Roleplay (in school)

Nim blinked. "I just told you. Or implied it, anyway. Conk out. Barely alive. Late night."

(conk out is to sleep, btw)
Nim looked at Thana. "Well yes. You see, when one wakes up with six minutes to get to class, one tends to be in a hurry. Sorry about that, though. Apparently, I can control gravity. Control being a really bad term for it, considering."
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"Uh ya" she came to her scenses. "It is a nice to be at I guess" she folded her arms again. She put on a fake smile hoping no one will notice it. She still tried to keep her smile on even if it was fake. She mostly knew that smiling sometimes gets you off the hook.


@The Outcast
"Eh, no problem. Y'know what would help though? Caffeine." He replied. He winced at Miku's fake smile. "Eesh," he said under his breath.
"Caffeine? " he asked not knowing what that is. He knew how to read and weight because of Aion but everythig else. He didnt know
'Damnit where is the rest!' Lick mentally shouted his hand turnig in to a fist. "Girls, where is your roommate?" He asked showing no sighs of anger

"Caffeine. Coffee. Actually, never mind." he turned to look at the (apparently) speedster girl. "Who are you, anyway?"
"Classroom huh?" He said he flicked on the anoncer again and said "ALL noobs please come to my office!" He turned it off and nodded "fine"


 Lucas got interested "please explain it rommie." He asked in a stupid childish voice
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Cloud, who was so asleep due to him being so in-sync with the music that he went to sleep, woke up suddenly after remembering he was in class. Just before he dozed off however he remembered that someone on the microphone said to go to the head masters office. He then got up and went through the shadow that the door made in the entrance if the classroom and ended up across from his office.He walked right inside and wasnt tired at all even though he hadnt gotten any sleep last night.This was because he was used to being up all night doing this since he did it often.He then saw all the people in the room and noticed the girl he disliked in there too.He decided to not fight directly with her and had something planned for her later but he still didnt want to be around her or anyone in the room so he sat in a corner of it alone and played his video game on his phone while waiting on the tall man who he had figured out was the head master did something and had given him directions.
She walked past the chit chatting people and outside the door. She looked around. Some people where near the lockers and where getting their stuff out. She walked past it all until she was next to the classroom. She tried to peek in but couldn't even make out a person or two. She waited for a bit but then she gave up on waiting and thought that she just wasn't there. She returned to the classroom ing noting everyone. "Doubt that she is there" she said.

@The Outcast

@Thana Silver Wolf


"Of course, well then we jusr have to start with out them" he said rubbing has hands together "you are all going on your first task. There will be one grouo of three and a pair. The two grouos will go on different tasks. Please choose you partners" he said

Lucas looked at nim "wanna be the pair?" He asked

Nim blinked at Lucas. "Sure." He went over to him. "Caffeine's the active ingredient in coffee. It gives you more energy, temporarily until you crash."
"Interesting" he said rubbing his chin not really aion said 

'Looks who is awake' he joked
'Great partner work' she thought as she stood there for a while she sighed. She wasn't exactly the partner picking type but she decided for Ghana. She came to thana and looked her "partner? Yay meh or neh?" She asked her directly and specific. She didn't seem to sound rude or insulting so she waited for answer. 

@Thana Silver Wolf

@The Outcast


'Aion what chemistry' he asked. As aion explained lucas began to get a head ach

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