Everyone's fighting some battle of their own.
All right, well, I have another thread in here for other types of role-plays, but I figured I'd make a romantic specific thread so I could get more of these kinds of role-plays going on top of my normal/normal-ish ones. Okay, so I'll lay out some ground rules first and then go straight into my pairing ideas.
Ground Rules
* I can play either gender with ease. I prefer the female one considering I'm a female IRL, but I honestly can go either way if you really want to be the female.
* Sexuality can be straight, bisexual, or even homosexual for all I care.
* As stated above, I don't mind the sexuality so the pairings can be either MxF or MxM. Sorry, but considering I'm actually straight, the idea of FxF weirds me out a little (No offense intended here at all).
* For the role-play, I need at least three sentences per response. I can't stand it when I get one-liners from people. Seriously, these kinds of role-plays live off of the character development. Not much is going to develop with one-liners.
* Please, have proper grammar and punctuation. I will abruptly end a role-play between someone if it gets bad enough. I find it hard to read responses that are hard to understand because of poor grammar or punctuation.
* Be detailed! Have your character thinking to themselves in your responses. Show emotion or lack thereof depending on your character's personality! I love to see someone putting real care and thought into their responses and characters.
* Furry stuff is more than welcome here.
* For the pairings, I only want OCs involved.
Now, onto more fun things...the pairing ideas!
Oh, and I'm going to dish out some military pairings since I'm in the National Guard in the USA. Perhaps I can find some other fellow servicemembers out there to role-play with! ^^ Please be somewhat informed of what the military life is actually like before signing up for one of these though. I'd rather not spend most of the time trying to explain stuff to people. :/ Okay, and one last thing is that I may add or take things to/off this list as time goes since my interests may change over time.
1. Army x Marine
2. Soldier Just Returning Home From Deployment x Childhood Friend
3. Orphan x Orphan (Not quite sure how I feel about this one. Just a random idea that popped up)
4. Foster x Sibling in Adopted Family (Sounds weird, but I'm sure it happens at some point in real-life
5. Union Soldier x Confederate Citizen
6. Confederate Soldier x Union Citizen
7. Shy x Outgoing
8. New to High School x Senior
9. Bad Person x Good Person (i.e. bad boy x good girl kind of idea, but genders can be swapped and mixed)
10. Mutant x Human (Think Maximum Ride)
11. Mutant x Mutant
12. Soldier x Soldier Mutant
13. Solider Mutant x Soldier Mutant
14. Runaway x Orphan
15. Angel x Human
16. Vampire x Human
17. Werewolf x Human
18. Werewolf x Werewolf
19. Kitsune x Human
20. Werecat x Human
21. Werecat x Werecat
22. Shapeshifter x Human
23. Criminal x Detective
24. College Student x College Student (I am in college after all. I can play this part rather easily
25. Rich x Average
26. Supernatural (Think gifted as in they have some kind of superpower(s)) x Human
27. Royalty x Average
28. Celebrity (Prefer this to be a made up celebrity or OC) x Normal Person
29. Secret Agent x Bad Person (Oh, just imagine finally getting the bad guy/girl and finding out that you can't finish them off? Damn, that would suck)
30. Military Sniper x Target (After all, don't snipers typically have to really get to know their targets before actually killing them? Though, I guess that's more of a certain scenarios thing, but whatever)
31. American Soldier x Canadian Soldier
32. Witch x Wizard
33. Brother x Sister
34. Dominant x Submissive (In this pairing, I'm claiming the Submissive role cause I'd absolutely suck at being the Dominant in all honesty. xD )
35. Master x Slave (Again, claiming the slave role)
36. POW (Prisoner of War) x Guard
37. POW x Torturer (Probably wouldn't be the best start to any relationship, but I'm sure we could work this one out.
38. POW x POW
39. American Soldier x Enemy Soldier (We could pick from any time era and war for this one)
40. Traveller x Foreigner
41. Musician x Artist
42. Musician x Musician
43. Artist x Artist
44. Teacher or Professor x Student (I'm claiming the student role)
45. Demon x Human
46. (Apocalyptic Setting) Survivor x Survivor
47. Anthro x Anthro
48. Anthro x Human
49. Assassin x Target
50. Assassin x Assassin
51. Farmhand x Farmer's Child (Can be a teen or adult)
52. Daredevil x Country Person
53. Country Person x City Person
54. Geek x Geek (Please, someone geek out with me here xD )
55. Athlete x Athlete (This would most likely involve Track and Field since that was my sport in high school)
56. American Soldier x Enemy Spy
57. Stray Pet x Family Pet
58. Jack Frost x OC
59. Mythical Being x Mythical Being
60. Mythical Being x Human
61. Circus Performer x Audience Member
62. Kidnapper x Kidnapped (I claim the kidnapped role here)
63. Survivor x Survivor (Stranded on an island together via some kind of vehicular crash)
64. President's Child x Average Person (Perhaps even a tourist or something)
Pairings Based Solely on Specific Settings
1. Lost
2. The Walking Dead
3. X-Men: Preferred that only OCs are involved in this role-play unless canons are simply helping move the role-play along.
3. Maximum Ride (Same as above)
4. The Hunger Games (We could either be in the same district together or be pitted against one another)
5. The Maze Runner
6. With and Wizard
7. Avatar: The Last Airbender / Korra
8. Legend of the Guardians: Owls of Ga'Hoole
9. The Lion King (An interesting role-play that I've yet to do with anyone)
10. Assassin's Creed
11. Far Cry 3 or 4
12. Dragon Age
13. Call of Duty Settings (There's a couple to choose from considering all of the CoD games)
14. Dead Island
15. Left 4 Dead
16. Pokemon
17. Spiderman (Pairing would include Peter Parker/Spiderman x OC. I can take either role)
18. Iron Man (This is ONLY if you can pull off a really good Tony Stark/Iron Man because I know I can't so I'd be taking the OC role in this one)
19. Code Lyoko (God, I haven't seen this show in ages, but I still love the concept)
20. Danny Phantom (I'd prefer someone else play an awesome Danny, whereas I'd be some OC, but I can play Danny if you really want to be the OC)
21. DC Universe (In this scenario, I'd be okay with canon characters, but nobody that's overly OP)
22. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
23. Eragon (The idea would be that only one of us is a dragon rider)
24. How to Train Your Dragon (Woop, now we can both be dragon riders!)
25. Percy Jackson (I wouldn't mind having a prophecy involved, but no canon characters other then NPCs or side characters)
26. Talon (Book involving dragons that can take the form of humans)
27. Penryn and the End of Days (Angelfall series that involves angels, humans, and fallen angels. The main idea is that angels are trying to kill any and all humans they can find. Humans are now nearly extinct, but there are still quite a few out there surviving)
28. I Am Legend (I swear to God if there's a dog involved and it dies...)
29. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
30. Jurassic Park/World
31. District 9
32. The Purge
33. Teen Wolf (This would include canon characters, but I would prefer to have someone else being the canon characters and that they be knowledgeable of the tv show and its plot)
34. Teen Titans
35. Young Justice (We'd basically be the kid versions of the big guys, minus any of the really OP ones like Superman)
36. Harry Potter (Would refer this sticks with OCs only)
37. Marvel Universe
38. Mass Effect (I've only just recently began the first game so if you choose this one then you'll have to really lead the storyline)
39. World War Z
40. Red Dead Redemption
Ground Rules
* I can play either gender with ease. I prefer the female one considering I'm a female IRL, but I honestly can go either way if you really want to be the female.
* Sexuality can be straight, bisexual, or even homosexual for all I care.
* As stated above, I don't mind the sexuality so the pairings can be either MxF or MxM. Sorry, but considering I'm actually straight, the idea of FxF weirds me out a little (No offense intended here at all).
* For the role-play, I need at least three sentences per response. I can't stand it when I get one-liners from people. Seriously, these kinds of role-plays live off of the character development. Not much is going to develop with one-liners.
* Please, have proper grammar and punctuation. I will abruptly end a role-play between someone if it gets bad enough. I find it hard to read responses that are hard to understand because of poor grammar or punctuation.
* Be detailed! Have your character thinking to themselves in your responses. Show emotion or lack thereof depending on your character's personality! I love to see someone putting real care and thought into their responses and characters.
* Furry stuff is more than welcome here.
* For the pairings, I only want OCs involved.
Now, onto more fun things...the pairing ideas!
1. Army x Marine
2. Soldier Just Returning Home From Deployment x Childhood Friend
3. Orphan x Orphan (Not quite sure how I feel about this one. Just a random idea that popped up)
4. Foster x Sibling in Adopted Family (Sounds weird, but I'm sure it happens at some point in real-life
5. Union Soldier x Confederate Citizen
6. Confederate Soldier x Union Citizen
7. Shy x Outgoing
8. New to High School x Senior
9. Bad Person x Good Person (i.e. bad boy x good girl kind of idea, but genders can be swapped and mixed)
10. Mutant x Human (Think Maximum Ride)
11. Mutant x Mutant
12. Soldier x Soldier Mutant
13. Solider Mutant x Soldier Mutant
14. Runaway x Orphan
15. Angel x Human
16. Vampire x Human
17. Werewolf x Human
18. Werewolf x Werewolf
19. Kitsune x Human
20. Werecat x Human
21. Werecat x Werecat
22. Shapeshifter x Human
23. Criminal x Detective
24. College Student x College Student (I am in college after all. I can play this part rather easily
25. Rich x Average
26. Supernatural (Think gifted as in they have some kind of superpower(s)) x Human
27. Royalty x Average
28. Celebrity (Prefer this to be a made up celebrity or OC) x Normal Person
29. Secret Agent x Bad Person (Oh, just imagine finally getting the bad guy/girl and finding out that you can't finish them off? Damn, that would suck)
30. Military Sniper x Target (After all, don't snipers typically have to really get to know their targets before actually killing them? Though, I guess that's more of a certain scenarios thing, but whatever)
31. American Soldier x Canadian Soldier
32. Witch x Wizard
33. Brother x Sister
34. Dominant x Submissive (In this pairing, I'm claiming the Submissive role cause I'd absolutely suck at being the Dominant in all honesty. xD )
35. Master x Slave (Again, claiming the slave role)
36. POW (Prisoner of War) x Guard
37. POW x Torturer (Probably wouldn't be the best start to any relationship, but I'm sure we could work this one out.
38. POW x POW
39. American Soldier x Enemy Soldier (We could pick from any time era and war for this one)
40. Traveller x Foreigner
41. Musician x Artist
42. Musician x Musician
43. Artist x Artist
44. Teacher or Professor x Student (I'm claiming the student role)
45. Demon x Human
46. (Apocalyptic Setting) Survivor x Survivor
47. Anthro x Anthro
48. Anthro x Human
49. Assassin x Target
50. Assassin x Assassin
51. Farmhand x Farmer's Child (Can be a teen or adult)
52. Daredevil x Country Person
53. Country Person x City Person
54. Geek x Geek (Please, someone geek out with me here xD )
55. Athlete x Athlete (This would most likely involve Track and Field since that was my sport in high school)
56. American Soldier x Enemy Spy
57. Stray Pet x Family Pet
58. Jack Frost x OC
59. Mythical Being x Mythical Being
60. Mythical Being x Human
61. Circus Performer x Audience Member
62. Kidnapper x Kidnapped (I claim the kidnapped role here)
63. Survivor x Survivor (Stranded on an island together via some kind of vehicular crash)
64. President's Child x Average Person (Perhaps even a tourist or something)
Pairings Based Solely on Specific Settings
1. Lost
2. The Walking Dead
3. X-Men: Preferred that only OCs are involved in this role-play unless canons are simply helping move the role-play along.
3. Maximum Ride (Same as above)
4. The Hunger Games (We could either be in the same district together or be pitted against one another)
5. The Maze Runner
6. With and Wizard
7. Avatar: The Last Airbender / Korra
8. Legend of the Guardians: Owls of Ga'Hoole
9. The Lion King (An interesting role-play that I've yet to do with anyone)
10. Assassin's Creed
11. Far Cry 3 or 4
12. Dragon Age
13. Call of Duty Settings (There's a couple to choose from considering all of the CoD games)
14. Dead Island
15. Left 4 Dead
16. Pokemon
17. Spiderman (Pairing would include Peter Parker/Spiderman x OC. I can take either role)
18. Iron Man (This is ONLY if you can pull off a really good Tony Stark/Iron Man because I know I can't so I'd be taking the OC role in this one)
19. Code Lyoko (God, I haven't seen this show in ages, but I still love the concept)
20. Danny Phantom (I'd prefer someone else play an awesome Danny, whereas I'd be some OC, but I can play Danny if you really want to be the OC)
21. DC Universe (In this scenario, I'd be okay with canon characters, but nobody that's overly OP)
22. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
23. Eragon (The idea would be that only one of us is a dragon rider)
24. How to Train Your Dragon (Woop, now we can both be dragon riders!)
25. Percy Jackson (I wouldn't mind having a prophecy involved, but no canon characters other then NPCs or side characters)
26. Talon (Book involving dragons that can take the form of humans)
27. Penryn and the End of Days (Angelfall series that involves angels, humans, and fallen angels. The main idea is that angels are trying to kill any and all humans they can find. Humans are now nearly extinct, but there are still quite a few out there surviving)
28. I Am Legend (I swear to God if there's a dog involved and it dies...)
29. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
30. Jurassic Park/World
31. District 9
32. The Purge
33. Teen Wolf (This would include canon characters, but I would prefer to have someone else being the canon characters and that they be knowledgeable of the tv show and its plot)
34. Teen Titans
35. Young Justice (We'd basically be the kid versions of the big guys, minus any of the really OP ones like Superman)
36. Harry Potter (Would refer this sticks with OCs only)
37. Marvel Universe
38. Mass Effect (I've only just recently began the first game so if you choose this one then you'll have to really lead the storyline)
39. World War Z
40. Red Dead Redemption
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