romance rp cheese3212 and meli-chan<3


luna layed on the tree house floor, she was in the deep forest area that is fenced of from the local park.there is where a large pond about waist deep is. she was watching somone approach from the distance. she decided to play around a little. she floated down from her tree house and stood at the edge of the pond where you were now closer and could see her from a distance. she giggled loud enough for you to here turning to look at you then turning back to the pond she began walking in.
(( luna related to mlp?))

Stark felt like going for a walk into the woods, he knew a good area for on. He had to clear his head from all this work. He then started walking, head down. He didn't know where he was going anymore he just wanted to walk. He then heard a loud giggle from a small pond, he turned to see a beautiful girl near the water. He began to walk near her, inching closer.

((sorry if that was bad i don't know where to go with this i've never done it this unprofetional))
although mlp is an awsome show no she is not. and dont worry your doing exceptional just chill and do what you feel he or even you might do if this was real. just go with the flow~ :3 )) before the man could get close enough to see her closley she walked into the water to its deepest wich was a bit above her waist. with a smile on her face she sunk down until you couldnt even see the top of her head. she was in a playfull move and decided this man was her playmate
Stark was nearing the water, unsure of what was happening. The lady was now underwater, what ever was she doing? You know how filthy those are? he was now at the edge of the water, he looked into the almost clear water, he saw himself, but not as the failer he was but as a successful man. He seemed so proud of himself, but alas it was just a reflection, and with that the image went away.
and that was when she decided she would resurface right infront of him. not only that but as she resurfaced it apeared as if she had a tail made out of the pond she rose high in the air little droplets of water frozen around her. "what brings a buisnes man like you here ?~" her soft silk smooth like voice said she was too high to really make out "surely you have work to do so why are you here?" she questioned again the tail of water forming from her legs swayed
"heh buissness man! No i go to collage, and i'm here because i couldn't concentrate" he said looking at the wet lady from the shore. "But what are you doing here, if i may ask" he said giving her a smile. Why was she in the pond? What was she doing here? why was he here? this place was supposed to be filled with monsters! Thousands of questions popped into his head.
she lowerd her self and steped onto shore then pointed to her tree house "i live here" she said turning to face the man now. she waved her arms and extracted all the water from her clothes and hair and then with a flick of her wrist and a point of a finger she sent it into the water before his eyes. " school for young adults right?" she said combing her long midnight black hair with her milky white slender fingers
He was shocked, she just, it was unbelive able. He was almost to shocked that he forgot what she said. "Oh um... yea that's were young adults go" he said tripping over his words. That was just amaing.
she smiled at his expression you look tired care for some tea?" she asked standing there . she was wearing a blue dress like a greek goddes type of dress her long black hair flowed down her back stopping at her waist her side bangs swept across her forehead her skin a milky white was soft and blemish free. she was quite short and had a petite thin hourglass figure
He didn't know what to say. was she evil or could he trust her? "Um...i'm not big on tea.." he said and that was true he really didn't like tea. He was wearing his favorite black sweater and jeans, he looked like any ordianary teenager, but she looked like a greek god, she looked stunning. If anything he wouldn't be worth anything to her.
"relax please i wont hurt you alright~?" she said softly stroking his cheek softly. "i dont recieve much company so do you want a glass of lemonade then?" she smiled retracting her hand. "i promise i dont bite im just bored"
"Alright.." he said following her. He wasn't to sure about this though. What if she could read minds? or if she could kill him in one hit? He was actually kind-of scared, god he was such a wose.
she took his hand and told him to hold tight. she flew up into the air and landed in the tree house. it looked like a house. it was made entirely of wood and vine the fuiture were made of vines there was an area with a cooler and a small fire pit.
He just flew, he flew!! Well tecnicly he didn't but still, she helped hi fly!! He looked inside, it seemed like an old magic house or something, everything had an old vibe to it. It seemed like an okay place to live, except there was no electrisity which sucked.
"sit~" she said gesturing to the small round wooden table with one stool made of vines. "ill make the lemonade" she said pulling out two wooden cups and lemons from the cooler
He sat down, he admired the fancy place mat and spoons, it really was a fancy place. But it wasn't to big it was a cute home.
she waved her hands in the air and formed two medium sized orbs of water in the air and with her other hand she retracted the liquid from the lemons and merged the two liquids together. "do you like it sweet or sour?"
He saw her do the magic thing, was this real? this was insane! "Oh..sweet" he said watching her make the juice. This was amazing.
she nodded and put a portion into each cup then took a spoon adding sugar in to the lemonade walking to the table and swtting it down "would you like ice?" she asked looking at his amazed face smiling
"Oh no i should be fine with this thank you" he said putting the drink to his lips and taking a sip, it was the best lemonade he had ever had! He couldn't stop drinking it.
she giggled and formed another orb of water this time smaller as she broke it into several seprate orbs and froze them putting them in her cup and sipping her own drink "oh i only have one chair" she said
"oh alright" he said taking another sip of his juice. For some reason, every time he took a sip, he thought that she got even more beautiful, but every time he got really sleepy. He wanted more. Finally he took one last sip and he passed out on the floor, he was out cold.
she shreiked. confuesd she quickly made a cot and laying him on it. she conjured an orb of water smothing it into a thin blanket putting it on his fore head he felt sick.

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