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Multiple Settings Roleplay search from a sleep-deprived anarchist


Senior Member
Howdy! My name is Alex, I use They-Them pronouns, and I'm pretty new here, so please excuse the lack of fancy code. I am a history student just trying to survive the year, and to relax a bit, so my brain doesn't explode from stress over finals. Roleplay is a great way to do that, and so here we are.

What I want:​
I'm not picky, Decent grammar (I don't expect perfection, I am far from it as well) is preferred, as long as I can figure out what you are saying, we'll be alright.
I don't have an age preference, but I do tend to use darker and more mature themes, and I want someone who can take things seriously.
Someone who is willing to be creative and share thoughts with me. An RP can't be one-sided.
Please share triggers, and don't ever be afraid to tell me if something isn't working for you or is making you uncounterable.
It's okay if you want to drop, just please tell me you are if/when you do so.
I'd prefer someone who is willing to chat a bit OOC too. it's not a requirement, but I possess a wealth of memes.

My Fandoms. they are exclusively musical theatre. only for musicals am I comfortable with playing cannons.)​
  • Musical theatre. Any musicals, but I'll list the favorites. If I have a plot, it'll be listed below.​
    • Assassins (I may be on an fbi watch list but if you know this one I'll love you forever. hell, if you don't wanna rp it, you just wanna talk about it, still dm me. please.)​
    • Ragtime​
    • Les Miserables​
    • The Phantom of the Opera (Webber)​
    • Phantom (Yeston/Kopit)​
    • Anastasia​
    • 1776​
    • hamilton
    • Fiddler on the Roof​
    • Elizabeth Das Musical​
    • really any historical musical. or any musical. just ask.​
    • Shakespeare?​
  • Historical Eras:​
  • Like any of them.​
  • name the era. name the country.​
  • I don't know a lot about non-European/American settings, so if you name them, it becomes an exciting rabbit hole of learning for me.​
My plots! most of these are intended for F/F (Author's bias, I am very gay, but I can do F/M or M/M, and enby folks are great too.

L'Aigle à deux têtes (plot stolen from inspired by an eighty year old play)

A widowed queen, trapped in a gilded cage built by a scheming mother-in-law and several nobles seeking to take control of the throne of her late husband, is interrupted from the stupor of her existence by a poet revolutionist driven mad by the cruelty of the ruling class who breaks into her room with the intent to kill her, only to fall unconscious because of plot/injury from a skirmish from nearly being caught/likely fatal illness. However, the queen doesn't rat out their would-be killer. The pair find themselves drawn to their opposites, and caught in a romance that is certain to end as all star-crossed loves do. bursting brightly, then collapsing in on itself.
(Political intrigue, vague European setting, she's bored and obsessed, she's homicidal and depressed. bound to end well.)

Do you think history wants you to have lived?
The royal family is dead and gone. The revolution has swept away the corrupt and obsolete institution, and a more just society is rising in the ashes. at least, that's what Charictar A believes. There is a democracy, social welfare, and non-noble magic holders are no longer relentlessly persecuted. the other nations, all kingdoms and all with varying levels of persecutions of their own, wish to crush the uprising, to prevent it from happening elsewhere. when an amnesiac orphan (character B) is presented by a neighboring kingdom as the missing princess, her mind wiped allegedly wiped by magic, the new government sends Charictar A as an ambassador to talk Charictar B down from continuing to claim to be the dead princess.
(Anastasia inspired, fantasy, politics, lots of ways this could go )

guys, I think we fucked up the space-time continuum.
Your base time travel shenanigans. I want to see les mis fans shoved into the actual June Rebellion. I want to see a medieval peasant brought forward. no solid plot, all vibes.

Stalker Energy
The Phantom of the Opera plot. there has to be one, y'know? maybe it's a fantasy-themed one, with curses and sirens and magic, maybe it's modern and stalkery, playing with Yandere tropes, obsession, and mental health issues, maybe it's zoom voice lessons that lead to romance, and it's sweeter. it's your choice. just give me a depressed sewer goblin and a theatre kid.
Community Theatre/Shakespeare in the Park
My one modern au. community theatre is all madness. The theatre company's lead is made to co-star with a newbie who hasn't done a single show with the group before. rivals to lovers, and not very well developed.

Not into any of these plots? craving something else? just ask! I'm game for anything!
I know this isn't a lot, and may be completely nonsensical, but I want roleplay partners. Thank you for reading through all this, and feel free to dm me or leave a post here. I hope your interest is caught! :)

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I'm not sure about all of the musical literature . But I'm definitely sleep deprived lol..
Oh man, I'm still trying to decide if I want to do a 1x1 right now, but I gotta say you have one of the most exciting interest checks I've seen.

Have you by any chance seen the musical version of The Scarlet Pimpernel? If not, I hope you get the chance to because it sounds like it'd be 100% your jam. (And for the f/f angle, the Takarazuka Revue did an all-female performance and the stage photos - I just die.)
Takarazuka Revue
y e s
not to be gay but Der Todd kiss me Luigi bby youve done nothing wrong Glebka stalin is gonna criminalize homosexuality soon get your gay ass outa there and ERIKA ahhh i ahgjhdgcyfxsl,cluhskducgI Love You

Scarlet Pimpernel isnt my favorite, im not the biggest fan of Robespierre the Irridemable Monster Bad Guy RevolutionBad trope, and it has been a while since i have listened to Scarlett, and musicaly it is vey much my style.
y e s
not to be gay but Der Todd kiss me Luigi bby youve done nothing wrong Glebka stalin is gonna criminalize homosexuality soon get your gay ass outa there and ERIKA ahhh i ahgjhdgcyfxsl,cluhskducgI Love You

Scarlet Pimpernel isnt my favorite, im not the biggest fan of Robespierre the Irridemable Monster Bad Guy RevolutionBad trope, and it has been a while since i have listened to Scarlett, and musicaly it is vey much my style.
Yeah, it and Anastasia fall into the category of 'you have some very muddy themes re: revolution and monarchy dontcha' for me but the music, hnnngh. Regardless of how it's cast in the plot, "Madame Guillotine" is a banger.

I fully confess I have only recently learned about Takarazuka Revue but my GF can attest that I lost. my damn. mind. when I discovered them. Lesbian Chauvelin singing "Where's The Girl?" would ACTUALLY KILL ME if I saw it IRL.

...anyhow, your f/f Anastasia with magic plot hook is calling to me. I will have to poke at you later - I'm at the end of my lunch break atm - but I'm thinking I'd like to do that if you're amenable. Do you have a strong preference for which role you'd rather play?
Yeah, it and Anastasia fall into the category of 'you have some very muddy themes re: revolution and monarchy dontcha' for me but the music, hnnngh. Regardless of how it's cast in the plot, "Madame Guillotine" is a banger.

I fully confess I have only recently learned about Takarazuka Revue but my GF can attest that I lost. my damn. mind. when I discovered them. Lesbian Chauvelin singing "Where's The Girl?" would ACTUALLY KILL ME if I saw it IRL.

...anyhow, your f/f Anastasia with magic plot hook is calling to me. I will have to poke at you later - I'm at the end of my lunch break atm - but I'm thinking I'd like to do that if you're amenable. Do you have a strong preference for which role you'd rather play?
And ditto for Elisabeth Das Musical. Sisi the royal and Luigi the anarchist who stabs her (I wrote a song for him) Anastasia is meh in terms of music but Madam Guillotine goes so hard and was the one that made me discover Scarlet. Likewise, Milch as well as the opener and literaly all the songs by Der Tod and Luigi go way too hard.

When I found Erika and phantom but with girls and Erik is less creepy I lowkey died. I was on my phantom kick, I’m a soprano one so Christine’s notes in the YESTON-Kopit (why did it all caps that?) phantom are within reach.

The lesbian Anastasia one would be great! Please dm me when you are free again. I await your reply eagerly:)
Bump, friend!

This check is interesting and your vibe, magical.

The one that's most attention grabbing for me? Do you think history wants you to have lived?

I'm also a big ol' sci-fi/fantasy/medieval/alt-history nerd and would love to plot w you!

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