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Multiple Settings ❂.°。⁞ Romantic Scenarios (MxM, MxF)

Boy, it’s good to be back!​

Hi everyone, thank you for clicking on this thread! My name is silly and long, so call me Red. My pronouns are she/they, and I’m 27 years old. I know, ew, almost 30?? I can’t believe I’m actually ancient, sheesh. That being said, I’d like to lay out a few ground rules before we jump into the fun bits:
  • Partner preference is 21+ with no exceptions. Thank you for understanding!
  • A heads up will be appreciated for any longer than three days without a reply. Life comes first, but please be courteous. I’ll wait forever, if only I’m given notice!
  • If something triggers you, please let me know ahead of time. I like to dive into some serious subjects as much as I love fluff, but I can’t read your mind to protect you. We’re adults, let’s act accordingly.
  • I like to write 2-6 paragraphs per post, and depending on the pacing of a scene, it can be shorter or longer. I don’t expect you to match me in length, but I expect more effort than a few sentences. Give me something to work with, and we’ll make something magical!
  • I’m not generally too chatty OOC, but if we click, I’m happy to be friends. I just may not be the one to reach out like that first. I may be friendly, but it makes me no less of a chicken, haha.
  • Please please PLEASE tell me if you’re bored! I’m happy to start something new or brainstorm ideas to spice it up together, but communication is key. Don’t be a ghost, be a ghostbuster.

I joined this site in 2015 and left it 6 years ago for Reasons™, but now, I’m excited to jump back into the saddle of creative writing! I have a few ideas in mind that I’ll list below. Plots are somewhat flexible, and I’m willing to hash out new ideas together too! Now, without further adieu:

Werewolf x Monster Hunter
  • Modern/Fantasy, friends to lovers
  • MxM or MxF
  • MC is werewolf, YC is monster hunter
  • MC and YC knew each other before hand, but when YC gets sent on an assignment by the Hunters’ Association to take down a werewolf that was surprisingly familiar upon arrival, they just couldn’t complete the mission. Neither knew what the other was until YC walks in on MC transforming, shock! Chaos ensues, the two having to flee cross country from the HA; YC a traitor and MC an unfortunate monster. Road trip anyone?

Pirate Captain x Stowaway/Captive
  • Fantasy/Historical, enemies to lovers
  • MxM
  • MC is Captain, YC is Stowaway/Captive
  • MC is a notorious pirate captain, feared across the seven seas. YC is either A) a stowaway for reasons you may come up with or we can brainstorm or B) a captive taken during the latest island raid, taken for whatever talent they possess, or maybe they’re just pretty. Tension brews as the Captain falls for YC, guilt over kidnapping turning into love, or fear over losing his fearsome reputation. Flexible with plot, and not even close to historically accurate. Let’s have fun with it!

Space Soldier x Space Soldier
  • Sci-fi/Romance, rivals to lovers
  • MxM
  • Our characters are both soldiers in the future that go on a mission to explore a new planet and earn the trust of the natives. Something goes horribly wrong when the ship crashes, leaving only MC and YC to survive together on an alien planet. With clashing personalities, YC and MC have been rivals for years, going about climbing the ranks in opposite ways their entire lives; MC relying on combat abilities and charm, while YC relies on text books and strategy. Hopefully they don’t kill each other before they’re rescued, but maybe this was exactly what their relationship needed.
If you read through all this, you’re a trooper and I think we’ll get along just fine. Please shoot me a DM if interested, letting me know a little about yourself and which plot you’re interested in. I may take on multiples of the same plot, so don’t be afraid to reach out even if you see multiple offers! First come, however, first serve, as there are only so many hours in a day after all. ;)

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