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Realistic or Modern Roleplay Partner Search!


Hello! Bonjour! Hola! My name is Orion!

I am currently looking for a long-term rp partner who I can bounce ideas off and mutually try out different types of RP!

The Main things I enjoy roleplaying are
  • High School RP (Private Schools more specifically)
  • Mystery
  • Drama
  • Psychological Horror
  • Romance
  • Different Eras
Something to know about me!
  • I am 17 years old!
  • I love Fiona Apple!
  • My favorite book currently is 'My Dark Vanessa'
  • I have been roleplaying for as long as I've been on the internet!
  • I draw and write!
  • I am literate, I can write up to three paragraphs!
The Only requirements are
  1. No Furries (Nothing personal, I just don't RP as a furry)​
  2. No Anime or Real Life References (I mainly like describing my ocs through text anyway)​
  3. be over the age of 16.​
  4. Be nice!​
Thank you for reading!

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