Roleplay (in school)

"Look who's here" she nudged thana and laughed.  " doubt you understand what Iam saying right now" she had a smirk for thana right now "you got a choice girl the cool guy or the gravity guy?" She whispered to her ear and leaned to thana again with a teasing look this time. She looked at her "am I too annoying for this?" She leaned back with a smile still her face turned to thana 

@Thana Silver Wolf



Nim stood up, righted his desk, and slung his backpack off his shoulder, studiously ignoring the giggles. Way to go, Nim. You fall asleep outside, you almost kill yourself - wait. Did you just magic that?
"Just jokin" she laughed "she leaned back and wrapped the tail around herself "didn't expect this didn't ya?" She looked at her with smile. "Anyway when is the class staring Iam getting bored here"

@Thana Silver Wolf

"True well imma go outside for a bit." She said as she walked out the door.  She saw a teacher come in class. But didn't seem to notice her "what are you" she looked at the girl running through the hall.  "Hey you're the girl I met before" she tried to stop her "hold your horses"  she looked at her running everywhere.

@Thana Silver Wolf


"It's a school you shouldn't run around like that" she said looking at the girl "I remember you I showed you the cafeteria and the dorm" she came closer to her

Luck turned on the announcer to remind the new comeres where they are going right now "Will all new comers please come to my office, again will all new comers please come to my office" he then told them where his room was, the last door to the left on the second floor.

@Iryxa @limitBREAK @Zoeriffic

@Thana Silver Wolf @Infinite


Lucas woke up from the announcement "ah shit, I hope im not late!" he said running out the door toward to his office  
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She waved at the girl and ran off without even turning to the class. She skipped through the halls and up the stairs "this place is fun!" She said to herself and took  the last step on the stairs that lead to the second floor. She saw the door that the H.M told them to come in so she slowed her pace down and went from skipping to walking normally. (Oh also I can't chat in OOC now. My keyboard there was stuck and I can't fix it now. It's stuck on a word I can't erase)


@The Outcast
Lucas soon saw where he was ment to go and slowed down, seeing one other person walking to the door. He looked at them and asked "what do you think he wants?" He asked her


(Can you type after the word at all?)
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"don't even have a clue" she looked at the door and back. She sighed and said "whatever it is, let's just hope it's not really bad" she closed her eyes for a second then opened them again. She let go of the wall her hand was on. "Should we go or wait for others?" She said folding her arms and sighing again.

@The Outcast
"He migt wanna to see us one at a time, we shout go in and ask him" He answered openong the door "sir, you wantd to see us?" He asked

Luck was fiddeling with his new earrings he got a week ago. Once ghe door opened je put hjs hand down and folded them on the desk. "Yes, you two can come in, we will start when everone else comes" he said

"Alright" she said awkwardly "what do we do in the meantime?" She looked. She as she said one more member canebrakes in "pretty sure there is more" she said and looked at the guy who came in and then back.


@The Outcast
Lucas smiled back "oh yes, but still th best night in years" he said

Luck laughed "thays good, you should have he best night every night" he said. He then looked at the girl "there are more, sime are still asleep most likely" he said. 

Lucas sighed at the thought of sleep. He bet  he could sleep for days right now


Thana basically ran to the floor and room they were called to.  Once there she opened the door a bit timidly.

"Sorry got a little lost." She said with a small smile as she slowly entered the H.M.s office.  She notice Miku there and the person she bumped into last night.  And another person she hadn't meet yet.

@The Outcast


Nim shifted uneasily, looking around the office. "So, I'm gonna go ahead and assume there a reason we're all standing up?" Nim looked over at Lucas. "Or is it cause Luc here's gonna conk if we sit down?"
She watched the chit chat between the guys. She wasn't included. If she just stared at them talking "I guess that's how I will waste my time" she thought and shrugged to her own thought.
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"Conk. Conk out. Man, you look like you're barely alive." Nim glanced over, seeing the girl he almost ran over. "Never mind. Slang must go over your head."

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