Roleplay (in school)

he looked down even more "they did this to me to fight magic users" he whispered
"alright, but how will you get it from him?" he asked pointing to his head
Luna was about to attack him but was stopped.

"enough Luna.  While I'm here all vampires will not harm him.  You know my statues after my mother died changed to me being queen." Thana said then looked at mike.

"don't be ashamed that you may be a pawn against magic." She said with a small smile.
Mike looked up, a tear was in his eye "the things they did to me, ill kill them, slowly...and...painful. " h was visibly shaking 
"Hey hey it's ok.  Your safe." Thana said and lightly hugged mike.

"I don't think they can enter the school even if they wanted.  And if they didnand went after you and the others I'll personally help rip them to pieces." She said.

Luna slightly glared at mike but she knew she had to follow her queens orders.
he sat there looked awe struck ."T-thank you" mike said and hugged her back

Lucas was starting to get freak out "o-k, just dont tell me this involves cutting me open" he said
Thana smiled and hugged him.

"your friends with a vampire queen.  It has its perks." She said then looked at Luna.

"now for why you were trying to find me Luna." She said.

"there's a teacher that wishes to meet you Thana." Luna said.
"I don't mind.  If you don't mind being in the presence of two vampires.  Well a full vampire and a vampire demon mix." Thana said with a smile.

Luna looked at the two slightly.
"You said we are friends, I trust you" he said waiting form the teacher to show them where to go
Thana smiled lightly then started to follow Luna to where this teacher is.  She kept her hands in her pockets her one hand slightly touching the photo of her and her mother.

"scarecrow we are here." Luna said when they entered scarecrows room.
Thana looked at scarecrow her eyes then looked at Lucas.  She then looked back at scarecrow.

"so I hear from Luna that you wanted to meet me." She said.

Luna watched Thana closely.  She knew how she gets sometimes.
He nodded and waited for Scarecrow to move 'I don't like this idea' he thought to him self
"Excuse me but there are better ways than what you are doing for one to keep powers and be rude of a demon." Thana spoke to scarecrow.

"But hey why listen to a student you don't know yet." She said then looked at Lucas as of trying to confirm what was happening here.
He nodded and waited for Scarecrow to move 'I don't like this idea' he thought to him self

Scarecrow walked to Lucas to a door. Scarecrow opened it to reveal a flight of stairs...going down. Scarecrow walked down the stairs.

"It's ok to become scared, you have my word that I won't hurt you. Now anyways."

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