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Romance, ANYONE?! Also looking for partners. *Hehe*


Hello, there! *tries not to sound too desperate*

I'm currently looking for some long-term role-playing partners. I may be one that's hard to get interested in things, but once you gain my interest, it's hard to lose it. I am really excited to find some new partners!!

If you have something you'd like to try, just let me know and maybe we can try it.

Ok, so maybe I'm a little desperate and bored.

Why am I here?

I would really enjoy a few (or even just one.) wonderful RP! My mind is always flooded with ideas, ones that usually differ from the norm... Hopefully you guys won't mind it.

I have a few pairings in mind, and that list featured below, sectioned off into three different categories: Supernatural, Modern/plots, and Fandoms.


Vampire x Werewolf/Human/Vampire

•Human x Ghost

•Nymph x God/Goddess

Modern Plots

Little too Late

These high school sweethearts were engaged and married by the age of eighteen due to . . . Complicated mistakes they had both been a part of. At and first, the relationship worked perfectly fine; they were happy, they laughed, they loved, they enjoyed life together . . . 'At' and 'first' being the operative words. After being together for almost seven years, they started to fall apart. They tried to work it out, to fix things, but it never seemed to be enough. The arguing was too much for either of them and they went their separate ways. Now, almost two years later, both are trying to figure out what exactly happened to them. Why they fell apart — they'd been so strong, so close . . . Inseparable. They are starting to realize just how much they both messed up.

Endless Love (not even close to the movie or book.)

Endless Love means to take whatever's thrown at you, correct? Well, in this case, a young woman and the love of her life face many disheartening challenges in their relationship. After losing work to an older, more experienced business man, the boyfriend loses it. His whole perspective on life has done a 360 and he has turned into a bitter, thieving man who drags his girlfriend of three years through the mud effortlessly. She still comes back to him, every time he raises a hand to her, every time he throws her under the bus, and begs him to forgive her for whatever she'd done.

I Need a Hero

Shea has always been the popular girl. The girl who every girl has envied, the girl that every man has wanted to be with, the one the teachers love because of her kindness and her 'always-willing-to-help' attitude. However, that is all about to change. Her whole world is about to be turned inside out, and she's going to fall to the lowest point that she's ever been. Amazing how everything can change after one night. . . a night that would be etched on her heart forever. (I have a LOT that can go with this plot, but I don't want to type it all here. Let's just say, the name has a strong meaning in this idea.)


Once upon a time, he was a reasonable man. He loved to be around people, to be talked to, but when he lost his wife, then all of that changed . . . He couldn't believe it. He wouldn't believe it. One day, while he was walking through town, he stumbled across a young woman who resembled the love of his life, it triggered something in him . . . He followed her for a while, until they were out of the way of everyone and he kidnapped her. She was splattered across the news for weeks, months on end even, but they never could find anything on what happened to her, so it just slowly faded into the background. Five years later, they've began to understand one another—but even with how much closer they'd became, he can't trust her enough to let her roam totally free outdid of their home.

*note: these are older plots -- I do have quite a few other's i'd be interested in trying. If you would like to know more, feel free to message me.*

Modern Parings

• Forbidden love (Romeo and Juliet kind of thing.)

•Nerd x Popular

•Best Friend's Brother x Friend

• Friend x Friend

•Married woman/man x Other woman/man


• American Horror Story (Season one!)

• The Walking Dead (ANY season.)

•The Fault in Our Stars

•Bates Motel

Requirements and Miscellaneous
My Requirements.

I would really appreciate more detailed paragraphs, but I am generally really understanding when it comes to having a moment when you cannot think of what to type—or, well, you can but it isn't six-hundred words long and three plus paragraphs! We all get like that, I know I do.

2.) Be able to post at least once or twice a day. If you can't, feel free to let me know! As I've stated above, I'm generally understanding.

3.) If at any time during the role-play you get bored, please let me know! The one thing I cannot stand —and I mean can't stand— is to be totally ignored. It rubs me the wrong way all over. I'm sure that's everyone, though! Haha.

4.) If there is something that you'd like to change about the role-play, feel free to contact me and ask me about it. Most likely, we will feel the same way about it.

Only four requirements? Oh yeah!

Some Things You Should Know

I honestly prefer to play the female. That's the gods-honest-truth. I am female, so of course I prefer to play the female roll. ^.^ hope you guys won't mind too much! Even with that being said, I still can play a mans roll, I just would prefer not to. I will double, though. That way we both can get what we want.

I would prefer MxF, but will do FxF.

Anyway, any questions, concerns, etcetera, feel free to contact me! I'm willing to work with someone to get all the details out. ^.^
I'm interested, but would like to make the reservation that I can only type a single paragraph at a time.
[QUOTE="Lucya Kunzenov]I'm interested, but would like to make the reservation that I can only type a single paragraph at a time.

That's fine by me!!

At times I prefer replies that aren't like... 7 paragraphs long lol

[QUOTE="jinx 13]i'm interested haha

Great! Anything in mind?
Hey, I'm interested if you want. I wanted to do something along the lines of the popular girl:nerd boy pair. I can play any role, but I think it'd be cool to be a shy, smart, sensitive and romantic male . Reply please!
Hey there. Still looking for a partner? I'd love to collaborate!

I'm thinking we could double, and incorporate Vampire and Werewolf, Human too, if you'd like. I don't have a solid plot I kind, but I'm sure we can brainstorm.

Let me know?(:
I can do males as these roles in bold:

Vampire x Human

Nerd x Popular

Friend x Friend

And also this plot: Little too Late
Telios said:
I can do males as these roles in bold:
Vampire x Human

Nerd x Popular

Friend x Friend

And also this plot: Little too Late

Would you like to try the Little too Late plot with me? I've had a hankering to try it lately.
So sorry, guys. D: I've been so overwhelmed with school lately, I haven't had much time to get online. :( If anyone's still interested in RPing with me, please feel free to post here or PM me. I have tons of time on the weekends now.

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