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Multiple Settings roleplay partner search ~ advanced


New Member
Hey, thanks for stopping by c:
I'm melon and I enjoy a lot of styles of roleplays. I'm mostly advanced, so keep in mind that I enjoy a roleplay partner who can post a hella lot, but also put effort into their post. I'm currently obsessing over darker themed roleplays. Roleplays that would include obsession, or perhaps decisions that could be justified, but ethically wrong. I have a strange schedule where I post a few times a day, but I work at 4am (mountain time) which results in weird hours of replying and not replying! Dm if you're interested in roleplaying with me c:.
my roleplaying style

  • I would like some partners who can write multiple paragraphs and takes time to think about what they're gonna write. I, myself, am not good at punctuation so I overlook a few mistakes, but I genuinely do like putting thought into what I write. I tend to write a lot of paragraphs to start with, I don't always expect like a whole essay, but I can't stand a few sentences. I like to have fun with my roleplays so I just sometimes forget that I'm not writing a fucking novel.
  • 18+ some topics get a little darker and I feel more comfortable if it's this way (sorry)
  • I do tend to do darker themes, and so I would like to at least know if there is something you prefer not to do right away. I do not roleplay any form of rape. Now implying as a tragic backstory is totally fine. But I ain't roleplaying that shit.
  • My language! I like to swear like a sailor so if you don't like swearing then I'm not the best choice of a roleplaying partner.
  • I currently only play male characters, and so that should also put in there!

  • werewolf x human
  • werewolf x werewolf
  • ghost x living
  • king x rival princess
  • king x servant
  • Viking x slave
  • psychopath x citizen
  • psychopath x victim
  • god x human
  • god x god
  • creature x human
  • professor x student/TA
  • Fantasy, medieval/got style
  • Greek Mythology
  • Vikings
  • the start of an apocalypse
  • monster
  • psychopaths/murderer
  • werewolves
  • tragic romances

werewolf x human turn werewolf

Muse A had lived alone in the lands of Alaska for who knows how long. He doesn't have a pack of his own and chooses to stay that way. Unfortunately, there was a pack that was already claiming the area and the small town so there are some tensions whenever the loner decides to go into town. Upon returning from a hike down to town to get some groceries, rather young and crazed werewolf skids on the path. Confused and scared the werewolf attacks Muse A. Muse B doesn't know what happened. One night after an attack from a rabid dog under a blood moon had left him unconscious, they awake to find themselves not in their own skin. Covered in fur, and with so many new senses entering their body all at the same time, Muse B begins to panic. Now running crazed just trying to find help, they run into Muse A, and instead of acting rationally, the smell of another werewolf causes them to attack.

Now left with a human turned to a werewolf (which is practically a myth) the loner is stuck with a human who has no idea what they are. Now he has to teach them all the steps, hide his identity from the other pack and hunters who have now arrived to hunt a rumor of a werewolf in these parts.
psycopath x victim

Muse A is a methodical killer, who doesn't kill willy nilly. He plans his murders to the point he could only kill a person till he really got to know them. Unlike the ones in the movies which would go on a killing spree anytime the itch happened, he did it out of curiosity. Which was why he hadn't made the news so much due to his rather slow process. Yet there is another killer in the big town which he has nothing to do with nor wants to even know who they are. All he knows is that his next target is ready for the picking.

Muse B has a pretty normal life. It has its ups and downs, but they're certainly grateful to be alive. Muse B had finished class at a late hour in the night and found themselves stuck walking home due to missing the scheduled time of the bus. Taking the wrong turn, they find themselves in the middle of a floor in a large abandoned building bleeding out with a crazed man standing over them. This was it, they were going to die just because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. But before they find themselves dead, the man is on the ground dead with a bullet through his head. There standing in front of them is Muse A.

Muse A's target had actually been a drunk bastard who had would have probably played with Muse B to their delight, and he unintentionally saved Muse B and now he's stuck with Muse B who wants nothing more to thank him. Perhaps he would choose Muse B as a target? Which means he would most certainly have to get close to them. Pretty much a psychopath with no feelings is wondering if he should kill Muse B, but is curious as to why Muse B considers safe with Muse A.

viking x slave (mostly fxm)

Muse A has returned from a voyage with his crew, several of the men have taken some children, women, and men for slaves. Yet, he paid no heed to slaves because he had no use for one. It was when Muse B is defending a mother and her child did his interest peek. Not only did her bravery made him curious, but her attempt at speaking his language was almost admirable. This girl had a fire in her eyes that Muse A enjoyed, and wouldn't let such a girl sold off to a wretched man of his village. So he purchased her to only find that she would be more to handle than he thought.

Muse B is royalty, well at least noble. She had been on her way to visit her uncle by the sea-side to only be apart of a raid happening. Taken across the sea, Muse B has caused hell for these Viking savages. She had once had a friend who had spoken their language and so she knew some words. Now brought to the hut of a rather intimidating Viking, she has only thoughts of escape. Perhaps sneaking to a boat and hopefully being able to sail her way out, or at least running more inland away from the Vikings to avoid becoming a slave seemed like a better idea. Yet Muse A is more curious than he is needy. He is attracted to her but isn't a hog like many men of his village. No matter how kind he is to her, or trying to teach her his ways Muse B refuses to believe he is doing it because he is "kind".

It's a test of patients at this point. This roleplay with get dark, and there might be moments of abuse where Muse A will get very impatient and might have a fucking temper when she has pulled his last straw.
will post more in the future)

This is just three that I can type out right now. I'll probably add more when I'm free! If you have an idea or want to plot together then shoot me a DM.

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