Roleplay Pet Peeves

I feel like because some people take it weirdly personally when one character doesn't like another, it makes people afraid to roleplay any dynamic that is less than friendly, out of a fear that someone's gonna get angry irl. And that's sad cause real talk? It's fun to do a roleplay where two characters absolutely hate each other and get under each other's skin all the time lol
I feel like because some people take it weirdly personally when one character doesn't like another, it makes people afraid to roleplay any dynamic that is less than friendly, out of a fear that someone's gonna get angry irl. And that's sad cause real talk? It's fun to do a roleplay where two characters absolutely hate each other and get under each other's skin all the time lol

I know right? Conflict is great in RP.

And man, I just wish people wouldn't assume everyone has pity for them because they MAY JUST have X or X IRL >_<; I'm very empathetic (to the point of getting upset for people lol), but I just don't like it when people have that... IDK. IDK how to explain it!! D:
I feel like because some people take it weirdly personally when one character doesn't like another, it makes people afraid to roleplay any dynamic that is less than friendly, out of a fear that someone's gonna get angry irl. And that's sad cause real talk? It's fun to do a roleplay where two characters absolutely hate each other and get under each other's skin all the time lol

Or like take anything less than abject adoration as all of their ideas as you screaming in their face and threatening to burn their house down. Seriously I had someone like completely leave a pm once because I had the sheer gall to tell them that an idea they had was "Fine."

Like I wasn't even mad or telling them to change anything. I just said an idea was "Fine." and they got into a whole diatribe about how I was being negative and controlling and they could no longer roleplay with me.

Like ????
I feel like because some people take it weirdly personally when one character doesn't like another, it makes people afraid to roleplay any dynamic that is less than friendly, out of a fear that someone's gonna get angry irl. And that's sad cause real talk? It's fun to do a roleplay where two characters absolutely hate each other and get under each other's skin all the time lol
Honestly, I don't know why people take it personally I mean they aren't you. Now I get maybe you put a lot of work into this character but I only get that if your character dies and most RP doesn't allow the character to be killed without the owner of said characters permission.
I know right? Conflict is great in RP.

And man, I just wish people wouldn't assume everyone has pity for them because they MAY JUST have X or X IRL >_<; I'm very empathetic (to the point of getting upset for people lol), but I just don't like it when people have that... IDK. IDK how to explain it!! D:
Like, when someone tries to garner pity by saying they have x problem in real life? Cause I hate that!
Like, when someone tries to garner pity by saying they have x problem in real life? Cause I hate that!

I guess? D: Though I more mean that they want you to go 'poor you' before you even know anything. To step on eggshells in RP. But it may not help I enjoy dark gritty RP .__.
That one person who expects the mods to just bend the rules and break the rules of their RPs universe for them, instead of you, you know making a character that adheres to the rules like everyone else or the person who half-ass tries to cheat the system by doing something they know they aren't allowed to do but found a loophole the Admin may have overlooked and tries to exploit it then gets mad when they tell them that they can't do that, basically mad because they didn't get to cheat.
That one person who expects thr mods to just bend the rules and break the rules of their RPs universe for them, instead of you, you know making a character that adheres to the rules like everyone else or the person who half-ass tries to cheat the system by doing something they know they aren't allowed to do but found a loophole the Admin may have overlooked and tries to exploit it then gets mad when they tell them that they can't do that, basically mad because they didn't get to cheat.

OMG did you use to be in the groups I modded? I literally had a few people do exactly that. My favorite half-ass workaround the rules? So the rule was you had to have a weakness for every power. Someone decided they were going to play a character with "All the powers of Superman but none of the weaknesses."

Their first try the weaknesses where antisocial and anger problems. Again for a person who had all the powers of Superman but no physical weakness.

I told them um no. You have to choose a physical power that will stop them from using their powers.

Their response? - A person of equivalent power.

I mean it was simultaneously the funniest and most infuriating response. I ended up talking to the owner and getting them kicked out. But in hindsight I do gotta admire the sheer laziness.

Well, more specifically, if an rp is about specifically either magic wolves or werewolves (there are no other options. You must play a magical wolf/werewolf) I'm immediately turned off because I'm not a fan of wolves and werewolves in the first place (like, I like them, but not enough to specifically look for rps to play them) and because I've never really seen these plots executed well. Also I was never really a huge fan of Warrior Cats so a wolf version of that isn't a huge draw to me.
OMG did you use to be in the groups I modded? I literally had a few people do exactly that. My favorite half-ass workaround the rules? So the rule was you had to have a weakness for every power. Someone decided they were going to play a character with "All the powers of Superman but none of the weaknesses."

Their first try the weaknesses where antisocial and anger problems. Again for a person who had all the powers of Superman but no physical weakness.

I told them um no. You have to choose a physical power that will stop them from using their powers.

Their response? - A person of equivalent power.

I mean it was simultaneously the funniest and most infuriating response. I ended up talking to the owner and getting them kicked out. But in hindsight I do gotta admire the sheer laziness.
That's hilarious.
OMG did you use to be in the groups I modded? I literally had a few people do exactly that. My favorite half-ass workaround the rules? So the rule was you had to have a weakness for every power. Someone decided they were going to play a character with "All the powers of Superman but none of the weaknesses."

Their first try the weaknesses where antisocial and anger problems. Again for a person who had all the powers of Superman but no physical weakness.

I told them um no. You have to choose a physical power that will stop them from using their powers.

Their response? - A person of equivalent power.

I mean it was simultaneously the funniest and most infuriating response. I ended up talking to the owner and getting them kicked out. But in hindsight, I do gotta admire the sheer laziness.
I met a guy who did something like that but tried to be vague about their character's weakness basically bit was the same you had to have a physical weakness to your powers. He sat up here and said if he overuses his powers he will overheat, but he has a very high limit and so far it has never been reached and no one knows his limit and I'm like...well what's the point of his weakness if he never reaches his limit?

He says "Oh he hasn't reached it yet but that doesn't mean he never will"

But I mean for all I know his limit could be 2000 suns, and when will he ever have to use 2000 suns worth of power? No, just no.
Also on that same note, I hate characters who's weakness is their emotional state. Let's just be honest that's not a weakness and it will never ever be an issue for the duration of the RP and by the rules of character development at any point and time, your character can stop being emotional and get their feelings under control which means it's still not a weakness even if you did show it was problem in the RP.
Also on that same note, I hate characters who's weakness is their emotional state. Let's just be honest that's not a weakness and it will never ever be an issue for the duration of the RP and by the rules of character development at any point and time, your character can stop being emotional and get their feelings under control which means it's still not a weakness even if you did show it was problem in the RP.

Exactly. Unless your character power IS their emotions or is triggered by their emotions than that is not a reasonable weakness. Like say for instance someone has periods of apathy and their super-power is triggered by happiness. But they can only unlock it through drugs because they can't feel that level of happiness naturally.

Or if the characters power is being super happy but if they use it for too long that happiness can turn into a delusional euphoria that causes them to take dangerous risks.

But no it's usually like "They're shy or a loner or antisocial." Which as a person who is all those things that's kind of rude. Also I can assure you if I could shoot lasers out of my eyes none of those things would prevent me from doing exactly that.
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Then the issue there is being comfortable with playing that. Me for example. I have played both male and female characters. But either way they had a preference towards women. I am uncomfortable playing a guy attracted to a guy. Why? It's a matter of the fact I myself cannot relate to it. And because of that I feel uncomfortable being asked to try a MxM type of relationship because I cannot see eye to eye with my own character. Which is a must for me to roleplay.

Personally I like to explore characters with personalities and traits that are a lot different than my own. This doesn't mean anyone else doesn't, and this is just me personally. I stay within a certain range of what I'm comfortable with, as do most people. I'm not saying anyone should roleplay anything they're not entirely comfortable with, that's not it at all. This is just me personally.
Here's an example:
I'm most comfortable Roleplaying male characters, and while I'm not personally attracted to women, I'm able to write a man in a straight relationship.
Personally if there's romance involved, I'm fine with any type of relationship as long as I'm the male role, because that's just what I'm comfortable with.
So you're not wrong in any sense.
People should do what they're most comfortable with, and I think forcing diversity becomes pretty awkward at times.
The biggest rule I always make is weak means exploitable. With that in mind, a big pet peeve is when people have abilities that undermine the weakness they state. An example is if your character is weak to long distance attacks, yet have super speed. It's kind of hard to exploit a weakness for long range battles if your character can just close the distance in the blink of an eye. To me, it comes off as thoughtless or you just trying to make a character with no weaknesses

I also hate personality weaknesses because rarely do they ever affect a character in the midst of a battles. The moment your character decides that whatever woes affecting them isn't worth their life, they'll just shrug it aside enough to win the battles, then back to brooding.

On the diversity conversation, it's something that I try to have ever since I saw just how hard it is to find black characters in things like fantasy and anime style art. The things I see the most are more tribal-like in style, which isn't really my thing. Now I make many different kinds of characters in response to that. That isn't to say I won't make white characters. In fact, my favorite 2 characters of all time, Ari Waesmor and Luke Cross, are both straight white males and I'm black. I make more diverse characters now, not for diversity sake, but for expanding my own writing skills and horizons.
I WAS dumb enough to join an RPG that tried to enforce diversity and it failed pretty fast due to infighting and personal attacks in the OOC, with people calling each other SJWs and "Beta cucks" and many of the ists and phobics (racist, sexist, misogynistic, islamophobic) while bringing up things like feminism and Trump. How a dungeon crawling fantasy RP turns into a politics discussion is beyond me. I'm not here for politics. I'm here to RP. No big deal with that, right?
cloudyskies cloudyskies

Thank you for nailing what I was trying to say. I suck at the whole talking to other people deal but I try my best.

The whole diversity deal is a person to person thing. For me the one thing I personally will go NOPE to is... anything furry related. But that is a very long and nasty story involving night terrors, bullying, and emotional abuse.
Not sure if this is actually considered a pet peeve, but w/e.

I can’t stand people who do this:

“hey I wanna do [insert fandom here] story!!! please be able to play a canon character for my sexy OC. u MUST play canon only I can play OC (:”

Do I REALLY need to explain why this is annoying?
Not sure if this is actually considered a pet peeve, but w/e.

I can’t stand people who do this:

“Hey, I wanna do [insert fandom here] story!!! please be able to play a canon character for my sexy OC. u MUST play canon only I can play OC (:”

Do I REALLY need to explain why this is annoying?
Nope, completely understand I personally can't stand Canon characters in RP period because most cases people use them as a crutch to not have to develop their characters because they can use the feats the characters already have another don't even play the character it's pretty much a different character with their face and abilities.
Nope, completely understand I personally can't stand Canon characters in RP period because most cases people use them as a crutch to not have to develop their characters because they can use the feats the characters already have another don't even play the character it's pretty much a different character with their face and abilities.
The way you phrased that last bit just gave me an interesting idea for a character. Hmmmm...
//in my personal opinion, I strongly dislike using Canon characters in any given Roleplay because my default personality is far off from the actual character and I’m super picky with that stuff so I just avoid fandom and canon character type roleplays. I mean, I only have 21 characters to choose from//
//in my personal opinion, I strongly dislike using Canon characters in any given Roleplay because my default personality is far off from the actual character and I’m super picky with that stuff so I just avoid fandom and canon character type roleplays. I mean, I only have 21 characters to choose from//
21 canon characters or 21 OCs?

I have to agree with everyone here that I'm not fan of Canon characters in roleplays. On my own time, that's a different story, but not in roleplays.
Not sure if this is actually considered a pet peeve, but w/e.

I can’t stand people who do this:

“hey I wanna do [insert fandom here] story!!! please be able to play a canon character for my sexy OC. u MUST play canon only I can play OC (:”

Do I REALLY need to explain why this is annoying?

Related to this I hate with the burning passion of a thousand suns when people try to do "pairing doubling" for "fairness"

So it's sort of the same thing as above only basically with two characters.

"Hey I want you to play Canon X for my OC. I will play a Canon for your OC. That way it's fair."

Like what is fair about you telling me to play two characters? Like what if I don't want you to play a canon for my OC? I seriously had someone argue with me for like twenty minutes once specifically because I didn't want them to play a Canon for my OC.

They kept insisting I tell them a "crush" that they could play because I was playing a crush for them. (Which side note I hated it when people call romantic pairings crushes, it's just offputting to me).

And I just had to tell them over and over - I don't want you to play a Canon. I don't want you to play a Canon. etc.

So to me I think a lot of time doubling is just being selfish with more characters. Because if you were really trying to be fair you would actually ASK your partner what they wanted rather than assuming they wanted the same thing as you.

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