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Realistic or Modern Romance in the Dorms

The Party

Tanner sat in the corner of the room, eating a watermelon soaked in tequila. He watched at the hedonism spread across the small piece of campus and into a flame of spectacular glory. Everyone who hadn't gotten an invite came anyway, even brought their owwn food. At this point, Tanner would be considered the party god of his time. So he sat, enjoyed his watermelon, and waited for his cohorts to emerge from their lair.

The beat of a rather familiar song reached his ears. Tanner started bobbing his head in tune, listening to Jessie J belt out lyrics with Ariana Grande. They worked pretty well together, if you could get over the crappy rapping of that Minaj person.
Spencer had retreated to the empty corner of the party, the dark one where no body was, because he simply did not want to be involved. He didn't think he'd ever drank alcohol in his life. He was a kind of... Social recluse, sort of like Boo Radley from To Kill A Mockingbird. But... Not as life saving. He sighs, if his life hadn't been filled with knowledge, maybe he would have been cool.

((Literally just came on the radio here in England... >.>))

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Lucy bit her lip as she heard the music but made no move to move because she didn't like parties and had been forced to go to this one. She glared at Melody as she pulled her along behind her.
Tanner stood up and wobbled, feeling the effects of alcohol in his system. He waved at a few people as he made his way across the party. Seeing spencer, he made way to him in as straight of a line as he could. "Hey, Spence! Looking good." he called out, landing in a couch near the kid. "Wassup? Come sit!" he said, pulling Spencer's hand in his direction.
Spencer was pulled onto the couch wide eyed, he sat and looked at Tanner. He had obviously been drinking, but then it was his party, what could Spencer expect? "You uh... Thanks. Nice party?" He didn't know what to say really, because honestly, he didn't know a thing about parties.

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"Thanks." Tanner responded, putting his arm around Spencer's shoulder. "I've been drinking, but I think I'm good. You should relax." Tanner smiled, brushing some of the hair out of the guy's face. "I've got you."
(Just got home gonna post in a few minutes! (>。<))


Melody Marina Jones

Melody was ready to teach Lucy how to let go and just have a good time. As she happily dragged Lucy along with her through the crowd she said,

"Lulu loosen up, your gonna have a good time trust me. But you won't have the best time of your life if you continue to be uptight and mad. Your already here right? Regardless of whether or not you chose to come you still ought to try and have fun."

She said in a(n) attempt to persuade her friend as they neared the bar. When she finally reached the drink table. She retrieved two passion fruit tequilas and stated to Lucy as she shoved a drink into the girls hand,

"If you don't like it too bad, drink up this is your first step to try and chillax aight."

Mel drowned her glass of liquor and waited for Lucy to do the same.
"Honestly, I am trying to relax, but this really isn't my thing." He says, biting his lip. He tried not to think about Tanner just touching him and his hair. No! Not that he minded, just that... Well. He smiles, but he still wasn't relaxed. "Not a party guy."

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Turned out that Nadia had missed her little appointment to meet up with Bobby and Doyle. She'd fallen asleep when she got back to her dorm and woke up way, way later than she'd hoped. Oh well, she figured as she got ready for the party; she'd just see her recently acquired cohorts at the party itself. Surely they hadn't missed her too much earlier. Besides, Bobby was preoccupied with Lucy. Once she was satisfied with her clothes, makeup, and hair, Nadia took off. It took her even longer to find the party - basically, she used the "guess and hope" method by walking around and listening for the sounds or lights of a party. Eventually, she did find it... fashionably late. It looked like the party was well underway by the time she stepped in. When she did, the first thing she saw was an interaction between Lucy and the other girl from the art room. The two were across the room from her and, since she didn't know anyone else and they were the reason she was here in the first place, she headed over to them. "Hello!" she said. "Haven't seen you two in a few hours." She turned to Melody. "By the way, my name is Nadia. I don't think we ever formally introduced. Pleasure to meet you." Nadia smiled and then inspected the drink that Lucy had just returned. "Is that alcohol?"

Melody Marina Jones

Marina took the drink Lucy handed back to her and shrugged before shrugging and saying,

"Your Loss Lu."

She drowned it and set the glass down before replying to her comment,

"And puh-leeze you still look angry to me."

When a new voice reached her ears Melody nodded and replied,

"Yep this is or at least was liquor, nice to meet you as well I'm Melody."

Tanner looked around. The party was going full throttle all on it's own. His people could survive a night without him. The man stood up on the coffe table and ushered the crowd to a silence. "People, PEOPLE! Please....Okay, I'd like to dedicate this smashtacular party to my best friend and current prude, Lucy Reynalds. She is a beautiful person...if you get to talk to her. And I orchestrated all this fun just to see her smile--which she is not-- and possibly find the boy of her dreams. Who is not here..." Tanner looked down at Spencer and frowned. "The guy from earlier....where the hell is he?" he hissed, frantically. He stepped down and grabbed Spence's hand. "We have to find him...it'll be like magic." He may have slurred, but the determination was evident in his eyes.
"Hey Lucy, hey Melody, and yes, please; I would love a drink." Nadia took the drink that Lucy held out to her and took a sip. "Mm, I like it. Thanks. Just saved you from drinking underage and getting in trouble, huh?" Nadia said, chuckling a little. She was distracted by the guy she'd seen with them earlier, who she quickly deduced was Lucy's best friend, based on his speech (and her astute powers of deduction and observation, of course). Once he'd finished she set her drink down and started clapping and giggling at Lucy's expense. "Boy of your dreams, Lucy?"
(God damn it Robert! Doyle's plan to crash into the party was to hard to resist, so he had to make an excuse to leave you alone.)

"If I was to be a superhero, I would definitely be a good one with an awesome name." Doyle said as he approached Lucy, Mel, and Nadia out of nowhere. "Wait, I do have an awesome name. All I need is some underwear over my pants.". He put his eyes on Nadia, then smirked. "Think I'll be a sexy superhero, eh?" he asked.

"Anyways, what's up, ocean girl, Nadia, Lucy the princess?" Doyle asked, smiling. "Oh...please don't tell me you are in some girl talk and I just barged in." Doyle covered his mouth with his palm, shocked. "Okay, girls, which guys we talking about? Who's on top of the food chain?" he joked around.

Melody Marina Jones

The girl couldn't help but laugh at Tanners announcement. She walked over to Tanner and asked,

"You need some help finding steroids dude?"

She asked referring to the nickname she gave to the jock who seemed quite interested in Lucy. A devilish smile appeared on her face. An idea appeared into Meolodys head and soon the games would begin. She turned to see Doyle and said,

"Hey what's up and the names Melody."

"Oh... Erm.. You want me to find him? I don't even know who he is, so I won't be much help." He protests, because he really didn't know who he was. He knew he was one of those people who had chased him earlier, but he didn't know exactly which one he was. Thankfully, Melody approaches, offering help to find him. He quickly walked away from them, hoping he had got away with it, and over to Lucy quietly. "Parties are weird." He says to her, scrunching up his face slightly. There were two people there from earlier, he recognised them, and he smiled at them as a greeting while waving one hand slightly.

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Lucy smiled a bit and nodded to Spencer. "Amen to that... Especially since it's being thrown by my friends... Wanna hide?" She asked while looking at him.
"What? Everyone is going in pairs!" Doyle exclaimed. "Nadia, come on. You ain't gonna ditch me, right?" Doyle asked with a pair of big puppy eyes, that were staring at Nadia desperately. "We gonna drink or nah?" he asked, grabbing the closest thing qualified as alcohol and began drinking slowly.
"Actually... Yes I really want to hide," Spencer admits and grins a little, putting his hands in his pockets and raising his eyebrows. It was nice to have someone here who also did not like parties.

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Melody Marina Jones

The girls evil grin grew as she stated,

"I have a much better idea Tanner!"

She said before jumping up onto the counter and yelling out at the crowd to be sure that she's got their attention,

"Listen Up! We are going to find this dude! He's a jock, brown hair, brown eyes, Caucasian male! The guys pretty tall and I'm pretty sure he's on steroids, oh and he has his hair cut short. You find him you get a cash money prize. Additionally don't let Lucy Reynalds out this home! Got it? Now get to work!"

She shouted out before hopping off the counter and strolling over to Tanner as she witnessed the chaos she created.


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