Roleplay (in school)

"how the hell did you become a teacher!" he asked trying to take his mind off this
Thana growled a bit ticked that she was basically ignored and punched the wall, she was half hoping it could withstand her strength.

"stupid pain in the ass scarecrow." She muttered.

Luna looked at Thana.

"well he is a bit busy." She said.
Mike smiled "sounds like him and the other kid are gonna have fun, what do Scarecrow teach?" he asked 
Ace was walking around the school, doing his 'rounds' as the headmaster called it where he spotted some people, going through this year history he learned everything the school know about them. He walked up to them and waved his hand. He was taught but the head master that this was how the organics greeted each other "greetings Luna, Mike, Thana" he said

Mike turned to see this 5'11 ft tall robot greet him, he nearly pissed his pants. "h-hi?"
Thana turned instantly clearly surprised.  

"Um hi?" She said a bit unsure.

Luna turned and looked at Ace.

"hello there ace." She said with a small smile.
He, in a very jerky moment, put his hand down "hello, what is going on?" he asked

Mike whispered to Thana "a robot?" 
"Can't say I'm surprised." Thana said calmly.  She then looked at ace.

"nothing much maybe planing on 'skinning' a scarecrow but nothing much." She said.

Luna went silent with what Thana just said.
He looked at her "are you talking about harming a teacher?" he asked, Ace's head tilted to the right
"It's not really harming considing he is a brought to life animated object." Thana said.  She was still clearly annoyed by what happened before ace came.

"She is joking." Luna said said.
He turned to Luna "Joking?" he asked, not know what the word ment

Mike just looked at him, not only are vampires, demons and all that real, but the school has a robot
"Yea joking.  Meaning they say things but won't really do it." Luna said with a small smile.

"you know what I think I'll head back to the dorms.  Doesn't seem scarecrow was that interested in meeting me." Thana said then looked at mike.

 "How about we both go to the dorms and hang out?" She said
He nodded "oh y-yea sure" he said looking at luna "if you alright with it" he said

Ace makes a beeping noise "term jokeing is categorize" 
Luna looked at Thana and mike.

"if you both wish to leave then go ahead.  Thana try not to cause any trouble." She said.

Thana simply scoffed and walked away.
Thana waited for mike outside of the classroom.  She seemed a little more calmer now.

Luna looked at ace.  

"Forgive Thana, ace.  She is still going through a rough patch." She said.
Luna smiled.

"learning what ya can about the students?" She asked.

Thana looked at him and smile.

"movies and some snacks?  Well if there is anything at the common rooms." She said.
Ace nodded "The headmaster as made it a primary objective to understand the students" he said

"sure" Mike said "lead the way"
Ace nodded "I will go prepare my room for class" he said and began to walk away

"thank you" he said entering 
"affirmative" He said "i teach human history" he said

"what movie this this place have?" he wondered 

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