Roleplay (in school)

"jee you act like I never let him talk" he joked befor letting lucas talk

"y-yyou wanna speak to me?" he asked

Mike sighed "i miss my family"
"May I ask what happened to your family or what caused you to leave?" Thana asked trying to be bold and ask.  She was away that Luna was watching from the distance.
"I never met my father, he left before I was born, Its been me and my mother since then" he said, not telling about what the AMD did to him

(once again i have to go at 3 or in 20 min
(Yea same work for me)

"Oh. Ita sorts the same with my father.  He sorta left my mother just so he can take over his parents job so I never saw him half the time." Thana said.
"jee you act like I never let him talk" he joked befor letting lucas talk

"y-yyou wanna speak to me?" he asked

Mike sighed "i miss my family"

"Yes I do. You know you're being played. I'd offer to help you but...that's no fun. However you don't need an exorcism to get out of a contract." Scarecrow hints. 
Mike frowned "queen of vampires? HAHAH!" he laughed, the AMD told him about somethings that exist in the world but he still doesn't believe in it

Lucas looked worried "but I you get rid of h-him I can use my 'powers' anymore" he said to Scarecrow
Cloud looked at the headmaster and said the secret message within the regular one said"Im afraid they are coming for me sorry but helping isnt going to end this. Whoever wrote this must had been terrified,"he said calmly.
Luck sighed "alright look  around the house" he said and began to walk in to the kitchen to look for something that showed where the family is

(they are dead on the second floor master bed room
She stood there for a while covering her nose with her elbow. "Should I go outside?" She asked trying to cover her nose fully. Her allregies where starting to come on but she managed to keep herself from sneezing.
He turned around and muttered something, the blood soon turned to water "there it wont affect you now" he said
She uncovered her nose again and made a deep sigh. "Thank you" she said as she went to another room to investigate.
She went into a different room and started investigating. She searched for a long period of time looking back and forth in hopes to find anything. So far it was nothing to her. She beusged her hands off and was pretty sure there was nothing unusual in the room she was in.
Luck soon decided there was nothing ther and moved to the living room
"No but vampires and what not are real.  If you can't beleive it I can prove it although it would be against what I was raised to do." Thana said with a weak smile.
he grinned "uh no i don't wanna be a vampire if it is true, and if it isn't. I really dont wanna a hickey
Thana laughed.

"getting bit by a vampire won't turn you.  There are many other ways to turn someone into a vampire." She said.
"huh, guess the books got it wrong, why do you seem so comfortable with this?" he asked  
"Talking about what I am?  Or that I'm talking about the different turnings of a human to a vampire?" Thana asked as stood up. Causing the creatures to scurry off.

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