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Multiple Settings ♡☆Roleplay Partner Search☆♡


Love and Death
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Rules and Personal info
My name is Eli
I'm 26 so my partners need to be 18+ as well as the characters
I'm willing to roleplay here or discord
I love creating plots and world building so if you would like to build onto any of my plots feel free to send me ideas
I'm fairly active and will respond nearly every day if not multiple times a day however am fine if I do not receive the same
I am ghost friendly. I understand life happens and sometimes need to suddenly step away myself
I love talking ooc and making new friends as well as just talking about the Plot and our characters


༺Plot One༻

After Years of a world in chaos a message was broadcast across radios, TVs, and all other devices. A message of a man in a white featureless mask talking with a distorted voice. His words were simple but enough to catch the attention of everyone. It was as if the world stopped for a moment while he spoke.
“Dear citizens for too long our society has suffered. Wars, Riots and Violence! We have tolerated and cleaned up the mess. Well no more. You are all a consequence of Freedom. It’s time to take away that freedom and bring peace once again. You will soon be stripped of your identity. Your lives you previously lived will be but a memory. This is the new way of life”
Seconds after the message cut out the first of the bombs had dropped. The first of many. In the chaos no one had noticed the rise of this organization. After bombs had been dropped came the military. People thought they were there to help and save them. That’s what the news and radios would say. They were there to help and protect. People were told it was a terrorist attack and that people were getting sick and everyone needed to be tested. People were then taken to facilities where their identities were taken from them. They were given an implant with a new identity as a number and letter combination. With no emotions and no family they were sent to heavily guarded and walled off cities called Utopia. Each specific utopia were known by their number. Only those they deemed truly worthy were given emotions. Those were usually just those high in the ranks of The Pure Leadership. The organization that had taken over the world in a matter of a year. An organization mostly made up of fathers who's wives or children had been killed in acts of violence.
There was a group that had managed to stay out of utopias. The resistance. With very limited power in the world and most cities in ruins it wasn’t a glamours life to have but they were free and most were well trained in combat from the moment they joined.
The military for The Pure Leadership also known as The Watchdogs had no emotions and would not hesitate to kill anyone they needed to. Often they would patrol the streets of towns they suspected people were still living in. Big cities were best for The Resistance. More places to hide everyone in small towns were easily found if they were hiding and were rounded up.
Now 5 years after The Pure Leadership has taken over the Resistance is well established and hidden to care for themselves but are still finding ways to help others.

༺Plot Two༻

Long ago there were three kingdoms that together ruled over the lands. Sepan, Kulia, and Ruwen. These kingdoms all ruled peacefully together. They came to each others aid when it was needed. They made each other prosper. But in Sepan sickness began to plague the lands. The Kings oldest and favorite son died causing him to be riddled with grief and as sickness took its hold there greed took its hold in Ruwen. Ruwen decided to attack their closest and weakest neighbors Sepan. The king of Sepan too riddled with grief did not raise a finger to help his kingdom leaving them and the rest of his children to die. Ruwen left none alive but the women and children. They allowed them to evacuate to the safety of Kulia to spread word of their power or join them. They took some of the young boys to train them to be soldiers. The rest they let spread the word of the powerful and terrifying Ruwen. Ruwen began to destroy other kingdoms. In those kingdoms they left none alive except those that would betray their king and join them. They killed many creatures and men terrorizing the lands with their banners flying high. For 10 years they have terrorized kingdoms. They continue to grow their army on hopes of soon taking over Kulia

༺Plot Three༻

○●Workshop Plot●○

Muse A and Muse B have been friends most of their lives. When one was in trouble the other would be close behind. So when Muse B began to get mixed up into trouble although they did their best to keep Muse A out of it things always find a way. For longer than Muse A is willing to even admit they have been living the same few months on a loop. They never make it past the few month cycle before one of the two friends die and the loop resets. Muse A can never seem to remember much about their death other than knowing they're somehow killed. One day Muse B wakes up suddenly realizing the loop as well. How will Muse B handle it? And will the two find a way out together?
《I would prefer to be Muse A but I don't mind to swap》

༺Plot Four༻


Zudia is a fairly large kingdom that sits on a coastline. The kingdom has always been accepting of all creatures and has maintained peace for many centuries. One day however the current king was not like his ancestors before him. He wasn't cruel but he was not a kind king. He only tolerated the creatures in his kingdom for the peace. While most do not know what he did one day the king angered a powerful mage who placed a curse on his children. Each of them cursed with some different affliction that causes their lives to become more difficult and causing the king to seal them away in the castle and become a shut in himself.
Hello I am a novelist roleplayer, I'm twenty three and have been roleplaying since I was fourteen.
I can play any role and have been known to play more then one character to keep things alive and active.

I have to say. I haven't found a roleplay in quite some time thats made me think like the first plot had.
I can just see one of my characters inside this world whether he or she are apart of Utopia trying to regain themselves piece by piece by obtaining power by any means or within the resistance keeping people safe and fighting against the people who threaten their freedom.

I would absolutely love if me and you could continue this roleplay, or if its already been chosen by someone else then another roleplay would also be fine.
Either way I believe we'll make a fantastic story and keep each other at the edge of our seats.

I can roleplay here or on my discord account.
Text me for details on my discord if you decide to go there.

Sincerely, The Narrator🥀
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