Roleplay (in school)

"either, I mean why are you comfortable about asking if you can, as you said it 'drink form the source'?" he asked
"Honestly I don't know.  Although I won't drink from you.  I already had my fill of blood today." Thana said.

"besides its better to inform a possible friend about what you are. I guess." She said.
"It is?"  he asked, then pulled a knife "i guess its only right i show you what I am" he slammed the knife on his chest
Thana watched but something told her to stay put but she couldn't.  

"Damn are you ok?!" She asked.  Shebwas clearly different than others of her kind.  (Wouldn't it be kinds since she's vampire and demon?)
(yea, it would)

He pulled the knife away from his chest and the knife part of it was crushed, no blood was even on it "its take more than a knife to harm me" he smiled
Mike frowned "queen of vampires? HAHAH!" he laughed, the AMD told him about somethings that exist in the world but he still doesn't believe in it

Lucas looked worried "but I you get rid of h-him I can use my 'powers' anymore" he said to Scarecrow

"Powers?!" Scarecrow roared with laughter. "Most demons don't gift people with powers....most demons activate powers lain dormant into their host. Also if you have powers why do you fear a simple scarecrow?"
(holy shit, you read my mind about what I was gonna do!)

"Because I dont know wh- Wait what did you say?" he asked looking ver confused and mad
Thana sighed.

"damn it I may be a vampire/demon but I react like a human." She said then glanced at Luna.

Luna stepped forward.  

"A human that is near impossible to kill.  Been a long time since any being like that came to be." She said.
"Of course I am sorry for not speaking up before.  I'm dr Luna Blood one of the teachers here." Luna said with a smile.

"been a long time miss Luna." Thana said because she hadn't seen Luna for a long time
he look at her for a second "juddering by that name ill just assume what you are" he said
(holy shit, you read my mind about what I was gonna do!)

"Because I dont know wh- Wait what did you say?" he asked looking ver confused and mad

"The only demon known to gift people powers is Lucifer himself. I know that the one inside you is not Lucifer." Scarecrow said continuing to chuckle. "Most humans have powers laying dormant. Where these powers come from I can only theorize. My main one is this, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit they gained abilities from it."

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Luna smiled.

"I am a vampire.  If that is what you were thinking.  I was trying to give Thana time to make more friends but when I saw what you did I just had to talk to you." She said.

thana slightly fell silent.  
"Why? its jsut a power, that what everyone here has right? powers?" Mike asked
"Not that one little one." Luna said.  She was calm about it.

"its rare for anyone with that power to be born." She said.

thana yawned slightly and stretched.  She waited for the talking to be over.
He sighed, Mike didn't like to keep things hidden from people "actually, I wasn't born with powers.  I was given them by the AMD" he said
"what do you need me to do?" Lucas sighed waiting for the answer

Mike looked nurvious "the anti magic department. " he said quickly looking down to avoid there eyes
"what do you need me to do?" Lucas sighed waiting for the answer

Mike looked nurvious "the anti magic department. " he said quickly looking down to avoid there eyes

"I need you to learn something. Well help me learn something, after I get rid of your demon I'll take blood samples from the both of you." Scarecrow said writing something down a wicked smile back on his face.
"how much blood?" he asked, he need to make sure this dude didn't drain him dry
"Oh sure they can give magic but they expect those that where born with magic to give theirs up." Luna said a bit annoyed.

"they are the reason most of us of not all have to stay hidden." She said.

"miss Luna relax." Thana saidbans went near mike.

"just because a group that hates being born of and with magic.  If they gave him powers then maybe it's because they want to give it a chance." She said.

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