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New Member
Roleplay Availability
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Hi Y'all!

Welcome to my first post. Not my FIRST post but my first post in a while. Sometimes I have to take breaks from roleplay. Everyone does. no harm in that! The key is transparency and that's what I'm giving you now. So yes, I have come back from a longish break but plese don't let them put you off. Allow it to be a test of trust in our partnership.

Okay, so. Disclaimer out the way, time for intro. Nice to meet you. I'm a 23 years old male, from England and I've been roleplaying on and off for at least 10 years. (Quick thing: please over 18 only!) A little more off than on if I'm honest. But I digress. What I'm looking for in a partner is someone who matches my energy so to speak. Like I said, transparency is key so I'd love complete honesty from you, even if things aren't working out. In terms of paragraph length, I don't mind if it's one paragraph as long as its not just one line. Typically I write 1 or 2 paragraphs with a few lines. I'm open to any kind of pairing where I'm the male. but for romantic pairings It's only M X F.

So I mention fandoms in the title. I do dable in a few fandoms that I'm interested in roleplay in. Those include:
  • DC Universe
  • Arrowverse
  • Teen Wolf
  • The Dragon Prince
  • Pokemon
  • Avatar (ATLA & TLOK)
  • Gotham
In addition to fandoms, I am searching for any fantasy / supernatural or sci-fi type roleplays. I don't have plots for these, but maybe we could brainstorm if you have ideas or vice versa.

Some parting words for you. I cannot be online 24/7! I will try to respond everyday but if there is any reason why I can't, I will try let you know. If you are having issues yourself than I appreciate the same kind of communication. Also, I love OOC chat. Especially if we can bond about favourite fandoms or, jsut have chats in general. So feel free to spark a OOC, even if you dont wanna roleplay or just want to talk.

Thank you so much for reading! Apologies for the long post. Hopefully you are still interested.

See you soon!

EDIT: Totally forgot to mention! I roleplay as OCs mainly but I’m open to pairing with either OC or Canon!
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Hi there!

Basically everything you said is the same for me. It's been awhile since I've RP'd and apparently it was the time to come out of my hiatus.

I'd be interested in DC Universe, Pokemon, ATLA, or an original plotline! I'm pretty easy going and down for whatever. Did you have anything specific you were wanting to RP right now? c:

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