Roleplay (in school)

Nim released a long, pent-up groan. "What gave it away, Sherlock?" he replied, voice muffled beneath layers of blankets. "I don't even know why I'm here."
"Powers? No not human?" He guessed snapping his figures, then laughed "need help?" He asked
"You want to have a sarcasm fight?" Nim asked, obviously not having it.He turned on his back. "Look, unless my grandma boinked some celestial entity, I'm completely human."
"Well I'm guessing you got the note like me, so there must be something different about you" he said, now wondering what the man can do.
"Oh, sure, sure. I was gonna trash it, but the parents made me come here anyway." He grumbled, fishing for his phone. "I bet you at least can shoot fireballs or whatever."
"I wish, nah I just made a deal" he said laying down looking at the ceiling, studying the tiny cracks in it
Cloud left the area after the tall man walked away saying he was going to explain the activity tomorrow and went toward the dorms.He looked at the schedule they gave him to find his dorm room.He had requested that he wanted to be having a solo dorm so he wouldn't have to talk with other people and be around them as much,since he didn't trust people very much. He opened his door and went inside where he placed down all his clothes in the drawers he found by the tv.  Then he went under the bed to go to shadow it had casted over the floor and reached inside the Shadow Dimension with his arm. He had pulled out his Playstation and hooked it up to the television and then proceeded to pull out some games as well.He then got out his laptop and had gotten out the charger for it as well. He had plugged up his laptop to the wall so it can charge and then turned on the tv and his Playstation and started watching anime on it through Hulu while he relaxed on his bed with the door closed.
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He smiled 'wanna take over?' He asked Aion 

'fine' he said then spoke through lucas' mouth "he made a deal with me, a demon" he said 
Nim sat up as Aion began to talk. "Damn. Hope that kid had a damn good reason for selling his soul off."
"he was beaten and raped" aion said like it was nothing "he asked me to make him stronger so I possessed him and helped him slaughter his crazy father" he said, once again like it was the most normal thing
"Bah relax!" Lucas said, taking over. "What the worst that could happen? " he asked
Nim began listing on his fingers. "Demon gets tired, takes over, we're fucked. Demon corrupts you. We're fucked. You go into an unstoppable, demon assisted rage. We're fucked. We get the attention of an overzealous demon hunter. We're fucked. You might overload on power from the demon. We're fucked. And assuming you sold your soul, you're fucked anyway."
"That's a lot of fucking" he joked, then sighed "I can assure you most of that will never happen, the rest..ehh I don't know that up to this" he said tapping his head 
(Can I just add something, the 'school' only has 20 students includeing us, and 10 staff members)

"Enough about me, I hate talking about me, let's here about you" he said trying to change the subject. He then noticed a TV remote and looked at the wall in front of the beds to see a TV "hey, wanna watch something?" He asked
Nim shrugged. "Knock yourself out." he replied. "And it's like I told you. Normal kid, sophomore in high school, got dragged into whatever this is."
"Doubt it, i habe a feeling you dont get in here being normal" he said flipping though channels
"No powers, just human"" lucas said

Luck looked around the school to make sure everyone was in dorms 

Then went back to his office and made an anouncement "for all new comers bed time is 10:00, light's out is yoir call though, tommorw you will all meet with me in my office before school"

(Brb going to eat)
He looked at the clock "you weird for sleeping this early, whatever im going for a walk, leave to door unlocked" he said gettig up and leaveing 

Luck turned the announcer off and sighed, thre spell around the school was hetting weaker eveytime a new person entered it. Sadly the person who made it is dead.  "Why must everything be so hard" he monaed and pit his face to the desk
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(nim only asked lucas to turn off the tv. the rest were his own thoughts.)

Nim turned off the TV. He lay in bed for about an hour. And couldn't sleep. He resorted to lying on a bench outside the dorms, covered in his jacket. Above him, he made a tiny whirlwind of leaves. Things might just be getting easier. 

But I'm still... normal, right?

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