Roleplay (in school)

you act like on as well Aion commented 'shut and let me handed this'

"Dont worru we all are new, i dont even k ow any of there names, besides the onse that just said her name" he said
"I will show you" she said "it's not far. I think they expected the girl dorms not to hear the boy dorms but they failed" she said with clinching teeth. Then she looked at the shadow. "That's non of your business what we are talking about!" She quickly put her hand in a fist and punched it from anger. It made the shadow fly back to the window making a big crack in the wall. "Sigh just follow me" she said. She had enough of people talking so she started going. Once they came she said "well each one has two to three people in each dorm." She said "you just have to look for your name" she said pointing at her name and two others on the door. "I am supposed to have two more but they are not here." she shrugged and yawned. "Anyway try to find your names" she said
"Oh shit, CRAZY BITCH YOU COULD HAVE HURT THAT GUY!" lucas said running to the shadow "you alright?"  He asked putting a hand on his shoulder
Cloud was mad.Really mad. However he had lost where the girl had gone.He looked up to the boy and said"She is going to get the fuck beaten out of her later.I think you should watch since its not everyday you see a bitch get put in her place."He had gotten up and made him disappear into thin air. Cloud then sat down and thought to himself I am here for only a day and already I'm having to fight someone just great he then continued to watch anime and awaiting tomorrow to come. All he had in his mind after that was revenge.
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Lucas looked up and just jaw dropped "jee yoir taller than the Headmaster!" He said "speaking kf witch we should tell his what happened, maybe someone can soundproof he walls, i would mind that" he said still looking up at this guy, slighly intimidated but not to the point of fear

Once he saw a gun appear he instaly made his right arm to a blade and put it to the guys neck "drop...the..gun"

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Thana looked at them and tilted her head. She looked at the plates that was meant to have names of people that where supposed to be roomed together.

"I think we may be your roomies." She said.


Sera grinned ear to ear, practically skipping into their room and immediately setting herself on one of the beds, giving it bright pink sheets and putting a matching pillowcase on the pillow. 
"I like this room already~ Hey, do you two mind if I put up a kitten poster or two?"
She'd already pulled one out, but hesitated to put it up.

@Thana Silver Wolf

"I don't mind." Thana said when she went to the other empty bed and and placed what appeared to be a normal sized bag on it.  She pulled out a pillow and blanket and placed them on the bed.


Sera set it up and sat on her bed with a gleeful grin.
"So, um, mommy said I should probably tell my roommates I'm part, yeah. I am."
She smiled.
"Also both of you are adorable."

@Thana Silver Wolf

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"I think you said something about that to that one guy." Thana said as she just placed the bag bed to the bed.  She found it funny that all three of them had different color schemes for their beds and what not.

"And I'm not adorable.  Never was." She said with a small smile.


"It's fine" she said. "Iam a dragon demon human alien thing. I don't even know what Iam" she laughed laying on the bed. "You like fluff don't you?" She looked at sera. "You so don't you?" She looked at all the fluffy things she had out.


@Thana Silver Wolf
Sera nodded enthusiastically. 

"I love fluff! It's so warm and fuzzy and soft and, well, most fluffy things are tiny adorable animals. Like kitties! I love kitties."
She turned to Thana smiling mischeviously. 
"I'm part succubus. I like to think I'm a good judge of what's cute~"


@Thana Silver Wolf
"I'm half demon and half vampire.  Nothing is cute about that." Thana said oddly calm before laying down.  She was a little tired.


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Then lucas noticed what he blad was up on, a shadow. He pushed it through, decappatating the thing then went to his dorm
"Part vampire, huh? Care to suck my blood~? You'll feel better afterrrr~?"
She gave the cutest set of puppy dog eyes she could muster, using light magic to make her eyes literally sparkle


@Thana Silver Wolf
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"Well I have slot of fluffy clothes. It's my style" she said "I hope it doesn't lead to problems" she teased her "well I guess you are a good judge" she said with a smile. "Oh well we can go into a team later. I need to sleep. I didn't sleep for over a week as a part dragon" she said getting her fluffy blanket on and drifting to sleep


@Thana Silver Wolf
"Awwww. Maybe later~?"
She pulled a cell phone from her backpack, tapping away at it until she'd informed Lucy she was okay and then slipping under her sheets. 
"Nighty night~!"
in the morning she yawned and dressed up in same thing. Her hair was messy. She brushed it. She did all things she needed to do in the morning. She was the first one to wake up is what she noticed. "Oh wow" she sighed. She suddenly had an idea. She took out some water bubbles. Both of the Bible's went in different directions and where being controlled by Miku.  Suddenly the bubbles popped on the seras and thanas heads with cold water. 


@Thana Silver Wolf
"Wake up sleepy heads" Miku stood ready to go. "You're going to be late guys" she laughed at seras reaction and then held one bubble in her hand "this helped" she pointed at the water bubble. Then it just disappeared in her hand "I guess I will have to wait and get some different clothes on" she looked at sera. Then she started playing with stars and planets in her arm again.


@Thana Silver Wolf
Sera giggled, changing on the spot.
"Ooooh, that's so cool!"
She stared at the girl's arm, only to move to her eyes and start blushing. A bit of drool began to drip from the corner of her mouth.


@Thana Silver Wolf
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