Roleplay Thread


The last survivor of the Freelands
1387 A.F. (After the Fall), The City Redoren, Onshia

(Read Onshia's forum if you wish to know lore behind Redoren. It being destroyed is happening now)

Smoke rose in columns in the air...Redoren laid burning below. Monsters swarmed the streets, and the screams the city folk were loud enough for many to hear. The watch-towers were ripped down, the bridge barricades were broken through, fire was spreading through the farm land, and the city itself was a third of the way engulfed in flames. Near the town hall, a mountain-native Killer Mantis, and it was feasting on the corpses of the dead it had caught, engorging itself on the flesh of the living and deceased. Near the barracks to the South-east, groups of town guards were trying to fight back against an ever growing horde of undead, being lead by a Lich. It would raise the enormous sword above a fallen guard, before piercing him in the chest with the blade, twisting it to cause pain to the human as it died. In the Market proper, there was a group of demon thralls, lead by the head thrall, obviously to protect their (unseen) master/mistress.

It was complete and utter chaos....and that was precisely why Adara was still present.

Originally, She had seen the smoke column, and upon seeing the severity of the attack, had intended on leaving, but she felt a....gentle shift in the winds. It pointed towards the town, as if pulling her there. In her heart, she knew that she was being directed towards the town by the mercies, their influence showing her she must lend her aid. She knew she couldn't save the town, the force attacking it was simply too great, but she may be able to save as many as she could.

She would then look up, as she heard the sounds of screeching. Giant Bats were heading towards the town, obviously looking to feast. One would land near Adara, hissing at her presence. Adara would then close her eyes, as she held out her hand. She would reach for the creatures mind, before speaking. "At one, we are at peace." She recited, as she felt herself break through the creatures mental barriers, however she felt something fighting back. She wouldn't be able to hold the creature for long, so she quickly mounted it, as it flew towards the burning city. Once she was in a good position, she would pull out the Sword of faith, before cleaving the bats head off in one swoop, jumping off it's back as it fell into one of the buildings.

Softening her blow with a Kinetic push, she would land on the ground, as undead soldiers started moving around her, hissing and growling. Adara would press her hands together. "Mercies, I ask for your guidance...Grant that my hands be steady, my feet swift, and my magic strong....and should I fail in my duties, grant me forgiveness..." She said, as the monster surrounded her. She would then hold up her hand, as the six stolen swords would float behind her, three on her left and three on the right, before Charging forward, slashing clean through one of the undead. She would then see three charging at her, before holding up her hand, a kinetic blast flinging from her fingers as it struck them against a wall.

She would then see one coming up from behind to strike her, but as it struck down, it would watch her visage....fade, before the creature would see a sword pultruding from it's chest. She had used a shadow image to trick it, so she could kill it. Ripping her sword out of the now re-dead creature, she would hold up her hand towards three of the six blades, before pointing towards the three she had knocked against the wall, piercing each of them.

That group of undead was dealt with.....but many more roamed the streets.

As Adara was beginning to leave, she would hear a soft cry. She would then see three people, a woman and two little girls, huddled behind debris, hiding. Adara would then walk over towards them, stretching out a hand, before the woman would cover to the two children, thinking she was going to hurt them. Adara would smile, before offering them her water flask. "Here. Drink. You must be thirsty." She said. The woman would stare at her in shock, before slowly taking the flask, handing it to her two children.

The woman would look down towards their children as they drank and handed it back, before speaking. "Are you going to kill us....?"

Adara would shake her head. "No, but I promise you I will get you to safety. I just need you to stay close to me, but keep calm. I will do everything I can to protect you, okay?" She said, before walking towards a dead guard, and handing the woman his spear. "Take this, use it to protect your children. "She said. The woman would nod slowly, before they would begin following her. Adara would head deeper into the city, to look for more survivors.


The fighting near the bridge was almost just as bad. There were few guards remaining, attempting to hold the bridge so refugees could get across, but that had quickly failed. As they attempted to leave, they would see a young man walking across, holding a staff. He had a cocky grin on his face, as he saw monsters approaching the few remaining guards. The man would then hold up his hand, as....words would start appearing, as if he was writing them. "The chains of hell hold no dead!" He said, as chains would shoot out from small portals, holding the creatures still. He would then hold up his staff, as a blade would extend from one end. "Come on, all of you! Now's your chance!" He said, before running up to one of the creatures, and stabbing it in the head.

The rest of the guards were in shock, and terrified, of the mage, but chose to worry about the immediate issue. The three remaining guards, along with the help of this mage, made short work of the entrapped monsters. When all was said and done, the mage would make the chains disappear, before sighing. " many of you are left?" He asked the three soldiers.

One of them, a knight by the name of Hroar, would step over. " Just the three of us here.....I am Sir Hroar, this is Axel, a guardsman here, and Ravyn, a sell-sword. We were trying to keep the bridge clear for people escaping the city....but there is too many and we can't hold the bridge any longer! We need to leave. " He said. The three were obviously scared for their lives, not to mention completely exhausted.

The mage would sigh, before walking towards Hroar, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Listen, I know you're scared, none of us know what is going to happen next.....But we have to keep our heads. "He said to him. "I am going to head into the town to look for survivors. If I find any, I will direct them towards the bridge, and I'll try to find any surviving fighters. If you see any, use them to help hold the bridge, and when I get back, we leave together, okay? I promise, I will be back. "He said to the knight, his voice reassuring them male.

Hroar looked towards the male, contemplating for a few seconds, before nodding. "Yes milord."

The mage would pat his arm. "The name is Sin. Stay safe, you hear?!"  He said, before he ran into the city proper. In his mind, this was NOT what the kid had expected when he came to Redoran, and in truth, he was terrified. Letting out a shaky breath as he ran into the town, he would turn a corner, he would see four survivors, plus two guards protecting them from a Troll. Sin would hold up his hand, before closing his eyes, as he began writing again.

"Shapeless blade, invisible sword. Show yourself, shredder!"

Blades of wind would shoot out towards the troll, cutting into it. The two guards would see it weakened, and rush forward, finishing it off. Sin would rush over towards the survivors and speak. "You two! Who are you?"

"M-My name is Devin! This is Ashur!"

"Get the people to the bridge! There are other guards there, stay there and defend the bridge with them! I'll send more survivors that way!" Sin said, before they began running towards the exit. SIn wondered why they were taking orders from the mage, but considering what was happening, it was likely they were too scared to care. Sin had originally came this way so that he could buy a couple of sell-swords, and begin building his army. However, considering the situation, Sin figured he could turn it into his advantage. If he could get these people to safety, he could gain their gratitude and build his army from the ground up! It wasn't much, but it sure as hell was a start, and he'd bet his last Nova that they would fight for him if he asked after this.

With this in mind, Sin headed further into the city, unaware of what awaited him...
Walter's slumber within the Inn was awoken by the sounds of chaos outside. Asleep in his bed, he was, confined within the bulk of his heavy armor, for he found its heat quite snug. With a stir, he calmly left the bed and looked out the window, where sure enough, chaos was spreading out through the streets.

"Uh oh.." he murmured to himself, as he stretched his legs, donned his helm, and harnessed his weapons to their sheathes, headed downstairs and into the fray. When those inn doors opened, his ears were assaulted by the sounds of screaming, roaring and battle. Traumatizing? For some, perhaps, but Walter had the benefit of experience; things like this simply didn't unnerve him anymore.

Down the streets walked the mountain of a man, clad entirely in thick steel armor, from head to toe, masking his features. On his back were a monstrous looking sword, an equally massive crossbow, and a steel shield which bore the emblem of Crainshea. Oddly though, despite preparing for conflict, the knight hadn't drawn his weapons...

To him, there was good reason for that.

As he waltzed towards the Marketplace, a demonic thrall ambushed him from behind, its war cry alerting Walter to its presence. He turned right as the hammer it held came crashing down, colliding with a metal 'thunk' against the knight's thick armor. It didn't even leave a dent. Before the thrall could raise its arm for another swing, Walter grabbed it by the wrist, forcing its motion to a standstill.

"I'm afraid not, chap." he spoke to the thrall, with his deep, jovial voice, as he violently knee'd it in the gut, forced it to the ground, then leapt up, bent his own knee, and splattered the thrall's head across the stone.

"To out-muscle Sir Gyrose is a challenge not many are up for!" with a slight chuckle, he continued onward into the marketplace, his once silver greaves now splattered with red blood...
Bakari noticed the smoke and screams as he and his caravan marched into the city. He had been heading to the city to stock up on essentials before they made their way to Asiva where the Arcane Scribe had been tasked by his king to assist the kingdom in an effort to improve relations. Bakari didn't mind after all there would be much to learn from their culture and possibly even their religion. Bakari and a few of his guards abandoned the coachs and ran across the bridge were a few guards were struggling against an odd assortment of undead creatures. Using a large hunting knife that the mage used move of the time in combat as he knew that mages weren't accepted by other cultures. With his increased agility thanks to his demi-human blood Bakari and his guards were able to easily dispatch the wave of undead. The Scribe told his guards to bolster the defense before running into the city himself in search of survivors.

It was within the city that that Bakari felt something... odd. His weapon of mercy was vibrating. Almost as if it was resonating with something. Was another Incarnation within the city? Pulling out the Infinium Bakari tries directing its magic with his own arcane power to seek out whatever it was resonating to and then lead him to it. If he could link up with another Incarnation perhaps there was a way to at least limit casualties. With that complete Bakari ran through the city until he had made it to the marketplace. Seeing it being occupied with demonic thrills Bakari did his best to assist the knight who seemed to be there fighting as well. His speed was superior than the Thralls however he would still need to be careful. The first thrall went down easy enough with his knife through its skull though unfortunately Bakari couldn't get his knife out and the thrills were surrounding him.

@DemetrioMachete @Andraus
What a turn of events! Mercedes had already come here to follow rumors of a Mercy Incarnation, but it seemed things had hit the fan before she could do that. She mentally recorded all the information she could to insert in her small newspaper, often sold in the capitol because of its non-biased representation of certain events all around the world and the woman's own writing pursuits, all the while sketching any new creatures she saw and recording any logical and proven weaknesses. For example, that Lich was new. The journalist was crouched  underneath a market stall, thankfully unnoticed.

Mercedes's eyes flickered quickly over each undead thrall, most of the types of which she'd already recorded--she was on her fifth volume of the world's living and unliving inhabitants--stopping to record one or two as well as searching for the necromancer who had raised this horde. She kept stopping her gaze on the Lich, and eventually decided that a mental prod wouldn't hurt. Too much. So a small, discreet tendril of mental magic stretched from her mind to the ensorcelled Lich's, poking and wandering its chaotic mental pathways and hoping the chaos of its mind wouldn't overwhelm her before she found what she needed and could draw out. 

There! A faint, unnatural warm feeling pulled her searching magic. She followed it, but accidentally collided with it. She knew where the necromancer was now, but.. the entire legion of undead stopped and stared at her, all at once. It seemed she'd pissed off the mage who'd caused this. Luckily, many of them could now be cut down. Not so luckily, however, was Mercedes's soon-to-be death.

"Shit." She had neither the power nor the influence to Turn this many dead, not yet at least, and this was really, really bad. Quickly, Mercedes turned and took off down an alleyway. Many of the hellish creatures followed her; although most, including the Lich, stayed and continued their assault. Thinking quickly with many years of experience after being caught snooping somewhere she shouldn't have been, Mercedes suddenly jumped and climbed partway up a rough brick wall that ended the alley's straight run and made it a sharp left turn. When she got as high as she could, Mercedes jumped back, slightly to the left, and barely caught the roof of a shop, pulling herself up and clenching her teeth, fighting through the pain of her severely scraped up hand. 

Panting with exertion, the blonde sat for a moment before snatching her crossbow and shooting down the small group beneath her as they clamored and scratched and wailed pitifully at the wall that kept them from their meal and target. When this was finished, she scanned the marketplace and surrounding city again, this time looking for a soldier, anyone strong enough that she could lead to the hideout of the necromancer, who could kill the mage and end this assault.

There was a sellsword, and some demi-human creature with powerful magic.. Could that be the incarnation of the Mercy she'd been avidly tracking? Too tired to mentally speak with it, as she had no power to force her way through their mind and no way to warn them without speech, Mercedes took a flying leap, landed on the thick cloth of a merchant stall, and finally landed on the ground with a roll, skidding clumsily to the side to avoid a sudden swipe from a zombie. With a quick draw-slice that beheaded the zombie, Mercedes slipped through the crowd of undead, turning as many minds as she could individually and killing those that resisted or she wasn't quick enough at, and making her way towards the demi-human.

"You! Sir! I think I know where the necromancer is hiding!" she called out, eventually stumbling out of the horde to stand by him, slicing and stabbing at the undead converging on him, somewhat poorly due to her injury but doing her best to keep on. It wasn't likely she would last long. @SleepyBuddha @DemetrioMachete
The knight quirked a curious eyebrow as the thralls were converging on another point. Were they intimidated by how he, Sir Walter, could destroy them unarmed? Potentially. Nonetheless, he gave them pursuit, concerned that there could be someone in need of rescue.

As he arrived at the point where the thralls converged upon the Demi-Human and the girl, he nodded.. his hunch was correct. He had wanted to use his bare hands for sport, but now they were forcing his hand. That hand in question reached for the massive greatsword on the knight's back, winding up as he gripped his other hand around it, and then, as he came within range of the thralls, he loosed his swing. Everything in the path of his blade was split in two, many dying groans filled the air, followed by the sound of stone shattering. Where the blade landed, it had burst into the stone around it, leaving a gash in the street.

"A true cleave, I dare say!" he announced with a hearty laugh. "Come now, Sire and Madam! The eve is ripe with the call to duty! If you would, madam, point out this spellcasting wretch you speak of." as he spoke, he worked his blade out of the stone that his greatsword was embedded in. Though he had slain a great many, Sir Walter knew that it wasn't enough to dent their numbers.

@Trombone Geek


§Asteraotha the Incarnation of Forgiveness§

The sun was high in the large blue sky in the village of Redoran. Children would be running around and playing games as the adults were about with their busy. Their would had been laughter and such, that was how it normally would had been in Redoran. That was how she liked it. It was peaceful and calming to her. She didn't have to do paperwork for a while and her vacation was going very well. However that wasn't what was happening today.

However, today was different. Something was off about today. The young woman was sitting at her desk, reading a letter she had gotten from the king, her golden hues looked at the letter before hearing footsteps running to her door. The young woman was staying at an Inn in Redoran, it was a fairly large room with decent decorations as a well dressed young-looking male ran into the room, his hair was long, going to his lower back and a fancy looking dark brown and black suit.

The young man named Hendrick panted a bit as he shifted his teal eyes left and right before seeing the dark skinned woman sitting at the desk. "Milady, thank the Architect you are ok. We need to leave, now." He stated with a panicked voice. The young woman tilted her head slightly before speaking up with a regal and elegant tone. "Hendrick, what is it? What's going on?" She asked with concern. "It's Redoran, it's under attack. We need to get you out of here." He said taking her hand as two guards came into the room, waiting for the two beings. "Lady Asteraotha, please, we must hurry." "U-Um ok." She mumbled quickly before being pulled from the desk and ran out of the room. The large white scarf with the gold trim flapped behind her as she and the other ran outside. From there, she seen the destruction that had been done. Her eyes widen slightly as she shivered a bit. Her eyes widening with horror as she seen the dead bodies where children once played. The adults who be off at work were now crying for their last loved ones.

Asteraotha placed a hand over her mouth before Hendrick spoke up, "Lady Asteraotha, the carriage has arrived." "I'm staying." "What? But Milady..." "I can't just leave them here. I won't feel the same. Hendrick, you and the other go around and make sure the people escape." "But Lady Aster-..." "Please Hendrick, go! I'll be fine." She said before galloping away, one of the guards tossing her scepter to her. Her made sure her clothing was on her appropriately before going towards some people who were alive and those who were too injured to move. The sun had just sunk to the mountains, but that didn't matter, the smoke still made it look like it was a starless night. Asteraotha shook her head before hearing someone calling for help. She whipped her head in the direction of the screaming as she ran over, seeing to was two young boys trapped under some rumble with, who Asteraotha believed was their mother. "D-Don't worry, I-I'm here to help." She said with a soft tone. The elder woman looked up to the dark skinned female and just smiled, "Thank you, please, just take my boys." "No mama, we aren't leaving you here." "Don't worry, I'll get all of you out." Asteraotha said with a smile on her face. The three people looked up towards the smiling woman before she grabbed onto the bits of lumber and started moving them away.

The commotion around Asteraotha echoed in her ears, it wouldn't be long until let out a sigh, gripping her scepter tightly, she aimed it towards the rumble. "Please, don't move." She said with a firm tone. It wouldn't be long until she mumbled a few words as the orb of the scepter started glowing. It wouldn't be long until the rumble started rising on its own. "Hurry, get out of there and follow the path. Look for a man named Hendrick, he will take you out of here. Go!" She shouted as the young boys and their mother crawled out and started limping away. The youngest male turned to face Asteraotha before she dropped the rumbled and looked towards the boy, "Thank you miss." He said with a smile before leaving. Asteraotha smiled as she held her side. The large black wings attached to her started to expand, but she tightened them once more, keeping the large white scarf around as she went back to helping.

﴿Desmond the Forsaken Wendigo


As the destruction of the town continued, lurking in the shadows of the broken rumble stood a single male. His dead looking eyes scanned the area around him, watching as the people ran for their lives. Oh what fun. A grin spread on his lips as a few people bummed into him, not really paying attention. What were you to expect from people who were running? The young male continued watching as he turned his head left and right. The large dark brown hood covered the top part of his face.

It wouldn't be long until his stomach growled, he was hungry and what better way to eat that to get a few unexpected survivors and monsters. And what do you know, some monsters started running in his direction, thinking he was another village. He blinked his cold dull gray eyes to the monsters as they ran towards him. It wouldn't be long until one of them dug their claws into the side of the young man. He grunted sharply before jumping away from them. Holding his side with his hand, the monsters laughing before attacking again. Before one could attack, there was a strange sound that came from the male, a feeling as well. A feeling of ice.

A large pillar of ice shot out towards one of the moments and pinned it t the ground. A deep growl escaped the man's lips before he started attacking, acting almost like an animal. Ripping and tearing the monstrous demons apart. Once he was done, he was covered. A grin grew on his lips once more, revealing sharp fangs and eyes of hunger. "Well, bon appetite." He said with a soft garbled tone. It wouldn't be long until he started eating the bodies. Of course, he had snapped out of it. Not now, now wasn't the time to eat. He could save them for later. That is what he could do. He grabbed one of the bodies and hid it within the bushes. "I'll save it for later. Let's see if I can find a much more sweeter dish." He hissed softly as he wiped his mouth.

the young male leaped onto one of the buildings and watched from there as the destruction continued. People were dying, culture was being destroyed, buildings were falling and people were being so...predictable. Was this really how he used to be? How pathetic. He started jumping from the rooftops and observed the beauty of this little war. Oh, this is going to be a buffet...just for this single wendigo.
Bakari sighed in relief as the small horde of thralls was dealt with. " You both have my thanks. In return I'll make sure not to drag you guys down by using my true strength, magic." The demi-human said pulling out the Infinium which began glowing with magical power and floated just above his left hand. In his right hand a quill appeared ready to right down words of power or document the tragedy unfolding before him. " You'll have to excuse me you two. This is a dark day in history and therefore it is my job to made sure it goes down in history." With that Bakari began writing what would seem to anyone else to be absolute gibberish in a long dead language. However even as he wrote down what had happened thus far it didn't distract him from his opponents. Several more thralls came charging at the group and Bakari barely looked up before righting the word "rupture" in front of him. The word hung there for a moment before activating and shooting out at the small group of thralls. At first nothing happened and the confused thralls checked themselves for damage. All that way there was the character for "rupture" seemingly glowing on either their chest or heard. A moment later once Bakari finished his sentence within the Infinium, which was actually detailing the death if the group of thralls, the words activated and their bodies ballooned up before rupturing in a very bloody fashion. Bakari thought for a moment, " Hmm.... that spent 15 more points of mana than I though it would. Note to self: localize the effects of the words to conserve mana."

The Elven King

King Airion Perdithas

"There is a force in the universe, which if we permit it, will heal and cleanse us"


The Elven King was walking around above the walls, he looked at the forests beyond the walls and thought on how wonderful it is. His long beautiful white hair was danced as due to the air breeze. He looked at the villagers and watched them work. He smiled. The Kingdom was peaceful at the moment, but from time to time, beasts appear and would try to ravage the land. The guards would fend them off successfully, but lives were already lost. He wished to use his healing powers, but it is impossible. The people would notice the magic and revolt against him. They would throw him out of the throne that his ancestors built. Nobody knew of his magical capabilities, except some of the Royal Guards and their captain who devoted their life to him and only to him.  His thought was disrupted when an elven messenger appeared before him. The Messenger bowed.

"Stand, fellow elf" He said "What words will your bring me?"

"The City of Redoren has been ravaged my demons and beasts" The Messenger panted "It is best if we sen-" He stopped himself when the King glared at him. He clearly has made a mistake, the King must decide what to do and not him. The King then turned his glare into a smile.

"I will go myself" He said "This attack will affect the trade of all kingdom including ours as this is the center of this realm. It must not fail. Let us best hope what we are not late."


The King arrived at the city with his Escort6 elven footmen,6 elven archers, and 4 Healers. They were part of the Royal Guards who knew of his magical capabilities. The Healers was his students, most healers are. He looked around the city as the houses and buildings were on fire. The place is littered with corpses of monsters, demons and humans. He then looked to his left and noticed that there were humans running towards his direction. His guards looked at him. He then looked at them and nodded. The elves then rushed towards the female human. She was being chased by a killer mantis. The Archers positioned themselves infront of him and they launched their arrows at the beast. All arrows hit their targets as expected from elven archers. Two arrows has hit each of the mantis' eye, effectively blinding the beast. The other 4 find their spot in the legs of the mantis incapacitating it. It laid down in the stone pavements of the city, defenseless. The 2 Guards brought the lady to the healers while the other 4 jumped for the mantis and stabbed it. The Mantis died and the guards returned to the King. The Elven King then looked at the lady.

"What happened here?" He asked "Where did these beasts come from?" The Lady cowered. She was crying and shaking in fear. She then slowly looked at Airion, with her tears dropping from her eyes.

"They just suddenly appeared" She said "We do now know where they come from." The King looked at her and smiled.

"Calm down and rest, stay here with the healers and some of the guards" He said "We will look for more survivors." He then looked at the empty streets. He heard cries of people and bellowing of monsters. 

"Healers stays here with their own archer and footman, meaning I will only take 2 footmen and archers with me" He said as he walked towards the source of the cries. In this city he is free, he will use his powers and cleanse this city of monsters and if any civilian sees him, then he will erase that memory with his mental magic.
The fighting in the city was starting to take a turn. With multiple paths opened up, more civilians were making it to the rendezvous point. Adara could here fighting pick up in the other segments of the city, and breathed out a sigh of relief. Her faith in the mercies had been rewarded, and they had sent aid in the peoples hour of need. Adara would utter a prayer of thanks to the mercies, before continuing into the city, now more strongly motivated by her faith being answered. As she was moving, she would then turn a corner as she saw someone- The Archbishop of Crainshea herself, Asteraotha. What was this woman doing here?! Now, she may not be a war-mongering marauder (anymore), but that still didn't mean she trusted many Crainsheans.

However, then she watched as she lifted up the rubble with her staff- This woman was a freaking mage!

'By the Seven, are you kidding me?! This hypocrite is a mage herself, yet she is in a kingdom that would kill every free mage on sight!' Adara thought to herself, before stepping out of hiding. She had helped a small family escape, but that could be just a ruse....She had to be careful. "So, the very religious leader of the largest mage-hating kingdom is a magic wielder herself? For shame. " Adara said, as she walked towards a pile of rubble. "But right now? Not the problem. What is a problem is that people are dying, and need our help. We help these people, and worry about killing eachother later, agreed?!" Adara said, before placing her sword in the sheath.

Adara would then walk towards the rubble blocking their path, before holding out her hands and closing her eyes. Soon, the rubble would begin lifting, before she tossed it into an adjacent building, to clear the way. "There is fighting in other segments of the city, But this place is lost....We must evacuate everyone we can, and get out of here. "Adara said, redrawing her blade, the Sword of Faith.

@Cheshire Grin


Sin was doing his damnedest to unite the remaining forces of the city, and get refugee's out. So far, he had found four other remaining guards, and six other refugee's. They were all heading towards the evacuation point, But Sin was trying to reach one place in particular first: The Guard Barracks in the central area of town. More likely than not, the place had survivors, and he wanted to get them out of there. Having trained soldiers serve him would be a wonderful start to his army, but that didn't mean he was ignoring refugee's either: He needed workers, after all.

He could be a cold-hearted sonofabitch, but at least he was honest about it.

As he was running into the city, he was surprised to see Asvian Royal Guards fighting against the monsters. What he was, however, was a group of monsters heading towards them. Well, if he was going to gain favors for anyone, why not the Royal Guards? He had yet to see that the king was there, but quickly stepped out of his hiding spot, before holding up his hand. "Okay, what was the incantation....ah yes!" That moment, he began writing in front of him. "There exists purgatory in the netherworld and fields of fire in the corporeal world. Fire discriminates not against good nor evil as it burns and purifies with ferocious mercy. All things must return to skull and bones. Let the cremation begin." He said, before pressing down on the magic seal, as a gout of Dark fire would rush towards the monsters, burning where they came from to charred remains.

Sin would rub his head, starting to feel fatigue building up, before turning towards the guards,  raising his hand. NOW he saw the king, and he knew better than to get smart with him. The King would be able to see that, despite some level of tactical genius he had, he was....still a young adult, both in elven and human terms. "Okay, look, I know you have perfectly good reason to kill me here, but you have to believe me when I swear I have nothing to do with this! I am just trying to save as many lives as I can." He said, keeping his hands in the air, and placing his weapon on his back. The last thing he needed was an arrow through his neck.

Dying would likely hurt a lot.



There would a light chuckle escaping the lips of the one in charge of the Monster attack, a little girl known as Litha. However, she was as much a little kid as a dragon was a lizard. This 'little girl' was a demon, and she was having a blast. The screams and damnation of this town was like a chorus of birds to this demonette, and she was loving every second of it. She would then land gracefully on the ground, twirling in her fingers a phylactery, a little toy that she was keeping hidden from her 'partner' for now. As the thought of her partner came into mind, she would turn and face the darkness.

"I have sensed several magic signals, a handful that are....irregular. It appears you are correct: The Mercies have decided to return their gaze to these mortals.....what fun." She said, as she smiled at the carnage outside. "Poor fools likely do not know what game their playing.....It will be fun to watch this unfold....isn't that right, Jackal?" She said, turning to face him.

@Trombone Geek
"Yes, it will.. But I believe I'm done waiting. Your thralls are failing, Litha," Jackal scolded, glaring down at her. "You said you would be able to hem them all in for long enough until my Hunters could set up a trap, but it seems you're failing. How unfortunate," he murmured, his coal-black eyes alighting with cruelty. "I might have to eliminate you instead, because of your pitiful attempt. Or can you show me better, demon?" he asked, taking a step forwards to tower over the girl. Jackal was aware she wasn't likely all that intimidated by her, and while he hadn't found her phylactery yet, he knew she had one; all it would take to find it would hopefully be diminishing her physical form.

"Do you want to prove yourself? Surely my hunters are almost done with their trap. You'll be rewarded handsomely, and Crainshea even told me that if I had to, I could bargain by giving you safety within the kingdom to experiment and toy with mages as you like, if that is something you're into," he added, folding his arms as if to keep himself from gutting the demon right then and there. He was not happy to have been given a faulty contact, and that was exactly what Litha seemed like right now, nor was he the happiest about having to work with a detestable creature. Jackal would do anything, however, to kill the Incarnations before that damned Empire could resurface.



Mercedes's eyes widened as she scribbled fiercely in her own book, observing Bakari's retaliation with an intense and excited gaze. "Now that that's over... This way!" she called, taking off down the leftmost street of the city and racing as fast as she could, hanging a sudden right where the street ended, where there was what seemed to be a normal wall, "She's holed up in here, although I'm not sure how she got there. As far as I know, this is just an old, haunted home that was sealed up completely with brick," she explained. "Um, I did a story on it before they closed it. This is where the door was, so the brick should be fairly weak.." The horde had diminished and the number of thralls nearby was so low that Mercedes could take them out on her own with her few remaining crossbow bolts as she waited for Bakari and the knight to figure out a way into the house.

@SleepyBuddha @DemetrioMachete
"Magic, you say?" Walter observed Bakari curiously, as he began to write. "Were it a few years earlier I would have objected to such a thing! But as I am no longer a patriotic Knight of Crainshea, I don't particularly mind. Heh heh.." 

Sir Walter followed behind Mercedes rather curiously as she lead the two of the males.There was all manners of chaos and magery going on around him, and the knight's senses were too wired for smiting evil that he could care less at the moment. As Mercedes mentioned the brick wall where they were currently impeded, the tall broad knight let out a hearty chuckle.

"Worry not! I can dispose of this obstacle, stand back!" he called to Mercedes and Bakari, as Walter took several steps back, inhaled deeply, and then proceeded to charge at the wall, bashing through with his armored shoulder. The bricks crumbled and caved at the force of his tackle, but the momentum, too, proved to be too much for the knight to balance himself from. As he charged through, he tripped and fell on his face, crashing with a metallic clamor.

"Oh dear... I say, no no, I am fine!" he called back to the other two, slowly rising to his feet.

"More importantly, we have disposed of this wall! Now dear madam, would you kindly lead the way?"

@Trombone Geek

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As Bakari finished his notes he heard the female say to follow her. While she didn't have a malevolent aura around her Bakari was still a bit wary of what was going on here. If there were thralls then that meant demons were involved, and that would bring a whole new set of issues. Speaking of issues was the obstacle of a brick wall blocking their path to what was where a powerful magical being was hiding. As Bakari tried to think of the best way to deal with the wall without using too much mana the groups resident knight in shining armor decided to literally just run straight through the wall. "Well that's certainly one way to handle the obstacle." Bakari said as he walked through the hole. It wouldn't be a surprise if that alerted whatever being they were hunting. So it would be best to just keep moving and come up with a strategy on the go. 

The Arcane sent out another pulse of magic trying to check his surroundings for survivors. They would play a pivotal role in what kind of words he could use in the fight. As of right now there didn't seem to be anyone else nearby so that was good, " Our knight friend is right. Kindly lead the way miss. The sooner we deal with this problem the sooner we can help the rest of the city". 

@DemetrioMachete @Trombone Geek

The Incarnation of Justice

Sir Agrammar Silberitter

 The knight stopped on the small hill, as his eyes scanned the horizon through the visor of his great helm, and he saw the column of smoke rising towards the skies. He looked over his shoulder, towards his Army of the Just, men and women he had personally trained, a company of ten warriors that followed him in his strides. Cato, the first of his Exalted Guard, approached him "Master, what will we do?" He asked, seeing as the city was attacked from all sides by a force of monsters and aberrations that swarmed the streets, slaying anyone and everyone that stood in their way. The grand master clenched his fist around the reins of the warhorse "Those are innocent people being attacked and killed by those fiends..." He turned the steed around to face the soldiers, as they formed a line of horses behind him "They suffer in the hands of those creatures., The Mercies have guided us here for this very reason." He told the man, and then addressed the rest of his company, as the other two members of the Guard joined him "This shall not stand!" He called, pulling his mace from his belt, and pointing towards the city.

 The men that followed him were no strangers towards his preference for the Mercies, and most, if not all of them shared his faith, specially for the very reason he was the incarnation of Justice itself. Before he ordered the charge, he closed his eyes, making a gesture for his men to do the same "Mercies... guide my hand and that of my men. May our judgement be righteous, and our strikes swift... May the unjust fall before our blades, and the just stand once... Empower our blades, and carry our cries, for we ride towards the foe. May it fall before our mighty charge!" He said, the voices of his followers accompanying his call, and he raised his voice, as Cato raised the standard of their company, showing a silver scale over white cloth "FOR THOSE WE CHERISH...!" He called toward the warriors "WE DIE IN GLORY!" They called, and off they were, charging towards the city in a cloud of dust and a rain of shouts and prayers.

 The other monsters were a threat, but they had a particular target in mind. A lich raised the dead guards for his own service, he knew the symptoms. A powerful creature like that could raise armies in no time, and flood the streets with its unholy ilk before the civilians could be safely evacuated from the way. He guided the company across the streets, and there they were once again, running over the undead with their armoured horses, using the momentum of the charge to swing maces, swords and axes at the undead hordes "Stand fast!" He shouted, as the horsemen, as they razed their way against the undead with sharp weapons and stout hearts. The knightly company was a new arrival beyond the gates, having only just now joined the fray, because of the rather long stride they had to take from the hills towards the city itself. Agrammar raised his mace above his head, covering it in most holy fire, and striking down at the flesh of the undead beings, sending them once more to their deaths. 

The Elven King

King Airion Perdithas

He stopped himself from walking and looked at the man behind him.

"You used magic in front of a king and his guards" He smiled "Now, that would be bad." The guards surrounded the man.

"I can perhaps let you go with it, im a very considerate man" He said. He does not want to reveal his magical capabilities to just someone. "Now, what do you need of me?" He then sensed that multiple monsters were approaching them, some were undead. This city was indeed a mess and it needs to be cleaned. He nodded at the archers who jumped at the roofs of the house to snipe any beasts while they converese, while the guards remain to guard.


§Asteraotha the Incarnation of Forgiveness§


Asteraotha continued helping anyone who was in need, sighing a bit as she held the scepter in her hand, her large black feathered wings drooped slightly from the hips. She was a bit tired, but she wanted to continue. She had to. Tightening her wings once again, she believed it would be easier to place a sort of illusion spell over her wings so no one would see them. But that would harder to conceal them in Crainshea with that kind of spell. So she just used the large scarf cape to hide them.

Once she heard someone speak, the dark skinned woman whipped her head in the direction of the sound and seen it was a woman, talking about her and being a magic wielder herself. Asteraotha's eyes widen slightly, how did she not see her? She made sure there was no one around when she used her magic. Her body trembled before seeing the woman pick up the rumble with, what appeared to be magic, and threw it into a broken building. Asteraotha held the Archbishop scepter with both hands as she started walking forward with the other woman.

She said she wasn't going start fighting her since there were people dying here and the living as well as the injured at to be rescued. "I shall not fight you when this is over. That is not why I am here." She said with a soft tone. It wouldn't be long until her golden hues were drawn to the sword. Her eyes narrowed slightly, tilting her head slightly as she continued walking down the path. "That sword. It looks familiar. If I may, what kind of sword is that?" Asteraotha asked. Her eyes scanned the area around them, keeping an eye out for any people who were around.


﴿Desmond the Forsaken Wendigo


@Wickedkent and Andraus~

Desmond watched from the rooftops, the people running or getting killed. It didn't matter to him, in the end, he was going to be rewarded with the spoils of the dead. His tongue hung from his blood covered lips, his fingers tapping against the his arms. So much food to eat. He continued watching before turning his head slightly, seeing something glint in his eye. He narrowed his eyes slightly before turning to see someone using magic to protect another. 'Well, ain't this interesting?' Desmond thought to himself before leaping over the rooftops once more, getting closer to the commotion.

The only reason he was here was for the food, but causing mischief would be just as exciting. Once he was close enough, Desmond stood on the rooftop, his foot resting on the leg before jumping up down to the ground, the air seem to be getting colder around him as he stood in-between the guards and the monsters coming towards them. Desmond just stayed there, crouched low still as his dull gray eyes slowly glared towards the monsters. "So much food, so little time." He chuckled as the cold air continued whirling around him as he cracked his neck slightly, gently tapping one of his nails against his fang. 
Adara would just raise an eyebrow towards the woman, the refugee's behind her sensing tension. "Really? Shocking, considering you murder dozens of my people- of your own people- every year." She said, but chose to not pursue the topic any further, moving her blade to slice right through an undead. "This weapon is the Blade of Faith, a Weapon

 She would then look towards the sound of war cries, before seeing a company of horse-back warriors ride into battle. She would press a hand to her chest, feeling a was the same as when she saw the Asteraotha, only...more of a sense of righteous fury, then warm forgiveness. When she saw one raise a holy fire imbued mace in the air, she would walk towards the Horse-mounted being, before speaking.

"Grant us a willingness to speak out for the weak and the Vulnerable. Grant us a readiness to fight against the corrupt and indefensible. " Adara said, before opening her eyes, and reaching out towards him. It was almost as if she.....saw a family member long lost. She would likely see the same in Asteraotha, were it not for the feeling of anger towards her and her people.


Sin would look towards the King, and bow his head. "I am glad you're willing to believe me. Not many would. I am currently heading towards the Guard barracks right now, to search for Survivors, and to mount a counter attack. I shall join with you, and fight with you. "He said to the king, before feeling the cold air of death come down. As the beast made himself known, Sin would hold up his bladed staff, before putting it back on his back, and raise his hands towards the others. If they attacked it right now, a LOT of them would die!

"Everyone, do not attack it- Erh, Him! It is best not to antagonize a Spirit, especially one of this nature! It is just here to feed!" Sin said, before turning. Sin would then take a couple of steps forward, inwardly terrified but he knew he had to put on a brave front, as he would speak. " I am Sin, Spirit of Winter.... May I ask your name?" He asked, remembering to be polite to spirits from his time in the Guild. The Last thing he wanted was to be eaten.


Litha would look towards Jackal, a bored but irritated look on her face, before raising her hand. Jackal would feel himself be lifted, a force tightening around his throat. "Do not seek to test my patience, human. I have fought and killed far worse than you, Firstborn.....But, in the sake of 'cooperation' I shall inform you the reason for my actions. "She said, before dropping him, as she heard the first wall break down. "Now, we have visitors, so I'll have to keep this short- The reason why is because your lady, the 'Archbishop' is present there, as well as the King of Asvia himself. Plus, someone new just decided to join the fray, so I had to keep in wait..."

She would then just down from her spot on the window. "But~! Tell you what. You bring ALL of them here, and guess what? Your 'friends' won't have to spring their trap! I'll deal with every problem here myself, and you won't have to do a thing!"  She said, that dark smile still on her face, before she made 'shoo' motions. "Now go on. Scoot youngling."  She said to him.

@Cheshire Grin @Trombone Geek @Wickedkent @Battle Sister May
The Incarnation of Justice

Sir Agrammar Silberitter

 The titanic man reared his steed, turning it around to strike at the creatures that came his way. His weapon was heavy, and would surely find itself over-weighted and unbalanced in the hand of anyone smaller. But the armoured figure swung it with no apparent difficulty, simply slaying any and all risen corpse that dared stand in the way of his mighty swings. He crushed a creature under the hooves of his immense mount, and used his mace to crush the head of another that quickly approached. ripping half of the creature's head off, as the rest burned to ash in the wake of the holy flames that coated the steel "I am Sir Agrammar, and I challenge you, unholy fiend!" He called out, trying to pull the Lich from hiding into a duel. The quicker he eliminated the necromancer, the quicker the walking-corpse tide would be stopped.

 His men moved swiftly among the undead hordes, doing their best to disrupt their advance towards the rest of the city, killing the creatures, blocking off paths with hastily made barricades, or even with their horses, and generally attracting the creatures' attention towards themselves. Cato raised his spiked mace and smashed down at one of the creatures. They could hold this position as long as their hearts called battle, but he knew that if the necromancer couldn't be stopped soon, they would be forced to retreat or face exhaustion. But it was only the start of their run, and they would not retreat so soon. But it was, of course, something to take in consideration. He looked over at one of the other members of the Exalted Guard, the newest among them after the fall of Derrick, a woman that went by the name of Johanna, as she advanced towards a wall of undead wielding a spear. The charge pierced the wall of creature's she advanced against, but those on her flanks advanced, and succeeded in pulling her down from her horse and into the ground. Cato shouted something that was inaudible over the clanging of steel against flesh, of armour against armour, of neighing horses and clattering hooves, but in a swift movement, both him and Agrammar were on top of the attackers as soon as the woman fell, smashing them away from her with heavy maces and horses.

 She stood up a bit dizzied from what had just happened, with a few new scratches and bruises, but none worse for the wear "Don't be so reckless, I will not lose any soldier today! Cato, help her find her steed." The elder knight commanded, before he sunk his heels on the sides of his horse, guiding it around the group of warriors as they fought. It was them that he was approached by someone. He turned around to tell her to stand away, but he felt something that he had not felt in years. It was as if he had known her before, and she spoke to him "Grant us strength to stand where others have fallen. Grant us faith to face the unlikely odds." He recited after her, with a smile forming behind his helm. He offered her a hand.

Tags: @Andraus
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((Combined both PoVs into a huge post!))

Mercedes took a cautionary step back when the knight bashed his way through the wall, frowning in confusion as to how that had possibly been a good idea before shrugging and following him into the house. "I came here once," she rambled as she searched throughout the house, careful not to use her magic to alert the necromancer to her presence, whether it already knew or not. "It was said to be haunted and the cityfolk had finally had enough." She leaned into the bedroom on the left side of a hallway; not in here. "So I decided hey, why not, before they close it down, come and do an interview of previous owners and document the story of the house? It was nearing the Night of the Thin Veil." Nobody in that old bathroom, either. Eventually they came to two doors, one leading outside with broken windows covered by brick and the other windowless, wooden, and worn. She chose this door and ended up overestimating the stair's dryness. The water that leaked from the ceiling constantly had made the stairs slick, and in a ridiculous fumble Mercedes slid down the stairs on her rear.

"If they didn't notice before, they definitely know now," she murmured, landing just in time to see something that had her scared out of her wits. Sadism was a horrific thing.

The savage glint in Jackal's eyes only intensified as he was lifted by the demon's spell, and a grin cracked his face into a malevolent expression at her spell's choking affects. When she let him go, he couldn't help but massage his wounded throat, crouched and watching the demon girl explain herself. He almost looked like a savage beast bowing before its master, albeit one barely controlled. "What's the catch?" he asked, his already rough voice scratchier because of what Litha had chosen to do. He wondered how aware she was that she had made a new enemy at that very moment. As he spoke, he turned to face the newcomers, this invading group, and pulled one of his sickles up and out of its sheathe, moving it with his wrist and toying with its weight as if it were a pickaxe as he strode towards the group. 

Mercedes, unsure, shrank away in fear, the sight she'd seen before terrifying her. Jackal grinned in response. "Lucky you're not my hunt, kid. Enjoy your life while it lasts!" Laughing at something hilarious only he could see, the mentally unstable man walked casually up the stairs and left he house to go distract the remaining Mercies and Mages--besides the Archbishop, of course--she wasn't allowed to be hurt. With a sound of disgust, he took off in a run.

@Andraus @DemetrioMachete @SleepyBuddha

Who should he target first? Hm.. He could feel the resonating hum of a Weapon of Mercy and its owner somewhere to his far, far left, halfway across the city. Actually, the city was full with the rage-inducing smell, feel, sight of the Incarnations. Jackal's mood was officially ruined by this. They were everywhere! Why in the hell are they all HERE?!

Knowing he was getting unreasonably worked up, Jackal paused to sight. A shiver passed down his spine, something he hadn't felt in a long time. Fear. Not his own, per se, but induced by the presence of a being practically coded into human DNA under the word 'horror': a wendigo. There it was, its cold aura flitting about it, and a human approaching it. Interesting, but not his target. There were two Weapon of Mercy wielders right next to each other, it seemed, resonating heavily. He chose to head in that direction, racing throughout the city as if he knew it like the back of his hand.

Without waiting for the two to finish their Mercy worshiping, Jackal jumped straight into antagonizing them, taking a flying leap and unsheathing his sickle to strike at both at once. 

"The lovely lady sent me! Her horde is failing, and I am her new champion!" he screeched, positive that the necromancer's presence would be enough to lure them to their doom.

@Andraus @Battle Sister May [Mentioned Andraus (again wow) @Cheshire Grin]
"Oh just because they know we are here doesn't mean all is lost." Walter dismissed the worried looks he received for bashing through the wall. "Our current formation speaks of sheer invincibility! Why, we have my muscle, the lady's speed, and the Demi-human's destructive magic. All of our flaws are covered by another's strengths." he had hoped his positive remarks were enough to lift their spirits. As they were confronted by a man with a sickle, only for him to retreat, Sir Walter simply shrugged.

"See? The baddie's goons are growing too cowardly to take us on." he spoke of Jackal, taking his own turn for going up the stairs. He used his massive sword as a support, and took it slow. He looked back at Mercedes and Bakari, holding a finger up to his mouth, asking them to keep quiet. Sir Walter's idea was to only alert the presence of himself, that way Mercedes and Bakari could catch it off guard.

"Yoo hoo~" he called up, as though speaking to a child or pet.

"Someone else here? Who wants a huuug?~"


@Trombone Geek


(I dunno if this is coherent enough I was tired when I wrote it. ._.)
The Elven King

"You can go to the barracks, I will try to fend this so monstrous being of" He said as he looked at the man. "Remember that I am th King of the Elves, a race that must not be underestimated." He still does not trust the man meaning he cant use his magic infront of him, yet. He then looked at the beast.

"I am King Airion Perdithas, King of the Elves and Protector of the woods and by my powers and my oath that I have made when I was little, I shall slay you." He then unsheathed his swords. One in each arm, they were deadly than most weapons on the realm. Injuries from this weapon takes a really long time to heal. The only person who could heal it faster than anybody could was King Airion, himself.

"Return to your creator and begone from this word, filthy beast." His guards stood their ground and were prepared to act if anything happens, but not now. They keep out of the King's own fight and would not interrupt until told so. He then looked back at the man. 

"Go straight, you will encounter 10 elves, 2 of them are healers and would be much of use."

(( @Trombone Geek idk if you have joined the fray or not, if yes then tell me so I may be able to edjt this post))

(( @Andraus @Cheshire Grin  wont let me tag for a reason ))

§Asteraotha the Incarnation of Forgiveness*~§



@Battle Sister May

@Trombone Geek

Form: Humanoid

Asteraotha continued walking within the newcomer, she had seen her use magic. Great. The young-looking woman had a feeling this was going to be a very fun conversation to have. Due to her position in Crainshea. Then again, she couldn't blame her, Crainshea hated mages with a passion, as well as demons. So she was scared to know what would happen if Crainshea found out their own Archbishop was both a mage and a demon.

Asteraotha just sighed to herself as she took the punishments from the young woman before her. She narrowed her golden hues before walking forward still, her hand clenching her Archbishop staff tightly. "Do not confuse the actions of my kingdom with my own. You don't know me so you have no right to judge." She said with a stern tone in her face. While she didn't want to admit it, she was kind of happy to meet another mage. But she couldn't help but get the feeling something was off about her. Well, more like, familiar. As if she had met her before. She sighed shyly, staring at the woman and her weapon.

Once she heard it was a Weapon of the Mercies, her eyes widen slightly as she placed her hand over her mouth. 'A-A Mercy weapon? M-My goodness. By the Architect, I never thought I would see one of them here.' She thought to herself as she suddenly jumped at the sound of light coming towards the earth. She blinked her eyes and seen a small group of people coming out of nowhere. She blinked once more before taking a step back. The young woman, on the other hand, appeared as if she was at home when someone came up and started reciting to her. Now there were two familiar people here, very familiar auras. Asteraotha shook her head before looking up to see them before speaking up, "I-I see you are now in better hands. I-I shall depart and let you two take it from here. I shall head elsewhere." She said with a regal tone, spinning on her heels and started walking in a different direction. In truth, she didn't want to hear someone else talk badly about her. They didn't know her, she held her arm with her free hand and the staff against her other arm.

Her black feathered wings, normally hidden, opened a bit, hoping to stretch them out a bit before going to help others. It was her job to do while she was here. She had to. She had to prove she was good, someone who didn't like the rules of Crainshea. Why enforce the rules with a kingdom who killed your family out of fear? It wouldn't be long until she heard someone speak. She wasn't too far when she turned her head once more to see a strange male jump down towards the young woman and the newcomer. Asteraotha's eyes widen before gripping her staff tighter, sighing a bit before coming to the conclusion that it would be cowardly to leave now. The dark skinned female walked towards them, her wings folding tightly on her hips once more with the white scarf covering them. Stopping just short of the crazy sounding male and the two familiar people. 'New champion? What is he talking about? Something is very off about this attack, it's too organized. I need to focus, is there really someone orchestrating this?' She thought to herself before quietly placing her hands behind her back, closing one eye and took a few deep breaths as she tried to concentrate.


﴿Desmond the Forsaken Wendigo




Form: Humanoid

Desmond turned his head towards the ones attacking, the monsters. His jaw opened a bit before a low hollowed group escaped his lips. His attention was soon taken by someone who started speaking, saying not to attack him. He arched a brow before turning his head slowly to the source of the noise. At first, he didn't see anyone, it was just the King and some of his guards. It wasn't until Desmond looked down, he seen a tiny man standing there. 'So short' He thought to himself before slouching towards the young male. The blood partly drying on his face and teeth, his fangs hanging from his lips, tilting his head slightly. His breath was stale and smelled of blood, his tongue sliding out of his mouth before it took cover.

"You've got guts kid. But pleasantries might have to wait, I'm hungry and I might end up eating you if I don't get a good meal." He chuckled evilly, his eyes shimmering slightly before holding out his hand, his bloodied fingers spread out as a large ice shard shot out of the ground, forming into his favorite axe, the axe that sealed his fate years ago. The axe of a Grand Executioner, a former Grand Executioner. He looked up towards the King of the Elves. Hearing his threats, Desmond just bared his fangs, his hand gripping around his axe. "I hope he isn't talking to me, I will tear him and his little posse apart. I never had elf before." He hissed as a laugh escaped his cold lips. The tall male turned his head back towards the shorter one. Blinking once before, getting a bit of nostalgia, remembering the little ones back at his human home. He missed them a lot, but times have changed, he wasn't the man he used to be anymore.

"Desmond, that is my name. Anything else isn't important...for now. But I could like to feast. So if you two fleshling don't want to be on my menu, I suggest we get moving." His dead eyes narrowed slightly, glaring towards the Elven King. His fangs still hanging before he stood up straight and appeared to be waiting to see what was going to happen.
"Oh just because they know we are here doesn't mean all is lost." Walter dismissed the worried looks he received for bashing through the wall. "Our current formation speaks of sheer invincibility! Why, we have my muscle, the lady's speed, and the Demi-human's destructive magic. All of our flaws are covered by another's strengths." he had hoped his positive remarks were enough to lift their spirits. As they were confronted by a man with a sickle, only for him to retreat, Sir Walter simply shrugged.

"See? The baddie's goons are growing too cowardly to take us on." he spoke of Jackal, taking his own turn for going up the stairs. He used his massive sword as a support, and took it slow. He looked back at Mercedes and Bakari, holding a finger up to his mouth, asking them to keep quiet. Sir Walter's idea was to only alert the presence of himself, that way Mercedes and Bakari could catch it off guard.

"Yoo hoo~" he called up, as though speaking to a child or pet.

"Someone else here? Who wants a huuug?~"


@Trombone Geek


(I dunno if this is coherent enough I was tired when I wrote it. ._.)

@Andraus Waiting for your reply with Litha))

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