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Futuristic Romance + Fun Vol. 2 [Kaoru Asuna x CelticHero37]

Kaoru Asuna

"I like tiny stuff!"
Roleplay Availability
I am not looking for any roleplays currently.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
(We should post a brief synopsis of the story here, then the Chara profiles -- for random people who want to read along. Also, I like to look back on my old RP's once in a while, and this way all of the basic info is collected together.)
( Here's the Non-nerdy version. If your Chara isn't nerdy, I'll make up a nerdy girl.)

Name: Elizabeth Rhodes.
Nickname: Eliza.
Sex: Female.
Age, Height, and Weight: 19, 5'7", 122 lbs.
Physique-- Average muscle and body mass.
Ethnicity-- American, French, Swedish.
Skin Tone-- White.
Hair-- Dark brown, almost black.
Eyes-- Dark blue.
Prominent Facial Features-- Light acne scarring across her nose and cheeks. No make-up. Wears multiple cartilage piercings, usually with delicate chains.

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Positive Traits-- Upbeat, likes to learn, athletic, helpful, joyful, kind, self-motivated, confident.
Neutral Traits-- Clean, self-reliant.
Negative Traits-- Lazy, procrastinator, annoys somewhat easily.
General-- She likes and is good with people, though she's not the best at teamwork. She'll talk, especially when she gets decent responses back. She likes to pull quiet people out of their shells, because, "We're not turtles, we're humans." Flirting is something she enjoys, but it makes her nervous, so she's picky about the guys tries it on. She doesn't believe her fashion sense is the best and worries that if she's not getting attention that she's made the wrong choice.

Likes-- Music, dancing, writing, reading (esp. manga), video games, the Japanese language (though she doesn't speak it), and upfront people.
Dislikes-- Rudeness, cold weather, rain (except the warm summer kind), too much quiet, because, "it grates against my soul."
Dreams: She dreams of moving to Montana to love on a ranch with a few horses near the mountains. And a husband and one kid (a son) would be great.
Greatest Fear: Suffocating /drowning.
Occupation: Soon-to-be secret college student.
Background: She grew up in Michigan, and hates how flat it is. Her father was really into all sorts of music so she developed a love for it all. She was tomboyish until about 14 when she started to see guys differently, started to dress in a more feminine style, though she still refuses to wear make-up.
She didn't learn about her powers until about a year ago, when her female friend told Eliza about her powers and Eliza realize she had them, too. They were going to go to the secret school together, but Eliza's friend's parents wouldn't let her go, so Eliza is on her own. She's a bit apprehensive about living alone for the first time, but she's pretty organized and self-reliant, so she's not too worried. She's excited to learn more about her powers and through the school, possibly some practical applications for them, aside from fun uses like throwing fireballs and creating insanely awesome explosions!
(Nevermind, I just made a nerdy girl anyway, and now I can't choose between them, lol. I'll wait for yours to decide.)

(Nerdy Girl Version for "Romance +Fun Vol. 2 RP)
Name: Argonia Rose.

Nickname: n/a.

Sex: Female.

Age, Height, and Weight: 19, 5'4", 113 lbs.


Ethnicity-- American, Swedish, Finnish.

Skin Tone-- White.

Hair-- Light blonde, medium length, straight with bangs.

Eyes-- Light blue.

Prominent Facial Features--Clear skin, kind expression. Light "natural look" make-up.

Piercings, Tattoos, and Marks-- n/a.

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Positive Traits-- Kind-hearted, noble, loyal, generous,

Neutral Traits-- Intelligent, organized, tidy, shy but will talk,

Negative Traits-- Not assertive, scares fairly easily, tends to yell when she becomes uncomfortable and needs to disengage.

General-- She's generally polite and calm, focused, but sometimes daydreams. She's a good student but already knew a good deal of her high school coursework, so school was a bit boring, though she's excited for the (she supposes) more difficult problems coming with the secret academy she's about to begin attending.


Likes-- Water (lakes, rivers, swimming pools, baths, etc.), books (all types), momentos, Doritos (they're the only junk food she eats), potted flowering plants (including strawberries).

Dislikes-- Hot weather, fog, dogs, fireworks and loud noises, yelling (even when she does it), technology (she prefers pen and paper, books of knowledge, and physical conversation).

Dreams: Wants to work as an engineer and or an architect.

Greatest Fear: Floods and fires.

Background: She was born in California, but her family moved to Washington when she was 7. She read a lot of books through her life (274), and was considered a nerd by the boys at every school she attended, so she never garnered much attention from them. This new school seems to Argonia like a fresh start in a few ways.

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