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New Member

Human Positions (Common)


City Resident: 5 Slots Open

  • You live among the sky-rises of glass and steel. The busy hustle and bustle of the city is your daily life. You are nearest to the heart of the quarantine zone.
  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  4. ____
  5. ____

Suburban Resident: 5 Slots Open

  • You live across the bridge from the busy and shining city filled with noise and commotion. Yet, don't be fooled, while outside of the city you are still under the protective gaze of the military and church. Your area has become the second quarantine zone and it is quickly growing crowded with people constantly being transferred into your area.
  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  4. ____
  5. ____

Urban Resident: 4 Slots Open

  • You live across the second bridge in the lush country side that is nothing but valleys, farmlands, woodlands, and mountains. What was once known as the relaxing and slow paced get away is now known as no mans land. Many of the homes here have been sealed shut with a red letter to vacate the premises. Soldier routinely make their sweeps to escort families from this area to assign them to new quarters in the city or within the suburbs. Why? This is where the disappearances first started and were most frequent. Those that remain here do so because the refuse to be rounded up like cattle and forced to live by regulations and schedules. 
  1. Aadya
  2. ____
  3. ____
  4. ____
  5. ____
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Human Positions (Higher)

Bishop: 1 Slot Open

  • You are the representation of the church in this trying time and the one whom investigates reported possessions. It is from your call the exorcists are sent. You govern their every move and only assist in the most extreme cases of possession. It is you who determine if the possessed will continue to live or if they must be delivered by the angel of death.
  1. ____

Exorcist: 5 Slots Open (More will be added as needed)

  • You are the holy warrior sent to save the children of God and spare them from the heinous corruption of those vile demons. It is you who serves as a beacon of hope for those that cling to faith for a resolution to the mysterious that have slowly began to unfold.
  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  4. ____
  5. ____

Sergeant Major: 1 Slot Open

  • You command the soldiers and ensure the over all safety of the people whom have been placed in your charge. You were never one to believe in all of the religious rabble but you have recently seen some shit that make you question your former beliefs..
  1. ____

Soldiers: 5 Slots Open (Once all positions have filled this will become unlimited)

  • You keep the order in the districts that you have been assigned to and make quick work in quarantining anyone that would fit the description of Drifter. Some see your presence here as a nuisance while others show nothing but support.
  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  4. ____
  5. ____
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Demon Positions

First Tier: 6 Slots Open

  • You are one of the deadly seven. Once beautiful Seraphims bathed in the grace of his love. Yet in your foolishness you rose up trying to lay claim to power that was not meant to be yours, your were cast down into the fires and twisted into the creatures you are today. Your names are praised by those whom you rule over while cursed by the human warriors of God.
  1. Belphegore (Sloth) - Niccolò
  2. Mammon (Greed) -
  3. Beelzebub (Gluttony) -
  4. Leviathan (Envy) -
  5. Lucifer (Pride) -
  6. Asmodeus (Lust) - 
  7. Satan (Wrath) -

Second Tier: 5 Slots Open

  • You take the orders from your respective King and ensure that his legions stay in line. Your title be you male or female is Duke and a great deal of benefits and privilege come from such titles. However, while you may seem faithful, even you have your motives and schemes.
  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  4. ____
  5. ____
  6. ____
  7. ____

Third Tier: 5 Slots Open (Once all positions have filled this will become unlimited)

  • You are the footman. You cause havoc and chaos for the sake of your ruler. Everything is done in his name...or is it?
  1. ____
  2. ____
  3. ____
  4. ____
  5. ____
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Class: (Position)

Personality: (minimum of two paragraphs)

Description: (minimum of two paragraphs)

Biography: (minimum of two paragraphs)

The Big 7 

Name: (True Name)

Alias: (What you go by)



Sin: (the sin you govern)

Personality: (minimum of two paragraphs)

Alias Description: (minimum of two paragraphs of how you allow others to see you.)

True Description: (minimum of two paragraphs of how your true appearance)

Abilities: (No more than 6)

Weaknesses: (Nothing less that 5)


Name: (True Name)

Alias: (What you go by)



Sin: (the sin you serve)

Personality: (minimum of two paragraphs)

Alias Description: (minimum of two paragraphs of how you allow others to see you.)

True Description: (minimum of two paragraphs of how your true appearance)

Abilities: (No more than 4)

Weaknesses: (Nothing less that 3)


Name: (True Name)

Alias: (What you go by)



Sin: (the sin you govern)

Personality: (minimum of two paragraphs)

Alias Description: (minimum of two paragraphs of how you allow others to see you.)

True Description: (minimum of two paragraphs of how your true appearance)

Abilities: (No more than 3)

Weaknesses: (Nothing less that 2)

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