Roleplay (in school)

(havent read above so sorry so im gonna jump right in)

Akiso slowly walked up to the entry of the school and walked inside. She opened her locker and looked inside seeing nothing and sighed. "Why was I hoping to find food..." she looked around and saw no one around so she sat by her locker and cried because she was alone and didn't know what to do.
Did I just... huh. Nim looked warily behind him, catching sight of a green-haired girl. He glanced at the retreating back of the headmaster. He tapped a random person @The Outcast, hissing "cover me" - and split from the group. She was crying, he saw when he approached.  Okay, Nim, crying girls are uncharted territory, what are you -

"Are you okay?" he asked, peering down at her from above his scarf.

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She gasped and quickly wiped the tears away then sniffled. She looked up at the stranger "S-sorry im fine..." She took a deep breath and  calmed herself down.

Nim nodded, still half-hiding behind his scarf. "You know that I don't buy that in the slightest, yeah?" He said, turning to go. "Well, class is this way. We're following the freakishly tall guy."
Miku joined a random group and waited for everyone else to find a group. They didn't seem to find eight groups and the teacher didn't seem to mind so instead of wasting time she decided go out so she turned a puddle while no one is looking and escaped outside just for a while.
Nim peered around the corner as Miku slipped into her puddle-state. The headmaster was barely visible at the end of the hallway. "Come on. You don't want to be left behind, do you?" he beckoned the girl. "I'm Nim."
Cloud saw a group of people outside with a very tall man in the front of the crowd leading them somewhere."I am late it appears.I think I missed a whole class."he thought to himself calmly.He went to the shadow the school made and had went inside of it while holding onto his back at the same time.He went inside of the shadow dimension he liked to call it and had then dropped off his backpack and grabbed his books out of it and left it beside the backpack so that once he needed a book,he could grab it quickly.  He then proceeded to the group of children who looked like they were going to be grouped.
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Miku opened one eye and saw a green haired girl waving at her. She waved back. She jumped back over and looked at people chatting because the teacher went somewhere . She raised her tail at the sight of her. "You look familiar" she took a closer look at the girl "you from here?" She looked her over from the bottom to the top. "Well I guess not". She smiled at her.

She smiled slightly back. "I-Im new..." she said while fiddling with her hands nervously. "Oh do you kn-know if theres dorms here? and m-maybe food?"

"Well Iam new myself but Iam pretty sure there are both here" she said "no need afraid" she shortened her sentence as she wiggles her dragon tail. She smiled at her and pat her dress from dust "if you want food I will get you food" she did with confidence.

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Her eyes widened and her stomach roared with hunger. She hadn't eaten in days or even slept in a real bed for years. "R-really?! you'd do that for me?!" With over joy she hugged her tightly then noticed her tail. "H-hey im a dragon to!"

She gasped and her eyes watered up and quickly let go. "I-I'm so sorry!!" she backed away fast and felt ashamed.

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"It's fine" she said taking a deep breath. "Come on I can show you the doesn't and the cafeteria. She said starting to walk.

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She hesitated remembering about the headmaster. "w-wait but what about the class?" she asked but running to catch up with Miku.

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"His not there allweantly or too many people. Ether way I wanna waste the time helping someone then learning new stupid spells." She kept on walking now upstairs. "Here are the girls dorms" she showed the hallways with girls names on them. "Here's yours" she pointed at the door with her name on it.
Nim blinked as Asiko walked off with Miku. "Right then," he said to himself as he ran to catch up with the group... that was no longer there. "Oh, now this is just wonderful."
"So this is your dorm you can do whatever you want here and put wherever you want here." She said walking out "and the cafeteria. It's open only at certain times." She said walking into a big room. "But what do I know? Iam new myself" she said walking into the room.

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"looks like group finding took longer. Alright Ill explain the activity tomorrow" Luck leaving the people how remained outside 

"it seems that the person that tapped me found another group while i spaced out " he said watching the three walk and enter the dorms 

bah  you don't need people, when have people done you good? Aion asked him

'fair point' he said entering his room, wondering who he shared on with 
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(want to room, @The Outcast?)

Nim nudged his dorm room door open, throwing down his backpack in front of the door. He didn't care who the hell he was with - instead, he flopped into bed. He couldn't remember whether he'd gotten homework or not..

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