Roleplay (in school)

Mike sighed "alright, lets go" he said

Ace went behind them "begin walking" he said, waiting on them to move
Mike also began to walk

Ace began was well. He looked at luna "is something bothering you?" he asked
Thana walked but with her hands in her pocket.

"nothing just thinking of why Thana would act out like this." Luna said with a shrug.
Ace made some kind of sighing noise " Records show Thana lost her mother, and father is...unavailable. Kid tend to act odd when someone they love dies" he said
"I guess but she is normally so well mannered.  And I don't think that it doesn't help that she doesn't even have a place to call home anymore." Luna said with a sigh.

"i can hear you." Thana muttered.
"Her father wants nothing to do with her.  Her dad is the king of hell and he wants nothing to do with her." Luna said.

thanas hands balled into fists in her pockets.  She was getting angry with hearing this:
"the father is failing at his task" Ace said. Failing A task is the only thin Ace hates
"I know he is." Luna said and looked at Thana.  "He won't take her.  Not unless someone stronger than him makes him." She said softly.
"He doesn't like to talk about him, but he will help with her father"  Ace said
Ace didn't respond for a moment "alright, well maybe you could look after her" he said
"Can't you ask them to stop?"  he asked 

Ace nodded "you need to do something"
"What would be the point?" Thana asked.

"trust me ace I've been trying.  I have been working hard to get him to give up his cusody over her." Luna said.
"could bring the AMD to him, they have a few tricks up his sleeve" ace said 

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