Advice/Help Romantic subplots in group RP, that don't take over the RP


New Member
I'm here to ask for advice.

I'm in an RP with an established group on another site. We switched settings and made new characters recently, and my character and another fell for each other a few weeks (IRL time) into the game. They're in no danger of falling out of the plot, but we have a very small cast (a team of 4 + the villain), so I want to make sure I'm not leaving anyone out.

Also, the other character is played by my spouse, so when we have a lot of time to talk IRL, we get a ton of ideas for our characters. I think we might've went on a little too long recently, since the group split up to travel and our two characters were separated from the others, and had the more eventful trip because they went by ground instead of air.

I probably just need to keep an eye on how much IRL time I take up on romance, so that other people aren't stuck waiting for the next plot thing to happen. I'm also planning to make a specific effort to find reasons for my character to get to know the character he's spent the least time with, to make sure everyone has enough to write about.

I guess while I'm here asking for advice, I should also ask, does anyone have tips on getting characters from very different backgrounds to build (working and/or friendship) relationships? I've been asking myself, what would the other character have experience with that mine would want to learn about? But I bet there are other things I should be thinking about too.
I think in this case the best thing to do is think of it like going on vacation with a group of friends and your spouse.

The time you spend with your spouse is like a 1x1 roleplay, because it’s just the two of you together doing whatever.

The time spent with friends is the group roleplay, because the focus isn’t your spouse but doing joint activities with everyone.

As for how your character makes friends with someone, again it’s like that vacation thing. You might not know every single person that well but you can usually fall back on basic manners and small talk to cover any awkwardness that arrises when your forced to interact as a part of the group activity

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