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Multiple Settings Romance roleplay in Ancient/Mediaeval settings (M/F)


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Hi! This is my first time using rpnation so please bear with me if I'm doing something wrong! Otherwise, I've been rping casually for over 2 years, and just recently got back into it after a break.

I'm looking for a partner to play against my OC: Rosaline Francis. (F, 23)

- Rosaline was the eldest daughter of a famous Duke, raised with riches and servants all around. She lacked for nothing as a child, and this showed in her casual regard for things others might consider priceless. Small thoughtful gestures were more likely to catch her attention than gifts of pearls and jade.
She grew up with a strict education,learning horseriding, archery, poetry, painting, etc. She often comes across as aloof or cold to those don't know her, but that is because rules and etiquette is all she knows.
Her mother had raised her to be a perfect wife and madam of a household, vehemently opposing acts she considered beneath her station, such as publicly displaying intimacy or emotions. Rosaline didn't always agree with these teachings, but it was still hard to do otherwise even after years of being married to the man she loved dearly.

- My scene: Rosaline is married to your character (a duke/minister/commander/etc) since the last two years, and you're both in love with each other. Due to forced circumstances, you have two concubines, but you have no emotional attachment with them, they're just a part of your household. They're mostly used as plot points to drive the story forward and create a deeper worldbuilding.

- Our characters could've met in one of the fancy banquets for the nobility and fell in love, eventually getting married. The two concubines could be because of various reasons, maybe one was a runaway abused girl they decided to take in, one could a gift from the emperor/king and can't be refused. There's no emotional relationship between the two and your oc- just sex, and they've settled into their lives respecting Rosaline as the Lady of the household. One potential antagonist could be a noble girl seeing the rising wealth/power of your oc and scheming to become his new concubine and eventually wife? As for roles I was thinking we could share the scenes for secondary characters (like the concubines/servants/antagonistis) depending on who's turn it is. Not really intro tropes of betrayal or cheating, though some angst is welcome!

- This is a romance/slice of life roleplay, so the main storyline is between Rosaline/your OC. They're in love and there's no 3rd person between them, despite the nature of the scene

- I'm always happy to hear your thoughts on the scene and the setting, and willing to consider additions/changes to the current one. Feel free to hmu and we can work things out!
- I try to match my partner's length when it comes to replying, though I'm not trying to write a novel so not more than 100-200 words per reply.
- I expect my partner to reply at least once a day, hopefully more, and I try to do the same (or I'll tell you beforehand)
- I think that is pretty much it? Hopefully I'm not missing anything. Pm me if interested:))

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