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Fantasy Romance and Family roleplay (with plot)

Gianna wixontash

New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
TW: mentions of the word "drugs ".

okay so basically i had a dream and i wanna rp it. it can be bxg or bxb.

so its a romance and family roleplay.

where we have two or three kids, a husband and a wife/husband. the husband and wife/husband spent time away from each other, basically breaking up, and the mother/other father took the kids. so after a while they finally started talking again, and they wanted to go on a date. they still loved each other.

when my male oc and ur oc have their date, i was thinking to have it that he was in financial trouble because he got caught 'doing drugs' so he got put in jail for alittle, then lost his job and is struggling to pay bills, and the child support. so now he says hes in some kind of therapy for bettering himself so he can be around you and the kids again without worrying about doing something dumb around them. so then when they meet again he finally came back with a clean test and it was the cute little reunion with the little running at each other hug.

it dosnt end there, we can start at the date or before it and work our way up to it. once we finish the date scenes though, my charter disappears but still texts. but after a time skip of maybe a year they finally came back and was one family.

if any questions comments. if you wanna rp comment or pm me. im pretty free to rp. i have eastern time, still in school.

no 18+ smut pls.

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