Roleplay (in school)

"What do you mean?" She looked at thana. "First we need to wait for sera and then we have some sort of class. They didn't say what because we chooses the partners for too long but we need a three person team. iam  pretty sure it will take a while to get there so I'll just use one of my galaxy holes" sge looked at drooling sera who was staring at a tiny galaxy in her hand  "get dressed" she laughed and exploded the galaxy into sparkles in front of seras face. 


@Thana Silver Wolf
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Sarah giggled, pulling clothes from her pack and donning them on the spot.
"Sorry, I do that're really pretty~"
She darted to Miku, kissing her on the lips for a second before turning to Thana. 
"Any idea where we go now?"

@Thana Silver Wolf

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"You're gross" she said laughing and "well now that we are done," she stopped in the middle of the sentence "we have to go to the class" she made a big black hole appear. Big enough to fit the girls and small enough to fit in room. "Come on!" She waved and jumped in. In a second they where at the destination.


@Thana Silver Wolf
When Thana jumped into the black hole she didn't seemed fazed at all when they appeared at the place they needed to be.

"this place almost reminds me of home." She said a little queitly.


Serah felt bad for Thana and hugged her while whimpering.
"Awwww, that's so saaaad! I'd be devastated if mommy died!"
She sent a pulse of comfort and warmth into her new friend, trying to cheer her up.

@Thana Silver Wolf

Cloud who didnt stop watching anime at night looked over at his laptop and saw the time and realized classes were going to be starting soon.  He didnt worry about it too much however he instead got into the shower for about ten minutes adn dried off quick.He got his clothes out of his drawer and as he did he thought to himself Maybe i should have brought different clothes here too, instead of having just a bunch clothes that are exactly the same. Because that is what he did.He brought several copies of the same clothes and nothing else to change into.He had 10 pairs if the exact jeans,jackets, and shirts. He also had 15 pairs of scarves because he liked wearing them wherever he goes so he can cover his mouth so we wont have to talk to people. He then dismissed this thought and put on the clothes and headed for class
When Cloud finally got to the classroom he went inside and and was walking to an empty desk when he saw that violent girl he saw yesterday while controlling a shadow man.He angrily moaned under his breath a little as he walked past her and went to the nearest empty desk at the  front of the classroom.He then looked around and saw everyone was taller then him although he expected this.He was only 12 and the last school he went to he was a sophomore and he was the shortest kid there too,so he wasn't surprised at all. He sat down in the chair and then looked at the clock on the wall waiting for class to start.
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" she will be fine if she says she is fine" Miku laughed "besides why think negative thoughts? It's only the second  day of school!" She said and helped thana get free from sera. She was able to set her free by distracting sera with a small sparkling mini galaxy. She gave it to her and watched her eyes sparkle "always works" she said looking at sera.


@Thana Silver Wolf
Serah, while not actually distracted, let go with a poutyface of epic proportions. It did catch her attention a few seconds later though, and she found herself grinning ear to ear again, wings shaking in place a little bit.

@Thana Silver Wolf

"Wow sera so mature" she looked at her "want sparkles?" she asked her. "Well it might be first day for you" she turned to thana "its second for me. I just couldn't wait to get here" she smiled brightly. "It's not every day you get to get to go to a magic school" she popped a bubble in her hand.


@Thana Silver Wolf
"No faaaaair, you're the one who proposed it as working all the time!"
She pouted again, noticing that Thana was scared and trying to funnel some confidence into her.
"It'll be okay, you have us."
She whispered, before winking and sitting down.


@Thana Silver Wolf
Cloud looked over to the girls who were just walking in and noticed one of them had large wings. He got irritated and thought to himself complaining Great some people here can fly.Whatever i guess.Its not that surprising i suppose.Besides I can kind of fly if I make wings for myself. It  doesnt matter in the end i guess since they might have some rules about flying in certain areas or whatever. Why do I even need to fly in the first place since i dont even like being outside that much.Whatever. He then started to pull out his phone and plugged some earbuds into them and started listen to music as he sat with his feet on the desk and  laid back in the chair as if he was laying in his bed.
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 "come on we are going to be late to class" she turned to sera. and leaned her head a bit.  Then she walked in the class and took a seat. "But it's true you have us so no need to be scaredy ca" she acted cool "heh" she smiled at I think of them.


@Thana Silver Wolf
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Nim rushed into the classroom, barely clearing the bell, shaking bits of leaf out of his hair. He tore across the room, inadvertently using his gravity powers to speed him faster than normal. He crashed into his desk, almost crashing into Thana.

But he wasn't late.

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