

The Clawed Fauni




1. Miki(Icefox11)

2.Scarlett Rollins

3. Jasmin Malloe

4.Eri Collins

5.Beatrice Garcia


1.Greg Moses

2.Kiku Akiyama

3.Ryuu Kimari

4. Julie To

5.Kyle Wardan


1. Greg Moses

2. Scarlett Rollins

3.Jasmin Malloe

4.Ryuu Kimari

5.Kyle Wardan

Other species:

1. Miki(Icefox11)

2.Kiku Akiyama

3.Julie To

4.Eri Collins

5.Beatris Garcia










Height and Weight: 0'0" 0 lbs.

Read more about this role play...

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Sorry about the delay guys! 

Name: Mariki Merente

Age: 17

Species: Neko(Half cat)

Personality: Miki is a fierce girl who hates flirts and jerks. She has a problem dealing with people that like to bother her in a mean way. She seems all defensive on the outside, but on the inside, she is a shy nerd who just wants to be accepted. And in her mind, the best way to do that is to be almost invisible. But people keep messing with her, making that impossible.

Bio(Optional): Revealed in Rp.

Other: Nya~
Name: Greg Moses

Age(14-18): 16

Species: Human

Personality: Shy, dense, not very social about anything. The only way he'll talk to you is if he's known you for a while.

Bio(Optional): revealed in RP

Other: He likes animals and abnormal things.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anime-boy.jpg.aeb0f6acad506fb4cedbc57cd7ac796e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/anime-boy.jpg.aeb0f6acad506fb4cedbc57cd7ac796e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.2ace9b5d21418edb13c5f8cde0fbda40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21118" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.2ace9b5d21418edb13c5f8cde0fbda40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Scarlett Rollins

Age: 16

Species: Human

Personality: Scarlett comes off as a sort of death freak simply because of her wardrobe; however, she's a true sweetheart with a hint of devil. She's kind, caring, and respects others as long as she is respected. She is one of the most loyal people you will meat in your life, if not the most. She knows how to have fun, but she knows how to be serious, too. Her temper has gotten her into trouble, but she tries to keep it under control

Bio(Optional): Revealed in Rp

Other: Scarlett is 5'4. She has a tribal tattoo going down her side, and she likes to decorate her arms with bracelets as well as dye and streak her hair different colors.




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Name: Jasmin Malloe

Age(14-18): 15

Species: Human

Personality: Very cheerful person, but can have a fiery temper when provoked, and can be considered overbearing. She only wishes the best for her friends but she can sometimes take things to far.

Bio(Optional): revealed in RP

Other: She loves to draw, and practice martial arts.



Neko(oh my god. I cannot believe I forgot this)

(Hope this is ok. This is my first time RP on the forum ^^'') 

Kana said:
Name: Jasmin Malloe
Age(14-18): 15

Species: Human

Personality: Very cheerful person, but can have a fiery temper when provoked, and can be considered overbearing. She only wishes the best for her friends but she can sometimes take things to far.

Bio(Optional): revealed in RP

Other: She loves to draw, and practice martial arts.



(Hope this is ok. This is my first time RP on the forum ^^''
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Kiku Akiyama






Kiku likes to keep to himself and prefers

not talk to people who don't approach him first.

He's uncomfortable in large groups or with people

he doesn't know.


Revealed in RP

( I know everyone is doing this so

if you want me to change it and put his

history I will.)



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Name: Ryuu Kimari


Species: Human

Personality: Ryuu has a goofy personality, he sleeps alot and makes jokes. He always tries to have a good time and make some good come out of any situation, he is always there for his friends except for when they cross the line. He flirts alot with girls but never expects to get anywhere, Ryuu is cheeky when he wants to be but can also be very caring.

Bio(Optional): Ryuu was born in a small town and lived there most of this life, his family being one of the only people he had to talk to things about, he got really close to them. If people say anything bad towards his family he get angry and walks off. His older brother became his best friend till he left for the military, he was unfortunately shot in combat and Ryuu doesn't like to talk about it much. Ryuu's family decided to send him to boarding school thinking it would be a great place for him to make friends and live a happy life, but Ryuu thought differently.

Other: Ryuu tends to chew gum most of the time and offers other people gum all the time, his favorite one liner is "man this is such a drag". He also tends to sleep in class alot.

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Name: Julie To


Species: Neko

Personality: Julie is truly a hedonistic character, disregarding any morals or common sense if something catches his interests. He hates when anything is boring, preferring that other people keep the mood entertained and engaging. He is laid back and usually apathetic to other people's self-interests if they're not fun.

Bio: He likes warm milk and fish.

More revealed in RP.

Other: He has a habit of removing his clothes when he's asleep.



Eri Collins


17 (junior)




Eri is a very laid back, relaxed girl, but is always jumping at the opportunity to

have a good time. She's a loyal friend, and has a good sense of humor when she's

in a good mood. At times, Eri can be a bit of a flirt, but not overwhelmingly so.

She's not careless when it comes to her schoolwork, but would rather occupy

her mind with something else like drawing, reading, or sleeping during class.

Eri can be pretty stubborn, and defensive if anyone tries to threaten herself or

her friends. She's also very athletic, and loves to eat all kinds of food.


Revealed in RP


~Thin pale scar on the back of her left shoulder blade~


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Name: Beatrice Garcia

Age(14-18): 14 Freshman.

Species: Neko Vampire

Personality: Loves good fun and makes friends quickly, but is a little quirky and trusts people about as far as she can throw them. Closes herself off from people who try to get to know her too much.

Other: Likes to dance and swim. Also likes garlic (hehe). Drinks blood only when no other option. Neko

Elective Class: Fighting class.

((Disclaimer: Completely stolen from deviantart. I do not own the art.)
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Kyle Wardan

  • Name: Kyle Wardan

    Age: 17 (Junior)

    Course chosen: Mystical Creatures 101

    Species: Human

    Height: 6'1

    Weight: 192 lbs

    Personality: Sarcastic, Loud-mouthed and self-centered. The typical guy who you would want to smack accross the head. Getting on his bad side is the worst idea you could have. Even tho he doesn't have a lot of friends, his influence all over the school is not refutable. He could destroy any reputation in a second. Knowing all the perks of the school, his probably one of the only student to know where and how to get anything you want.

    Bio: This was actually his third school establishment he attended. He was sent to many other Human high school but ended up being thrown out from them for bad comportement. Even tho his evident intelligence, he doesn't have any plan for the futur, he only 'Hopes' to have fun.

    Other: He was able to build a underground blackmarket and even corrupt a few superiors of the school. He is somehow curious about Neko's (*Cough password cough*)

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Here are the pairs!

1.Mariki Merente and Kyle Wardan

2.Greg Moses and Eri Collins

3.Ryuu Kimari and Beatrice Garcia

4.Jasmin Malloe and Kiku Akiyama

5.Scarlett Rollins and Julie To 
Were starting!

If you do not respond to this message soon I will be removing you from the roleplay. I need to know you are committed and ready to be a part of this rp.
Needed more members?




Aristide "Aris" Farkas


17 (Junior)




Fighting Class






Aris likes other people, and usually is warm and accepting of anyone. He is almost completely unable of getting angry, unless someone says something that morally disgusts him, or hurts someone he especially likes. Personal criticism doesn't bother him at all. He can, however, get a bit cheeky at times.


Aris had a rough childhood. His parents always fought, and they were both drugs addicts. He was introduced into a criminal lifestyle at a very young age, when he was 6. He was used to murder opposition, and he was forced to sell drugs. When he was 10 he had already killed 12 men, who hadn't thought of him as a threat at all. Through this childhood he became a very introverted, depressed, and rude person. Fighting and deceiving was the only thing he knew of, and those abilities were looked up to by his current peers.

He was not stupid though. Just before the police caught on to them and arrested everyone in his previous gang, he made himself scarce. He had made quite a bit of money from his previous dealings, and his bank account was loaded. He couldn't really start a life of his own, being 13, though. Eventually he got handled by the social services, and adopted by a rather wealthy family, where both parents were doctors.

His new family were all every nice, and kind-hearted people, and after some time he learned to look up to them. He knew of how he'd felt in his past, sad and lonely more often than not, and made a decision to never become like that again, nor let anyone around him become like that. And after that he became a rather good samaritan.



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I will be an active character, but you will have to deal with time zone differences even though I will try my best to be as active as possible, I'm from the UK, but this RP looks super fun :)


Brown hair, brown eyes, Charlie is tall enough to not be considered short, and very thin. He always wears dark clothes, a baggy shirt usually accompanied by slightly tight jeans.

Name: Charlie Flynn

Age: 17 (Junior)

Height: 5'6

Weight: 90lbs (Underweight)

Species: Magic (If that's allowed)

Personality: Charlie is talkative, intelligent, and thoughtful. He can be very sarcastic and dark, but he always says things with his heart in the right place. He is artistic, and usually carries around a sketchpad and a pencil in his back pack.

Bio: Revealed in RP.

Other: Bisexual. Favourite band is Get Scared.

'Neko' Also, elective class is potions

I hope you're still accepting and you'll accept Charlie :)
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Height: 5'4"

Weight: 164lb

Name: Conner McKinley

Age(14-18): 17 senior

Species: Neko

Personality: Always curious about something and always asking questions, to the annoyance of some of his teachers. Has a friendly nature and forgives easily.

Bio(Optional): Develop in RP

Other: Snuck his cat, Gypsy, into the dorms. Class, magical monsters 101. Neko
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All of you may post when ready! We are starting a new morning so start with you guys moving in!

Airs and Conner are roommates

Charlie Has to wait for a roommate and for now is living alone.

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