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Multiple Settings ♡Roleplay Request♡


Love and Death
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I'm Eli. 26 years old so I don't roleplay with minors. I don't mind to play Male or Female characters. I'm also fine with MxF or MxM or FxF. I've been role-playing for over 10 years
I don't have many rules just no erp and please just give me enough to work with. I also prefer third person.

Face claims as well as shorter character descriptions available just ask for them


༺Plot One༻


After Years of a world in chaos a message was broadcast across radios, TVs, and all other devices. A message of a man in a white featureless mask talking with a distorted voice. His words were simple but enough to catch the attention of everyone. It was as if the world stopped for a moment while he spoke.

“Dear citizens, for too long our society has suffered. Wars, Riots and Violence! We have tolerated and cleaned up the mess. Well no more. You are all a consequence of Freedom. It’s time to take away that freedom and bring peace once again. You will soon be stripped of your identity. Your lives you previously lived will be but a memory. This is the new way of life”

Seconds after the message cut out the first of the bombs had dropped. The first of many. In the chaos no one had noticed the rise of this organization. After bombs had been dropped came the military. People thought they were there to help and save them. That’s what the news and radios would say. They were there to help and protect. People were told it was a terrorist attack and that people were getting sick and everyone needed to be tested. People were then taken to facilities where their identities were taken from them. They were given an implant with a new identity as a number and letter combination. With no emotions and no family they were sent to heavily guarded and walled off cities called Utopia. Each specific utopia was known by their number. Only those they deemed truly worthy were given emotions. Those were usually just those high in the ranks of The Pure Leadership. The organization that had taken over the world in a matter of a year. An organization mostly made up of fathers who's wives or children had been killed in acts of violence.

There was a group that had managed to stay out of utopias. The resistance. With very limited power in the world and most cities in ruins it wasn’t a glamours life to have but they were free and most were well trained in combat from the moment they joined.

The military for The Pure Leadership also known as The Watchdogs had no emotions and would not hesitate to kill anyone they needed to. Often they would patrol the streets of towns they suspected people were still living in. Big cities were best for The Resistance. More places to hide everyone in small towns were easily found if they were hiding and were rounded up.

Now 5 years after The Pure Leadership has taken over the Resistance is well established and hidden to care for themselves but are still finding ways to help others.


Luna Rune was always a kind and gentle child. Almost a complete opposite from her twin brother who was usually loud and harsh. She never really knew violence until her mother was killed in front of her and her brother at a young age. Home invasion gone wrong. Her father was at work at the time and after her father seemed to be even more into his work. Due to their mothers death their father became rather paranoid not trusting many outside of those he knew at work leading to the twins to be homeschooled. He wanted to keep his children safe from how cruel the world could be.

Unknown to the twins at the time their fathers work would lead him to becoming one of the founding members of the Pure Leadership. Due to her gentle nature she was never stripped of her identity when the Utopias were formed. She was very quickly expected to adapt to the changes that were made though. Her father also pushed her into an arranged marriage with the son of another founder. He thought the man would be a nice fit for his daughter as he seemed kind and respectful. Behind closed doors however he was the opposite. He was angry and violent. The only one she ever told was her brother as she was afraid if she did speak up she would have her identity taken.

One day her husbands violence was taken too far and he nearly killed her before leaving her in their home alone and bleeding. When her brother found her he decided the two needed to leave. They escaped from Utopia 1 and spent a month trying to hide while her twin brother Levi tried to keep her safe and taken care of with no access to medical supplies for her injuries. Finally they were found by the resistance and after seeing the state of the two took them in. None of the resistance knows the truth of their past only knowing they were once in the Utopias as they were found still wearing the all white outfits all in Utopias are forced to wear.

Levi Lee was always there for his sister when the two were younger. Always keeping watch over his smaller twin. Rarely were the two apart however they were quite different. Levi was a rather angry and harsh child and that anger only got worse after he saw his mothers death. He did all he could to sheild his sister from it but there wasnt much he could do. As his father went down the path of creating the Utopias Levi did all he could to shield his sister from that too even if the two were adults by then. When Levi found his sister bloody and beaten by her husband he carried her out of Utopia going on the run with her. He did his best to care for her with what little they could find. After a month the resistance found them very dirty and Luna with an infected wound across her back. He now makes sure to keep his past in Utopia 1 very vague for if they knew who they really were no one would trust them.


༺Plot Two༻


Long ago there were three kingdoms that together ruled over the lands. Sepan, Kulia, and Ruwen. These kingdoms all ruled peacefully together. They came to each others aid when it was needed. They made each other prosper. But in Sepan sickness began to plague the lands. The Kings oldest and favorite son died causing him to be riddled with grief and as sickness took its hold there greed took its hold in Ruwen. Ruwen decided to attack their closest and weakest neighbors Sepan. The king of Sepan too riddled with grief did not raise a finger to help his kingdom leaving them and the rest of his children to die. Ruwen left none alive but the women and children. They allowed them to evacuate to the safety of Kulia to spread word of their power or join them. They took some of the young boys to train them to be soldiers. The rest they let spread the word of the powerful and terrifying Ruwen. Ruwen began to destroy other kingdoms. In those kingdoms they left none alive except those that would betray their king and join them. They killed many creatures and men terrorizing the lands with their banners flying high. For 10 years they have terrorized kingdoms. They continue to grow their army on hopes of soon taking over Kulia


Ayla Ray Sepan was born April 4th on a rather sunny day as the youngest child of the king of Sepan. As a child she was always reading and loved learning new things. Growing up with mostly brothers she learned some basic sword fighting skills as well as how to hide herself well when not wanting to be found. She also often kept her hair short so her brothers couldn't pull on it when they fought. This all proved to be useful for her to know later in life.

When tragedy struck her kingdom and the sickness spread she was one of the siblings not spared from the sickness. At only 10 years old she had to watch as her brother only got more sick and she got better. She laid there beside him while her oldest brother died. After her brother's death she spent her days often wandering the halls of the castle. That's exactly what she was doing when the castle was attacked. She tried to hide in the maid living quarters however she was found. Due to her short hair and being rather thin in plain clothes she was mistaken for a young son of one of the maids and was taken along with many other young boys in the kingdom.

She kept her hair short and poured all of her hurt and anger into training as she was trained to be a knight for Ruwen. Eventually they realized her unique skills in her ability to hide and sneak causing them to then change their focus to training her as an assassin. She didn't talk much as she was afraid to sound too feminine in her speech leading them to eventually begin to call her The Shadow or simply Shadow as she often hid well in them.

As she grew and her body began to develop she had to find ways to hide it so she had a special Leather armor set made for herself. The black armor hides her breasts and much of her body. A black cloak fits well over the armor and a black face mask attaches into place to keep the hood up as well as hide her face that has grown to look more like her family. The only thing visible is her rather striking blue eyes. Even keeping her hair hidden was important to her as she had inherited her mother's unmistakable white hair.

When she was 12 she was sent to Kulia to assassinate a noble however she made a mistake leading to her capture. After much discussion with the King who was a close friend of the Sepan Royal family she agreed to become a spy for Kulia. Over the years she has managed to build a rather unique network of spies many of whom are fluent in many languages such as herself. Most of the languages they choose to communicate important information in are mostly dead and rather Unknown languages. Most of her time is spent training and learning new languages continuing her duties as an Assassin.

Muni Celsa is the youngest prince of the Ruwen Royal family at 23 years of age. Due to this he's managed to keep limited responsibility in the kingdom and keep the eye of his father from him. He was only 13 during the fall of Sepan and was there for the battle. Muni was always a rather soft kid and nothing prepared him for the horrors waiting for him during the fall of Sepan. The things he saw and did that day has continued to haunt the young prince through his days.

His father, noticing the weakness in his son, has been sending Muni to fighting pits since he was 15. A rather brutal arena where fighters will fight to the death. Most often the fighters are slaves from other kingdoms or prisoners from Ruwen however the king enjoys having his children fight to show off the power of the royal family. Muni is no exception to this. For the most part he has been able to keep himself out of the arena however he is not always so lucky.

Despite all of this Muni has never once thought of turning his back on his kingdom or family. He still continues training as a loyal knight to his father.

Ivan Bazel Sepan was born on April 25th late at night during a rather harsh storm. A middle child in a rather large royal family. He was quite close with his siblings before the fall of his kingdom. When sickness struck the kingdom he tried to convince himself the family would remain untouched however that did not come true. As his siblings got sick he was there to take care of them. He watched as his oldest brother slowly died from the sickness. He was 16 when the kingdom fell. He tried to find a way out of the castle safely and hoped in the process to find any of his siblings alive. Instead he found a boy close to his age and that looked remarkably close to him dead. This boy was Nobuo Celesa, a young prince of Ruwen. Ivan took the young boy's clothes and armor, switching what he was wearing to the young boy and blended himself in with the enemy.

Now at 26 he continues to live under the identity of Nobuo Celesa. Due to him being older his fathers eye has been on him carefully. Often having to fight in the arena leading to the boys body to be rather covered in scars. This however has taught him to be rather skilled and brutal in combat.


༺Plot Three༻


Welcome to Ravenwood Magic Academy. This is a school for those with magical abilities and different creatures. This school can teach you how to blend in with those without powers or how to better use your powers. Each student will be required to take a class on how to control and properly use their powers as well as a class in self defense. During school hours students are required to wear their school uniform that they were provided with before showing up at the school.

The Academy is located on an island. The layout of the island is simple. There are the docks down by the beach. Also by the beach is a garden that the teachers and some students help take care of. Mostly those with nature based powers help out. There is a somewhat large graveyard as well. There is also the school building where the classes are held. Between the school and the beach are the houses that the students and teachers will be living at. Each student will get one roommate. Boy or girl it doesn't matter. Each house has the living room, kitchen, dining room, laundry room. As well as 2 bed rooms and 2 bathrooms.

The rest of the island is covered in trees. The forest is a very dangerous place though. It is filled with creatures simply referred to as Dark Creatures.

These creatures are quick, smart, and move in the shadows. These creatures are very territorial and a treaty was made with them when the academy was built. They will not harm the students or any staff as long as none of the students or staff enters the forest. Some dark creatures have actually left the forest. Some to join the school and some to spy on the school. But they can't let others know what they are. Dark creatures have the ability to shape shift and control shadows. A creature can always recognize another one even if the other one has shapeshifted. Another way to spot the creatures are the birthmark they all share. Most do not know about the birthmark though unless they themselves are a dark creature. The birthmark is an X on their left shoulder. The teachers have kept the dark creatures a secret from the students so they aren't scared. The students have only been told never to enter the forest.

Unfortunately a year ago there was a student who did no listen to that rule. He entered the forest and after seeing one of the creatures got curious. The creature tried to peacefully make him leave the forest but the student attacked. As a result the creature killed him then they slaughtered many who were on the island. Very few teachers and students were able to make it out alive. Now after a year of burying bodies, having funerals, and repairing broken buildings and homes the academy is once again back to normal... Or as normal as it can be.


Ivy Lex doesn’t remember anything from before 8 years old. She was found alone on the beach of the island without any memories of her life or family. She was raised on the island and once she was old enough became a student. Because of this Ivy was there for the incident. The worst of the massacre happened in the gym where many students and teacher tried to gather for safety however they were no match for the speed and skills of the dark creatures. Many only surviving in there by hiding under the bodies of others who had died or pretending they had died themselves while covered in the blood of who was once their fellow students and teachers. Even Ivys previous roommate died in the incident.

After the incident she became more obsessed with the dark creatures often using her drawing skills to sketch them from memory of the event and what she’s seen while walking along the edges of the forest at night. Her room even covered in these drawing however she doesn’t allow anyone in her room. She has a birth mark of an X on her right shoulder that to most seems rather innocent however any dark creature could recognize it as all dark creatures seem to carry the same X on their right shoulder when assuming a human form. Unknown to Ivy although her mother was a human with powers her father was a dark creature. Due to this she was shadow manipulation powers that she doesn’t even know she has nor does she know how to control.

The power she does know about is her fire abilities. When she was younger even touching her skin could cause a burn on someone however as she’s grown she’s managed to keep this heat to her hands as she almost always wears a pair of black gloves so she doesn’t burn others. For the most part she is able to control her powers well however at times if she tries to use them too much she will lose control.

Galan Ludi is a dark creature. He’s lived his entire life on the island in the forest among the others. He was one of the few creatures that didn’t participate in the massacre only sitting back and watching as the others destroyed the island. After a few of the creatures decided to disguise themselves among the new students coming to the island. Galan is included in these. His only powers are shadow manipulation as all dark creatures seem to share however he was one of the few that never seemed to develop other powers.


༺Plot Four༻


○●Workshop Plot●○

Muse A and Muse B have been friends most of their lives. When one was in trouble the other would be close behind. So when Muse B began to get mixed up into trouble although they did their best to keep Muse A out of it things always find a way. For longer than Muse A is willing to even admit they have been living the same few months on a loop. They never make it past the few month cycle before one of the two friends die and the loop resets. Muse A can never seem to remember much about their death other than knowing they're somehow killed. One day Muse B wakes up suddenly realizing the loop as well. How will Muse B handle it? And will the two find a way out together?


༺Plot Five༻


○●Workshop Plot●○

Muse A is what the world calls a Mono. They see the world in only shades of gray. Completely color blind and to some nothing could be worse. Muse B is what the world calls a Probe. When a Mono looks onto the full face of their Probe for a short time their world is full of color. For some Monos finding their Probe is all they wish for and for others its their greatest fear. Often Monos become obsessed with their Probe. Once they see a world of color going back to the shades of grey can be too much for them to handle. What happens with Muse A and Muse B find each other.


༺Plot Six༻



Zudia is a fairly large kingdom that sits on a coastline. The kingdom has always been accepting of all creatures and has maintained peace for many centuries. One day however the current king was not like his ancestors before him. He wasn't cruel but he was not a kind king. He only tolerated the creatures in his kingdom for the peace. While most do not know what he did one day the king angered a powerful mage who placed a curse on his children. Each of them cursed with some different affliction that causes their lives to become more difficult and causing the king to seal them away in the castle and become a shut in himself.





After narrowly escaping being killed by her own younger brother by playing dead Suwa began a journey on her own. Soon after she found two pieces of a strange purple jewel that she placed in each of her wrists as she found other demons using them to make themselves more powerful. She still doesn't understand the jewel however she feels she must find more pieces.

♡Love Interest: Inuyasha, Sesshomaru

♡Code geass♡


Nori Shime was born in Japan to a Japanese mother and a Britannian father. Not long after her birth her father returned to Britannia leaving Nori and her mother alone. When she was only 10 years old Britannia was able to win the war on Japan turning it into Area 11. Not long after a battle had taken place in her small town and wiped out nearly everyone who lived there, a man found young Nori laying beside her mother covered in blood and crying. The man promised to one day return to Nori and gave her a power she didn’t quite understand as she was too young to understand it. Not long after that she was found by 3 others close to her age. The first of whom checked on her and this was the first person she used that power on. Geass was the power. Hers gave her the power to cause a person to protect her life at all costs once she looked into their eyes. The young boy who she looked at was named Suzaku. The three let her travel with them until they could get somewhere safer and Suzaku traveled with her longer until she found her dad who she also used the power on. He had returned to Area 11 with a new wife he married. After a long fight with his wife he took in Nori as well as Suzaku changing Noris name to Naomi Bell. As the two got older Suzaku became an Honorary Britannian and joined the military. Nori however took a different path joining a Japanese resistance group. She also eventually became a student at Ashford academy once again becoming close with Lelouch as well as the rest of the students on the student council.

♡Cannon: Suzaku, Lelouch

♡Love Interest: Suzaku, Lelouch, Oghi,

♡Alice In Borderland♡


♡Cannon:Chishiya, Niragi

♡Love Interest: Chishiya, Niragi, Arisu

♡Moorim School♡


♡Cannon: Wang Chi Ang

♡Love Interest: Yeop Jeong, Wang Chi Ang

♡All of us are dead♡


♡Sweet home♡



Elaine was born into the hunters life. Often staying in crappy motels or going from one hunting friend to the next while her parents hunted. Her sister always took care of her and her brother. They all always stayed close together until when Elaine was only 7 a hunt went bad and vampires tore apart her mother and father in front of her. The kids would have been killed as well if Bobby hadn't saved them. From there Bobby took them in until the oldest was able to take care of the twins on her own. They all learned about monsters together. Providing intel for hunters when they needed it and once the twins were 20 they all decided to start hunt. Scarlet wanted to hunt on her own while Elaine and Blake stayed together until they decided to take revenge on the vampire nest that killed their parents. Elaine made it out of the building just barely with her life. She waited at their motel room for 3 days until she decided her brother had not made it out and left. Her sister blamed her for his death and cut off all communication with her.

Now Elaine is a hunter who gets things done quickly and a bit of an alcoholic. She is always seen with a beer in hand when she's not killing monsters. Although she doesn't often work with others she does have many friends and many connections. Elaine has met the winchesters a few times. Her parents were friends with their dad and she also has hunted a few demons with the boys. Of corse that was years ago but she still keeps in contact with them if they need information on some lore or if she does.

For a long time Blake was inseparable from his twin sister Elaine. But when they went on a hunt to kill the vampires that killed their family Blake was turned and forced to drink human blood causing him to be stuck as a vampire. The vampire gave him a choice to stay with him or try to survive on his own. But he promised in staying with him Elaine would never have to know her twin was now a monster.

♡Love Interest: Sam, Dean, Charlie

♡Death note♡




♡Love Interest: Keiichi

♡The Magicians♡


♡Cannon: Elliot

♡The Last Kingdom♡


♡Love Interest: Uthred

♡Blue Exorcist♡


♡The Hunger Games♡


♡Love Interest: Finnick

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