~Romance Themed School~


Junior Member
SteevieX1 submitted a new role play. @SteevieX1, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

Read more about this role play... 
Character sheet, no need to make anything complicated, I am open to creativity as long as your character fits within the Role play.

IMPORTANT: Please read the Role Play over view before doing this.

Name: (Anything really just keep it under 20 letters :3)

Age: (between 17 and 25)

Personality: (Please make this as detailed as possible, more detail the better!)

History: (this can be whatever you want as long as it corresponds with you characters personality, be creative!)

Appearance: (if you insert a picture of your character then this can be very brief)

My character: (use this as an example, despite how poor it might be :3)

My character (since he is a teacher he bends the rules a bit)

Name: Professor Leon van bakker (Prof. van bakker)

Age: 26

Personality: Leon is a understanding considerate teacher, always caring for his students and making sure they are not alone. Leon is always willing to forgive a student for their flaws, sometimes without a second thought. Keeping a rather cool and quiet personality in class but becoming smooth within the night and has been known to flirt with his older students.

History: Unlike most people on the campus Leon's memories are legit. Before the catastrophe of the Black Death Version two Leon was married with a 6 month Baby at home while he studied the relationship between a man and woman but was also a psychology teacher at a university. Unfortunately Leon's baby was patient X of the Black Death and was the first to die before many. A month after their baby's death his wife committed suicide, traumatized and mourning Leon was also infected with the disease although the CDC were able to get to him before the disease would enter it's deadliest state. When he was taken into custody by the organization (whom where responsible for Aphrodite Academy) they realized Leon would be a perfect man for the role of a teacher at their school and he was employed and forced to requite his past.

Appearance: Leon is a tall man at around 6'7 and weighs about 170 pounds, his eyes which are not visible most of the time because of his thick glasses are a light brown shade.

I am also accepting another staff member for the school who would play the teachers assistant other than that we need students (the assistant is preferably a woman and has a past similar to Leon's)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/aikuro_mikisugi_54469.jpg.70eb619850424e1d2f37bdb1694b961a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/aikuro_mikisugi_54469.jpg.70eb619850424e1d2f37bdb1694b961a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lillia Rose Scarlet


17 years old


If anything, Lillia is a girl who gets excited over life, over things, over different kinds of aspects. She always shows up with a little smile, hoping that everyone else around would be as happy as she. She sometimes takes things seriously, but that's only when she's at her limit (which is as far as we're concerned, has never been reached in the history of her kind) and occasional procrastination. She could get a little sarcastic, but that's only for her jokes or to make everyone laugh. Never has she actually thought of revenge or anything like that. She gets occasionally forgetful, because of the fact that she stopped forcing herself to remember the past and just lives in the present. She believes that she doesn't have to struggle to get back to mean people, because Karma is there for a reason. She believes in love, and cute things, and especially Afrodite. You may call her a hopeless romantic. But, she's not the kind of girl who would just hit on someone randomly, or even let anyone do that to her (Unless, well, she's too clueless to realize it, which happens a lot). As much as she believes in the Greek goddess of love, she also believes in destiny and fate, and that the perfect time will arise and just surprise her. Well, let's just hope she's right.


Lillia in the past, as much as she wanted to remember those blurry memories, couldn't remember them that well, and forcing it more would only damage her further. So ever since then, she has decided to stop trying to remember. She knows that those things happened for a reason, and so she just lives in the present. It was better for her to not remember anyway. Her parents were very wealthy, which resulted to her being well taken care of and wealthy as well. She got all she wanted, especially her parents. When the Black Death version two came to devastate most of the planet, her parents suffered, were taken away from her and she didn't know what else happened to them.


Lillia has albino curls that reach long enough below her hips, and deep, blue eyes. She has a milky-white complexion, and the rosiness on her cheeks just make her face look more attractive (or so they say). She stands at 5'5. Her body has a nice build, for her age. She wouldn't even care what she'd look, but this was obviously what her parents wanted; to make sure that she was neat and admirable.

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Name: Yoshi Rivers

Age: 19

Personality: Yoshi can be briefly described as likeable. She gives off a relaxed, nonjudgmental vibe where ever she goes, and she is comfortable to open up to just about anyone. She is friendly and outgoing, and she is not embarrassed to be herself. However, the outer confidence is a shell for her inner low self-esteem. Yoshi does not feel she is attractive or intelligent, so she tries to make many friends to cover up her weaknesses. She is generally in a great mood at all times, and it takes a lot to frustrate or upset her. Photography is one of her most beloved hobbies, so she always has her camera handy, hung around her neck. Her “past” influences her to always fight for the underdog in life. She loves adventure and trying new things. As an animal fanatic, Yoshi is also a self-proclaimed vegetarian.

History: Yoshi has been made to believe that she was unloved and violently bullied as a child. She grew up as the oldest of three children, and, tragically, her entire household died in a car accident when she was 17. Believing she was spared for a reason, Yoshi lives her life to her version of “the fullest” and tries to show everyone love.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_mhex49Kve31rx6vg7o1_500.jpg.bac984e45bb732d85fe489d8ce2250dc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12833" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/tumblr_mhex49Kve31rx6vg7o1_500.jpg.bac984e45bb732d85fe489d8ce2250dc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Yoshi stands at five feet, one inch. She weighs just shy of 103 pounds, and she appears younger than she is. Her body structure is thin and not very curvy. She has naturally gray-hued eyes, but her hair is always dyed unnaturally (currently an orange-red)



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Name: Coraline Jane Nunca

Age: 17

Personality: Shy and skittish, Coraline is a very cautious young lady. She is very reclusive and reserved, and very weary of others. A friend to Coraline is someone she is very kind and loyal to, and someone she will very diligently protect and stand up for. She is often nervous, uncomfortable, and anxious. She's quiet, and strange. She's also very childish, enjoying things like small toys and coloring books. She also gets upset very easily, to make her angry is to wake a sleeping beast, so make her sad is even worse.

History: Her memories come to her as a haze. Trying to think about her past only makes her flustered and upset, often times giving her panic attacks. Of what she can consciously remember, she had a brother who was her legal guardian, having never known her parents. In her waking memory, she cannot remember much about her brother, but when she sleeps (if she sleeps) she has horrible night terrors of her brother doing awful things to her, but when she wakes up she forgets the evens of which were in the dream. She only knows that the night terrors frighten her dearly.

Appearance: Coraline is very tall and lanky. Her gait is very awkward, and her long, bony legs force her to walk in long strides. She has ghostly white skin. Her eyes are a glassy, pale pink. As inferred, Coraline is albino. She has a scar over her left eye. Both eyes have dark, heavy bags, considering she tries as hard as possible not to sleep. She has short, brittle white hair, which she tries hiding in a black toboggan.
Name: Bobby Sulenson

Age: 22

Personality: He is quiet and a bit sullen. This gives him a bit of an air of mystery, but also makes him a little bit hard to get close to. He seems to want to open up, but it is difficult for him as he is a very withdrawn person who is afraid to get hurt. He likes piece and quiet, and nothing satisfies him more than sitting quietly reading or having a calm and intelligent conversation.

Bobby is quite bright, but doesn't like to correct people or be a know-it-all. He often dislikes childish or noisy people, and will often seem sarcastic and rude towards people like that. He does however not mean anything by it, and will apologize if he has hurt anyone's feelings. He is stoic and strong, and will stand as a rock if need be. He does however not very often relay his own weaknesses, and will carry things that hurt him inside for as long as possible, and that can of course be damaging. He often wears a bit of a sullen expression, making him seem a bit distant and hard to approach.

History: When the big disaster struck, Bobby was living a turbulent life with his more rebellious brother Riku and his cruel and cold father. He does of course not remember anything of it, but the scars of it still make him bottle up his emotions.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/185641.jpg.85e9e7c8a3201caefa40883b51909a7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12860" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/185641.jpg.85e9e7c8a3201caefa40883b51909a7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I never thought I'd see the day where a school roleplay is based around romance.

This makes me very happy.

I'll take a male spot.
Name: Sachi Mayamoto

Age: 17

Personality: Sachi is a mostly quiet girl, generally going along with what the group things. She's a kind girl, often thinking of her friends before herself. She generally keeps her likes to herself, unless asked about them.

History: Sachi was born in Osaka Japan, her childhood consisted of learning the arts of her Japanese heritage, as well as learning the guitar. She stuck to her small amount of friends and was generally the quiet, background girl of her gang. At the age of seventeen, however, her parents decided that they would move, as they had always wanted to live somebody else. Saying goodbye to her friends wasn't very tough for Sachi. They headed off to their new home and Sachi then started her attendance at Aphrodite Academy.

Appearance: Sachi's most defining feature is hard dark blue hair, she's white and rather short. Her outfits can vary from an urban style, to an oriental style, to an all out flashy style.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.f255b4e9061a097348b250ce1954b610.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12862" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.f255b4e9061a097348b250ce1954b610.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm sorry everyone I had school to attend to. It makes me so happy that so many people want to join :3! 

[QUOTE="Floating-Kite]Name: Yoshi Rivers
Age: 19

Personality: Yoshi can be briefly described as likeable. She gives off a relaxed, nonjudgmental vibe where ever she goes, and she is comfortable to open up to just about anyone. She is friendly and outgoing, and she is not embarrassed to be herself. However, the outer confidence is a shell for her inner low self-esteem. Yoshi does not feel she is attractive or intelligent, so she tries to make many friends to cover up her weaknesses. She is generally in a great mood at all times, and it takes a lot to frustrate or upset her. Photography is one of her most beloved hobbies, so she always has her camera handy, hung around her neck. Her “past” influences her to always fight for the underdog in life. She loves adventure and trying new things. As an animal fanatic, Yoshi is also a self-proclaimed vegetarian.

History: Yoshi has been made to believe that she was unloved and violently bullied as a child. She grew up as the oldest of three children, and, tragically, her entire household died in a car accident when she was 17. Believing she was spared for a reason, Yoshi lives her life to her version of “the fullest” and tries to show everyone love.

Appearance:View attachment 39077

Yoshi stands at five feet, one inch. She weighs just shy of 103 pounds, and she appears younger than she is. Her body structure is thin and not very curvy. She has naturally gray-hued eyes, but her hair is always dyed unnaturally (currently an orange-red)

I love the picture, great job with the writing, it was an awesome read! 

RaccoonEater said:
Name: Coraline Jane Nunca
Age: 17

Personality: Shy and skittish, Coraline is a very cautious young lady. She is very reclusive and reserved, and very weary of others. A friend to Coraline is someone she is very kind and loyal to, and someone she will very diligently protect and stand up for. She is often nervous, uncomfortable, and anxious. She's quiet, and strange. She's also very childish, enjoying things like small toys and coloring books. She also gets upset very easily, to make her angry is to wake a sleeping beast, so make her sad is even worse.

History: Her memories come to her as a haze. Trying to think about her past only makes her flustered and upset, often times giving her panic attacks. Of what she can consciously remember, she had a brother who was her legal guardian, having never known her parents. In her waking memory, she cannot remember much about her brother, but when she sleeps (if she sleeps) she has horrible night terrors of her brother doing awful things to her, but when she wakes up she forgets the evens of which were in the dream. She only knows that the night terrors frighten her dearly.

Appearance: Coraline is very tall and lanky. Her gait is very awkward, and her long, bony legs force her to walk in long strides. She has ghostly white skin. Her eyes are a glassy, pale pink. As inferred, Coraline is albino. She has a scar over her left eye. Both eyes have dark, heavy bags, considering she tries as hard as possible not to sleep. She has short, brittle white hair, which she tries hiding in a black toboggan.
Intriguing, excellent history and such an interesting character! 

Ducktard said:
Name: Bobby Sulenson
Age: 22

Personality: He is quiet and a bit sullen. This gives him a bit of an air of mystery, but also makes him a little bit hard to get close to. He seems to want to open up, but it is difficult for him as he is a very withdrawn person who is afraid to get hurt. He likes piece and quiet, and nothing satisfies him more than sitting quietly reading or having a calm and intelligent conversation.

Bobby is quite bright, but doesn't like to correct people or be a know-it-all. He often dislikes childish or noisy people, and will often seem sarcastic and rude towards people like that. He does however not mean anything by it, and will apologize if he has hurt anyone's feelings. He is stoic and strong, and will stand as a rock if need be. He does however not very often relay his own weaknesses, and will carry things that hurt him inside for as long as possible, and that can of course be damaging. He often wears a bit of a sullen expression, making him seem a bit distant and hard to approach.

History: When the big disaster struck, Bobby was living a turbulent life with his more rebellious brother Riku and his cruel and cold father. He does of course not remember anything of it, but the scars of it still make him bottle up his emotions.

Appearance: View attachment 39114
I enjoy Bobby's character very much and think his character will make for an interesting relationship! 

porphyriac said:
Name: Sachi Mayamoto
Age: 17

Personality: Sachi is a mostly quiet girl, generally going along with what the group things. She's a kind girl, often thinking of her friends before herself. She generally keeps her likes to herself, unless asked about them.

History: Sachi was born in Osaka Japan, her childhood consisted of learning the arts of her Japanese heritage, as well as learning the guitar. She stuck to her small amount of friends and was generally the quiet, background girl of her gang. At the age of seventeen, however, her parents decided that they would move, as they had always wanted to live somebody else. Saying goodbye to her friends wasn't very tough for Sachi. They headed off to their new home and Sachi then started her attendance at Aphrodite Academy.

Appearance: Sachi's most defining feature is hard dark blue hair, she's white and rather short. Her outfits can vary from an urban style, to an oriental style, to an all out flashy style.
I am glad to see culture thrown into the character and the details are excellent! 

[QUOTE="L u n a]



Lillia Rose Scarlet


17 years old


If anything, Lillia is a girl who gets excited over life, over things, over different kinds of aspects. She always shows up with a little smile, hoping that everyone else around would be as happy as she. She sometimes takes things seriously, but that's only when she's at her limit (which is as far as we're concerned, has never been reached in the history of her kind) and occasional procrastination. She could get a little sarcastic, but that's only for her jokes or to make everyone laugh. Never has she actually thought of revenge or anything like that. She gets occasionally forgetful, because of the fact that she stopped forcing herself to remember the past and just lives in the present. She believes that she doesn't have to struggle to get back to mean people, because Karma is there for a reason. She believes in love, and cute things, and especially Afrodite. You may call her a hopeless romantic. But, she's not the kind of girl who would just hit on someone randomly, or even let anyone do that to her (Unless, well, she's too clueless to realize it, which happens a lot). As much as she believes in the Greek goddess of love, she also believes in destiny and fate, and that the perfect time will arise and just surprise her. Well, let's just hope she's right.


Lillia in the past, as much as she wanted to remember those blurry memories, couldn't remember them that well, and forcing it more would only damage her further. So ever since then, she has decided to stop trying to remember. She knows that those things happened for a reason, and so she just lives in the present. It was better for her to not remember anyway. Her parents were very wealthy, which resulted to her being well taken care of and wealthy as well. She got all she wanted, especially her parents. When the Black Death version two came to devastate most of the planet, her parents suffered, were taken away from her and she didn't know what else happened to them.


Lillia has albino curls that reach long enough below her hips, and deep, blue eyes. She has a milky-white complexion, and the rosiness on her cheeks just make her face look more attractive (or so they say). She stands at 5'5. Her body has a nice build, for her age. She wouldn't even care what she'd look, but this was obviously what her parents wanted; to make sure that she was neat and admirable.

Awesome and interesting story, great description I have a excellent grasp on the character! 

Lol I can sometimes change my mind so quickly, the first role play post has been displayed to those who have signed up a character please feel post!
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Name: seraphina schafer

Age: 19

Personality: seraphina has never been the most talkative of her friends and family, even around the people she loved the most she seemed closed off. but its mainly because she fears the loss of more people. she lets her fears of the unknown and what has become of life effect her inner self. shes really more of a person who cries easily and loves deeply and most of the time those two collide. attempting to lead a fully happy life is difficult for her so she comes off as ignorant and rude which makes it hard for her to find someone to love her back. seeing how people can find the person the most want to be with makes her happy so daydreaming of the time she will find someone makes the days easier. so shes basically a quiet daydreamer who tends to be lost in her own thoughts avoids contact with people a little to much at times.

History: peices come to her off and on, sights of a smoggy desolate alley and a drenched cardboard box filled with blankets, an older women shouting at her and the rest of the girls hiding in a corner because they didnt want to be blamed. hiding from the police in those same alleys, and an older gentleman with a big smile and a warm heart that told her of his wife before she died and how love can make anything better even in their lives. nights spent star gazing when it wasnt raining, sirens, crying and the pain she gets in the right side of her face where she remembers having an accident but now how the accident happened..the results stay with her till this day though. left completely blind in her right eye.

Appearance: she is 5'6 and 122 pounds, curvy but her breasts arent all to big just barely a C but she doesnt feel to bad about herself

(with her eye patch off, the scars are fairly deep but not to bad)


(when she wants to give her eye some time out in the air and light she shifts her eye patch over to the other side only fault to this is being completely blind for the moment)
[QUOTE="Ardetha~Nacht]Name: seraphina schafer
Age: 19

Personality: seraphina has never been the most talkative of her friends and family, even around the people she loved the most she seemed closed off. but its mainly because she fears the loss of more people. she lets her fears of the unknown and what has become of life effect her inner self. shes really more of a person who cries easily and loves deeply and most of the time those two collide. attempting to lead a fully happy life is difficult for her so she comes off as ignorant and rude which makes it hard for her to find someone to love her back. seeing how people can find the person the most want to be with makes her happy so daydreaming of the time she will find someone makes the days easier. so shes basically a quiet daydreamer who tends to be lost in her own thoughts avoids contact with people a little to much at times.

History: peices come to her off and on, sights of a smoggy desolate alley and a drenched cardboard box filled with blankets, an older women shouting at her and the rest of the girls hiding in a corner because they didn't want to be blamed. hiding from the police in those same alleys, and an older gentleman with a big smile and a warm heart that told her of his wife before she died and how love can make anything better even in their lives. nights spent star gazing when it wasn't raining, sirens, crying and the pain she gets in the right side of her face where she remembers having an accident but now how the accident happened..the results stay with her till this day though. left completely blind in her right eye.

Appearance: she is 5'6 and 122 pounds, curvy but her breasts aren't all to big just barely a C but she doesn't feel to bad about herself

(with her eye patch off, the scars are fairly deep but not to bad)


(when she wants to give her eye some time out in the air and light she shifts her eye patch over to the other side only fault to this is being completely blind for the moment)

Interesting personality and appearance, intricate background. This was pleasing to see after just coming back!! Please feel free to post in the role play chat whenever you can ^.^!

And off topic, due to lack of male characters we need the next couple of characters to be male, my apologies. (To Cleo: if you still plan in making two characters I will allow for you to make a girl as long as ones a guy) 
Hey everyone, before I continue the story, which trust me I want to do as fast as possible. I am on a search for male characters. If you know someone whom would be interested in this kind of role play, it would be a pleasure to have them along :) if not that is fine I have set up a thread.

(this post was to explain why I haven't posted yet which I apologize for >.< also I've been busy :3)
Hi! I wanna join this RP! Here's my character:

Name: Alexei Smirnov (He's Russian)

Age: 20

Personality: He is pretty cold, and rational. Not easily upset or fazed by anything. Can be playful, and often smiles if he is around the right kind of person. Cheerful around people he knows well, but a little standoffish. Quite cynical. Has a rather morbid sense of humor. He is quite bright, and studies very hard, and is eager to learn new things

He likes being alone in the kitchen experimenting with either food or less edible things. Is not very fond of being out in the sun, but is the kind of person who would enjoy a walk in the rain. (With an umbrella) Sometimes he doesn't have any eyebrows left due to failed experiments, however he doesn't mind very much, because he doesn't care about his appearance, as long as he looks decent and is clean and comfor

History: He has accepted that he doesn't remember much, but has an uncanny knowlege about poisons and chemistry.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Suzuya_Tohzuki.png.12d169727e4e97b6bd20b28777135e84.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13023" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Suzuya_Tohzuki.png.12d169727e4e97b6bd20b28777135e84.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Hentard said:
Hi! I wanna join this RP! Here's my character:
Name: Alexei Smirnov (He's Russian)

Age: 20

Personality: He is pretty cold, and rational. Not easily upset or fazed by anything. Can be playful, and often smiles if he is around the right kind of person. Cheerful around people he knows well, but a little standoffish. Quite cynical. Has a rather morbid sense of humor. He is quite bright, and studies very hard, and is eager to learn new things

He likes being alone in the kitchen experimenting with either food or less edible things. Is not very fond of being out in the sun, but is the kind of person who would enjoy a walk in the rain. (With an umbrella) Sometimes he doesn't have any eyebrows left due to failed experiments, however he doesn't mind very much, because he doesn't care about his appearance, as long as he looks decent and is clean and comfor

History: He has accepted that he doesn't remember much, but has an uncanny knowlege about poisons and chemistry.

Appearance: View attachment 39449
Awesome, please feel welcome to post on the role play page whenever you want!
My character:


Kazuto Tako




Kazuto lives an uncertain life with a mysterious background. He looks depressed half of the time because of personal reasons but tries to hide it behind his smiles. Acts somewhat shy around girls but is nice and is hoping for a good relationship soon before his 5 years are up.


This is the mysterious part as the Black Death did take most of his memory but every month or so a piece of his memory from his past returns. Though there are some uncertain things about him, some of his memories that he has received so far hasn't revealed any previous loves but just random images of people he doesn't recognize. But he finally begins his new life in High School.


(Weight, 146. Height, 5 feet 10 inches.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/th.jpg.fd7b67d654c2c49f634147eea048f80d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13039" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/th.jpg.fd7b67d654c2c49f634147eea048f80d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Saito said:
My character:

Kazuto Tako




Kazuto lives an uncertain life with a mysterious background. He looks depressed half of the time because of personal reasons but tries to hide it behind his smiles. Acts somewhat shy around girls but is nice and is hoping for a good relationship soon before his 5 years are up.


This is the mysterious part as the Black Death did take most of his memory but every month or so a piece of his memory from his past returns. Though there are some uncertain things about him, some of his memories that he has received so far hasn't revealed any previous loves but just random images of people he doesn't recognize. But he finally begins his new life in High School.


(Weight, 146. Height, 5 feet 10 inches.)

View attachment 39499
Sweet, it is good to see mystery within a character!! Post on the role play page whenever you feel fit :D .

Unless you have spoken to me, this is the last character for a while, thank you so much for joining everyone. Things get back on track tomorrow and hopefully there will be a special valentines day event coming, so watch out!
Name: Matthew Winters

Age: 18

Personality: Matthew is extremely laid-back and is an easy going character. He is quite the conversationalist and very charismatic. His confidence allows him to approach people first and he is great at making new friends. This confidence coupled with his friendly demeanor makes him a very likable person. On the other side of the coin, his rage can be terrifying. Although, it takes a lot to push Matthew to his limit as he is usually calm and level-headed. When it comes to the ladies, flirting is not his strong point as he prefers to be a gentleman. His ideas of romance are traditional such as going on dinner dates, walks in the park and star gazing. He is the definition of a hopeless romantic and he enjoys surrounding himself with cheesy things. Academically, Matthew is quite an intelligent young man. He studies hard as he adopts a "work hard, play hard" ethic.

History: Matthew was born in the United Kingdom and grew up in a normal family with no siblings and was raised by his mother and father, both of whom are still alive to this day. His mother is a senior nurse for a specialist hospital and his father is a lawyer. Matthew came from a wealthy family though he was not spoiled. He was sent to private school during his early years which gave him an advantage over the other kids. He had a relatively happy childhood... until one fateful night. While both his parents were out to celebrate their anniversary, Matthew was left home alone at just the age of 9. He was in bed reading his favorite book until he started hearing noises. His house was broken into by a group of armed burglars. Fortunately, no one was injured but the house was completely trashed... Clothes strewn everywhere... Matthew was traumatized for a few years and it took him a long time to get over the event. Even to this day, he is still haunted by his past.


Matthew stands at around 6 foot and is relatively slim but toned as he regularly works out.
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Henry said:
Name: Matthew Winters
Age: 18

Personality: Matthew is extremely laid-back and is an easy going character. He is quite the conversationalist and very charismatic. His confidence allows him to approach people first and he is great at making new friends. This confidence coupled with his friendly demeanor makes him a very likable person. On the other side of the coin, his rage can be terrifying. Although, it takes a lot to push Matthew to his limit as he is usually calm and level-headed. When it comes to the ladies, flirting is not his strong point as he prefers to be a gentleman. His ideas of romance are traditional such as going on dinner dates, walks in the park and star gazing. He is the definition of a hopeless romantic and he enjoys surrounding himself with cheesy things. Academically, Matthew is quite an intelligent young man. He studies hard as he adopts a "work hard, play hard" ethic.

History: Matthew was born in the United Kingdom and grew up in a normal family with no siblings and was raised by his mother and father, both of whom are still alive to this day. His mother is a senior nurse for a specialist hospital and his father is a lawyer. Matthew came from a wealthy family though he was not spoiled. He was sent to private school during his early years which gave him an advantage over the other kids. He had a relatively happy childhood... until one fateful night. While both his parents were out to celebrate their anniversary, Matthew was left home alone at just the age of 9. He was in bed reading his favorite book until he started hearing noises. His house was broken into by a group of armed burglars. Fortunately, no one was injured but the house was completely trashed... Clothes strewn everywhere... Matthew was traumatized for a few years and it took him a long to get over the event. Even to this day, he is still haunted by his past.


Matthew stands at around 6 foot and is relatively slim but toned as he regularly works out.
I does say it is closed for applicants, but I would be crazy to deny such a well put together character sheet. As well as I counted the boys and I counted the amount of girls and you would make it even between the genders. I am glad to have you, please post on the role play page when you feel like it :) !

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