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Fantasy Romantic fantasy with dark elements


New Member
I know this sounds odd but I'm looking for an original dark roleplay themed around blood and philosophy. However, I happen to like a bit of cute fluff and romance as part of the character development.

Perhaps I've been watching too much anime during lockdown...

What I'm looking for:
-I'm 30 so I'd prefer my partner to mid 20's or older so it's not uncomfortable.
-I want an intelligent reply with your deep, funny, real views about life in the story.
-Someone who is invested in the story and is able to create twists and turns without needing to be carried as well as being adaptable to twists themselves.
-Someone who focuses on the scene around them and throws in little details. ---The more detail the deeper and more creative the story. In a room with broken glass? Tell me how it shattered or how you found a glass sliver in your arm. In a blood bar? Tell about that grumpy looking slayer in the corner.
-I don't care about reply length as long as you make it count. I'll take quality over quantity. Although I love to write and will most definitely make replies count. On that note please respond once per day, unless life gets busy which happens :)
-I want someone who is creative and isn't scared of the darker elements. ((I don't play abuse, a story based fully on torture or someone who is always negitive. I do like blood, psychological horror, violent paranormal creatures and gore in the death to victims))
-If you leave or become too busy just let me know! Roleplay is the highlight of my life and receiving replies is the greatest feeling ^^
-I guess I also need to add if there is a misunderstanding don't just up and leave. Let me know. It happens in real life as well. Character conflict and working out differences is part of a long term story.
-I didn't think I had to add this one but No. God. Mode. It isn't fun to feel like you aren't significant when the story isn't 50/50. I understand about passion but don't take over with power. Personally I love bringing out the potential my partner!

I don't have a plot right now but I'm open to nearly anything! I live on romantic horror: movies, series and anime so I'm not shy to the genera.

Let's hear those ideas that could be anything involving:
Shapeshifters (this would be the only kingdom type roleplay I would do)

What I won't do:

I also will play female or male or both! I love making side characters, doubling and creating npc's. I prefer to do M/F on occasion I wouldn't mind a F/F however I've had issues with these stories. I find two females to be quite a bit more drama than I prefer but I can't judge future partners on the past :)

I'm not picky for a plot. I can work with and adapt to anything you've been wanting to try. Finding a fun person as a partner means more to me.

I'm very literate and will give very smart replies however, I do have minor dyslexia so if I make a small mistake such as a misspelled or missing word please be nice about it :)
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