with anyone except the frats boys that kept hitting on her at the gym. she didn't really mind the attention though, especially since they were pretty hot (and she knew her way around douchey white boys), but she was actually trying to spend time getting her reps in. thank goodness for her ra's orientation reminder because she finally had an excuse to leave chad and brad (or whatever their names were) to go get ready. once back at her dorm, she considered changing out of her leggings and sports bra (sent to her after being sponsored by nike) into something more put together. fuck it she thought and ultimately decided against it, throwing on a nike windbreaker (unzipped obviously and of course falling off her shoulders) to keep it a bit more "modest" (plus, she was too lazy to spend time figuring out another outfit). she also took out her messy ponytail, letting her dirty blonde hair fall in it's natural loose waves around her shoulders to frame her face. first impressions mattered to her, and her "fresh out of the gym look" gave off an effortless vibe and showed off her toned, flat abs. she'd connected with a few people online already, but never in person, so she wanted to look as good as she did on her instagram, especially since she wasn't completely against hoeing around her freshman year (although she did promise her friend back home that she'd tone it down this semester). while getting ready, an exuberant individual in flamboyant outfit loudly busted into her dorm and ruffled her feathers, sidetracking her for a few minutes.

finally noticing the time, amber quickly freshened up, applying extra layers of deodorant and spritzing her signature chanel gabrielle perfume before heading to the common room. being a very outgoing individual, she was excited to meet people for the first time not just through the screen. walking in, she had already recognized a few faces. she'd also venmoed duke for breakfast on her way to the common room, even though she was pretty sure she wasn't going to take any. she could always use some extra protein, but the eggs were way too overcooked for her liking. her spoiled ass could barely work in the kitchen, so she wasn't really one to judge, but how did someone manage to burn eggs?! maybe he should just stay off his phone before he set the building on fire. he was kinda cute though, she gave him that, so she flashed him a smile before scanning the room for somewhere to go. she noticed a guy that looked a bit sunken into his chair. attractive, yes, but he looked like he hated nothing more than being there and wanted no one to even go near him. spotting hattie, she headed over to stand by the wall next to her chair. hattie was a familiar face, and amber felt comfortable going over to her because they'd already talked over the phone and bonded over their hoe stories and similar upbringings. while some people looked reluctant to be there, hattie seemed a bit anxious, so amber figured that her presence could at least be a bit comforting to her.

"hey! sorry, I didn't get a chance to catch you last night. I crashed early, but how was moving though?" she asked in a soft, friendly tone. she looked over and greeted the other two with a small grin. she'd recognized the guy in sweats who looked like he just rolled out of bed from online. she was sure that her father had mentioned his family before, and the girl sitting next to hattie that he seemed to be conversing with looked a little familiar, too.


location: common room // outfit: <3 // mentioned: zitian butterfly aubade butterfly aubade , sylvester Feyrie Feyrie , isaac no-eyed-girl no-eyed-girl // interacting with: hattie uginati uginati , camilla shapeshifter shapeshifter , orey timshel timshel , duke laburnum gold laburnum gold

code by yousmelldead

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— duke ingram
— iris, spring hall, 3rd floor, common room​

Duke grins at his venmo notifications. He hadn't actually meant it when he sent the message out. Not entirely anyway. He's completely willing to pocket his residents' money, though, and makes sure to remember who paid him off.

The counter fills up with plates of toast and eggs by the time he's done preparing it all. It's not enough for everyone in the hall, but he's just here to provide something to occupy themselves with before convocation. Loading up his arms with the plates, he turns and places things down on the empty edges of the table.

"You didn't actually have to pay me, so take what you want," Duke says. His voice is low, a little raspy. It sounds like he's not one to talk much. After he's placed plastic utensils down within people's easy reach, he straightens up at the head of the table. Absentmindedly, he stretches his shoulders and in the quiet hum of the whirring air conditioning, it's easy to hear the crack of his bones. He tacks on, "No refunds, though, sorry."

He slides the bills back to the shy girl quietly. He doesn't deal with cash.

Taking in the dozen people under his watch, he can't help but be dismayed. Nothing on them, though he pointedly doesn't look at bunny ears or short skirt. RA's were required to put up with people's bullshit. Duke can barely manage his own.

"So, we have some things to do for... an hour and a half, Jesus Christ." His phone is open to everything he's supposed to do with them before he drops them off for a tour, and he can't help but let out a snort at the list. "Sorry, sorry," he laughs out, "this whole thing is like elementary school."

He points at the materials on the table. "That's supposed to become your vision board for the year. Arts and crafts what you want freshman year to look like and we'll, shit, hang it up or something."

He squints at his phone again. "Wait, ice breakers first, sorry. 'Pair up and tell each other your names, pronouns, intended major, where you're from, and a fun fact.' Yikes, okay, whatever."

As he puts his phone down to organize everyone, his home screen lights up with a notification. It's easily readable to anyone nearby. The contact name says Mary Shelley. The message:

meet u in 15
; )

Duke hurriedly slides his phone into his pocket. He cracks the fingers on his left hand in succession. Small popping sounds for every second he deliberates. Laughing haltingly, he says, "Oops, so, uh, you guys can just group up, draw some vodka handles, say hi. You're adults, I trust you. This doesn't have to take that long, so do what you want and I'll just be over here."

He went over to lean against the counters, phone already out, and furiously texting back whoever he's nicknamed the author of Frankenstein.


The room carried that type of reticence that made you conscious of every little creak and squelch your body uttered. It was uncomfortable to be so self-aware. Even as Soraya switched the top crossed leg for her right over left, an audible pop had her confidence receding at an alarming rate. Perhaps they would mistake it for Duke's. He seemed to have a lot more bodily crepitation going on - enough that she was willing herself not to bud her nose in and ask, 'you got some kinda bone thing?'

Sitting on the table as she had felt weirder now that so many people were in the room. Thirteen wasn't that many, but it was enough. Still, she had to stick to her guns. Sliding into a chair now would just look sorry. Not a lot of others took the eggs and toast, which had her feeling a little empathetic for Duke going through all the trouble to make them. Rush was rather twitchy about eating in front of others; she had a phobia, if you will, of chewing with any other living soul near her to see it. It wasn't very easy to explain herself on that one. And you could certainly tell there was a bit of malnourishment going on with her. Still, despite her open nature with so many things, that one she wouldn't budge about.

A girl with a smooth and bronzed complexion strolled into the room with an unassailable energy that spoke intimidation down everyone else's spines. Even though Soraya was awkward, unpredictable and strange, she wasn't easily cowed. That unbreakable spirit would come in handy it seemed, seeing as this new girl beelined right for her after a critical once-over of the entire room. You couldn't exactly tell what she was thinking, but it was obvious it was being thought intensely.

She seemed to know who Soraya was, which made her a tad uneasy. Especially when the words 'Greetings, Soraya' came from her lips. Rush's earthy blue-green eyes examined her with conjecture, tilting her head a subtle few degrees. "Do we know each other?" Sora began, touching the tip of her pinky finger to her bottom lip in thought. No one knew anyone here. Not yet, at least. It dawned on her then that this girl was likely her roommate. "Oh, you must be Fatima. Charmed." She beamed, flashing her pearly whites with mischief as she patted the spot on the table next to her. "Impeccable timing. We're supposed to tell each other some fun facts and make a super fun cutesy art project together." The bright-haired femme explained, then paused and mentally reviewed her words.

"Actually, you can pair up with anyone. But it makes most sense for it to be me, roomie. So, now that I've selected you, let's get this started. Soraya Rush, glass-blowing and glass craft extraordinaire, originally from the Florida Redlands, and hmm... I wish it was socially acceptable to live in treehouses. Now you, Fatima." The woman purred, perking with interest.


with the squad

I.Dare.You [Fatima]

code by yousmelldead

The dress had gotten the attention she wanted. People were so easy to manipulate with just a shred of skin showing, the slightest temptation from someone who could be deemed conventionally attractive loosening eyes to roll over onto her direction. It was fun, a part of the college experience that Lauren was more than eager to bend to her will so the monotony of classes didn't bog her down.

From phone to person, she glanced up at the girl who introduced herself as "Marcy," merely smirking and letting the screen darken. Now she was cute, the type of girl that just from a quick judgment would be the person her brother might've been caught talking to. Lauren wasn't stupid enough to not notice the way the other girl's eyes raked from bottom to top, her heart filling with a sense of pride that was quite dangerous in the blonde's grasp. Too bad others only found that out when it was too late.

"A pleasure, Marcy. Lauren."

She might've hated herself for the way that her voice subconsciously drew to a low tone, the perfected measure of always being on the "prowl" as her best friend would put it, a switch that simply refused to turn off. A distraction, a need, a desire... now she was getting ahead of herself.

Lauren wished to speak more but was cut off by the sound of cracking, each pop digging further and further into her ears until the sound was safely associated with Duke. Disgusting. The RA tanked down from a solid 7/10 to a 4/10 with the noise, flooding memories of a bone popping out of her brother's arm that greeted her instead of his usual wave. How fun to remember that. Thankfully, the memory is drained out once he began to speak.



Arts and crafts?

She could laugh, and she did with her head shaking at the childish nature of what they were doing. It reminded Lauren of something her mother would've forced her to do back in middle school, to try and get her to expand her horizons and not be such a homebody. The mere association soured the idea, and the blonde decided that it was best to push such a vitriol reaction back lest she spoiled the other's opinion of her.

With that safely locked in the back of her mind, Lauren stood up and promptly smoothed her dress before looking to Marcy once more. "I declare you my partner, Marcy," a step closer to her, the perfected smile barely reaching her eyes. "Political science. Australia. And..." She pretended to dig deep for a "fun fact," a slight frown overtaking her before once more returning to the smile. "... I've been known to have great stamina."


code by yousmelldead

x X X XX X X X X X X X X X x . X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


tagged: everyone // mentions: lauren // loc. common room

Within the next ten or so minutes, the rest of her fellow hall-mates seemed to one by one make their entrances - some super subtle, like the doe eyed blonde girl who Marcy for some reason couldn't help but throw a few curious glances at; and then, the more... flamboyant entrances. High heels, and bunny ears? Interesting choice.

Marcy took a finishing bite of her toast, and drew her eyes back at Lauren's introduction. "Well, Lauren. Since you declared so nicely, sure."

The instructions from their rather disinterested and distracted RA were simple - introduce yourself, do a little arts n' crafts, make nice with someone. Basic ice breaker activities that everyone had been doing since age seven.

Clearly the same for this Lauren, as her response seemed practiced and easy. Someone who seemed way too used to introducing themselves.

"Political Science, huh? Super cool." She folded her paper plate upon itself, still with eggs inside that were too overcooked for her liking, and crumpled it into somewhat of a ball. "Your parents must be big name... What about your fun fact?"

Marcy was good at playing it cool, pretending to be unruffled when she was, in fact, probably ruffled. So when her partner drawled out 'have great stamina' as a response, Marcy was more close to the 'probably ruffled' side than she would've liked.

'Great stamina?? Was that an actual athletic quip, or did she mean it in the suggestive... Lauren's sudden octave change made it obvious.

But Marcy wasn't going to let some attractive, green eyed, 'shrimp-on-the-barbie' freshman get her flustered. Especially on her first official day.

"Wow, that fun fact is really fun." she sarcastically responded, breaking eye contact only to shoot her paper plate ball into a trash can maybe ten feet away. "I should've used that as my fact too, since no stamina matches that of a swimmers. But who am I to doubt you?" A smidge of a smirk threatened to crack her nonchalant expression, before returning to her regular, seemingly relaxed stance and diving in to the 'ice breaker' exercise.

"Anyways, my major is undecided. Lived in the U.S of A pretty much most of my life, but was born in Ontario, Canada. Uhh, let's see. Fun fact about me is I'm - " she thankfully caught herself before she finished that sentence.

'-an identical twin.' That would've been an easy fun fact, and a fun fact she'd used before. In the past. When she actually had a living identical twin to be a twin of.

That fact wasn't so fun anymore.

"I'm... pretty durable, as a person. Gotta keep in top-notch shape when you're as serious of an athlete as me."

She felt a pause creeping up, so she quickly moved along the subject. Off the coffee table, she picked up a light blue piece of poster paper and a random hand full of sharpie markers. Marcy nodded along for Lauren to follow her to the kitchen counter. "Anyways, let's get this third grader exercise over with, yeah? Also, hope it's cool we're using the light blue poster board." she wrote down her name on the right side of the poster, and drew a line down the middle. "Your side, and my side."

On her own side of the poster, she immediately colored in a dark blue rectangle that took up the majority of the space. Towards the bottom of her corner, she scribbled a red '4.0!!!' and circled it a bunch of times. Then pondered what the hell else to add... Artistic creativity had always seemed to be something that the young athlete sorely lacked.

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camilla rossi

mood interested and attentive

location lounge

tag orey ( timshel timshel )

outfit here
Camilla was pulled from her thoughts as someone spoke to her. She looked up at that somebody, a handsome somebody to be exact. She smiled brightly in greeting, however before she could actually respond, Duke decided it was time to speak. The RA didn't seem too interested in whatever they were supposed to be doing. Which was fair enough, she supposed. He was essentially just babysitting a group of newcomers.

She couldn't help that she was still a little excited to get to know her classmates. She laughed under her breath as he haphazardly explained what they were meant to do. Honestly, she really didn't know what a vision board was. It wasn't really something she came across when her father taught her English. She didn't feel like raising her hand and being the odd one out, so hopefully her partner would be able to explain. Speaking of partner, she needed one.

She looked back up to the guy who spoke to her before. "Let's be partners," she stated. She didn't really see the point in asking. Nobody really knew anybody here, so they were all going to have to get to know each other somehow.

"I'll start. Ah, my name is Camilla and I am majoring in Linguistics. I was born and raised in Florence, Italy. My fun fact... hmm," she paused. She didn't think about it beforehand. "I can speak several languages... another fun fact is I have no idea what a vision board is," she finished with a nervous laugh.

He seemed nice enough to approach her, so he hopefully would explain it to her. She gave him a hopeful smile as she looked up at him.

coded by weldherwings
name. orey reinhardt.
location. communal dorm lounge.
song. beckham - yung baby tate.
mood. mildly intrigued by it all.
outfit. t-shirt, sweatpants, house shoes.
interactions. camilla & marcy.
tags. shapeshifter shapeshifter & sidekicker sidekicker .
Sunday, August 30
A new voice—no doubt that of his RA—filled the room with a tentative command, which was enough for Orey to abandon the conversation he was trying to start and realign his focus. Sure enough, the way Duke spoke confirmed all the suspicions he had: these bonding activities were childish and inane, and he, too old for this, had better things to do. He couldn’t hate the messenger, but it didn’t make him loathe the day ahead any less.

Sighing softly, he looked to the girl to his side. Might as well get this over with sooner rather than later. Plus, she looked kind enough, normal enough; Orey felt silly and underdressed in front of her, but hopefully she wasn’t at all like him and could see past it.

“Sure,” he answered, doing his best to put some brightness and energy in his voice. He still hadn’t quite shaken off the morning grogginess, but this new girl, Camilla, proved pretty easy to pay attention to—and she was certainly easy on the eyes as well. But what intrigued him the most was that she was clearly a lot more than just a pretty face: originally from Italy, majoring in linguistics, and multilingual? Good Lord.

He laughed lightly at her admission, running a hand through his hair. And he decided in that moment that this girl was someone he would like to befriend, at the absolute least. He had a lot he wanted to ask her about.

The young man flashed a tight, warm smile back at her. “It’s nice to meet you, Camilla,” he began, “And, truthfully, I’ve only ever read about vision boards—I didn’t know people made these in real life.” Orey mused for a moment. “I believe you use magazine clippings or pictures to build this sort of poster collage. But it’s meant for you to visually project your goals, your interests…”

He trailed off. I’m talking too much. Shrugging, he added, “You’re likely not the only one new to these.”

“Oh—I didn’t introduce myself.” He cleared his throat, standing up just a little bit straighter. “I’m Orey. I’m almost certain I’ll be double majoring in art history and classics, though I may just add English too.” He shrugged. “We’ll see about that. I was born and raised in New York City, and—hm. A fun fact?”

Orey broke eye contact for a moment as he raked through his mind. What can I say that won’t immediately out me as a rich, legacy asshole? “Oh. I worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art this summer. Really enjoyed it.”

He grimaced at the pile of art supplies where Duke just was—where’d he go? He must have left the room when they were talking, and he envied that freedom. If this conversation was less interesting, he’d probably also excuse himself to do something more worth his time as well. “… Should we actually do this vision board or not?”

Taking note of his two classmates that had already begun the arts and crafts, he squinted, trying to decipher what it was a short-haired, athletic girl was writing down. 4.0. God, that's desperate. Orey smirked softly. Perhaps his natural talent for all things schoolwork and schedule had turned him unsympathetic, completely unable to comprehend not succeeding at the highest level—but perhaps that girl was just the same as him. Iris and Candor was no joke of a school, after all.

Only time would tell, as he got to know more of the people in the room.

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