Romance 1x1 anyone?


Magic Eight Ball
I am lacking in good romance rps at the moment, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to give this a try. If you're interested reply here or send me a PM. (: I don't bite.

Rules (I'm not a grammar Nazi and I won't be mean about anything):

- No one liners. A decent paragraph or two will do.

- don't control my characters blah blah blah. You've heard this before.

- When doubling for oc x canon, please put as much effort into both replies. I will do the same. (:

- If we're rping back and forth in a short period of time and you suddenly have to go, please notify me. You can simply as say 'bye' if you want.

I do mxf or fxf. I might even try mxm but it will take some convincing.

What I'm craving:

- Imaginary Friend x Maker

- zombie apocalypse

- A boarding school setting

What I'll rp:

- Harry Potter

- Doctor Who (only 2 1/2 seasons in though)

- Twilight

- The Walking Dead (play Daryl for me and I will love you forever)

Odd pairings:

- Ghost x Human

- Teacher x Student (if it's in high school, I'd prefer the student to be a senior)

- Best Friend x Best Friend

- Enemy x Enemy

- Vampire x Anything

- Werewolf x Anything

Suggest if you have anything else in mind. There were quite a few I left out. :/
Oh my god, you automatically caught my interest. The zombie apolcalypse, the ghost x human, teacher x student, and even The Walking Dead are all too good to be true. I'll send you a private message as well to discuss everything a bit more in depth, alright? I even have Kik as well.
i am willing to do Twilight and the teacherxstudent. i prefer to play the student if thats ok. i like masterxslave or masterxstudent romances. masterslave being where the slave i play has a hard time loving the master but falls for him soon. master student being one of them falls for the other. i'll do any kind of romance :) PM me

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