Roleplay (in school)

"I know that, I mean what can you do?" he clarified and continued to push foreword

"could've fooled me" he whispered

Aion sighed,  do you want me to take over so you don't seem afraid? 

Lucas approved and Aion took over 

using Lucas's voice instead of his own he said "can you get your dog away from me sir, i wasn't very fond of them"
"Thats a nice name" he said  still approaching "what are you here for?" he asked her

Lucas remained frozen as the dog smelled him, he dare open his mouth to talk? 

"Lats I saw she was heading to her dorm" he said 

Aion laughed your scared of a sack of hay  he thought to Lucas 

He did not answer

Spot growled as if hearing your demons comment. 

"Ooh good girl Spot. She reacts to your thoughts and emotions. Or if you share a body, she reacts to the host and the parasite. So if you were to be afraid she'd act friendly, if you were to be hostile or unwelcoming she'll growl or just attack you." Scarecrow explained petting Spot, he was obviously ignoring the demons complaints. Spot eventually calmed down and went back to sniffing you.
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'I hate dogs'  Lucas thought

In his normal voice he said "Alright, Dr. Cain Pleas keep the dog away from me" Dogs and demons never went well and he didn't wan't to ham Lucas body right now 
Thana continued to back away.

"I'm half vampire half demon." She said.  She didn't want to get too close to anyone at the moment.

Luna looked at Lucas and sighed.

"well Lucas here's my room number, it's also in the schedule because I'm sure I have you for my class.  Come by and we can talk." She said with a small smile.
Aion nodded "alright have a good day" he said taking it and walking away

"cool" mike said and walked away
Thana sighed and went to her dorm quickly.  She needed to attempt to relax.  Once she got to the dorm she sat at the window.

Luna sighed and looked at scarecrow.
"She's almost done, so is this your actual form? Surely they were better hosts, demon." Scarecrow said staring at Aion. "Also it is Mr. Scarecrow to my students. Or if writing a letter to me then you may refer to me as Dr. Crane. Not Cain." Spot went over to her master and sat down. He handed him his room number.

"And mine as well."

@The Outcast

@Thana Silver Wolf
(im back)

Aion stopped and turned around "Im sorry Dr.Cain but Lucas is your student, not me. Also if you would like the question you ask answered, ill be waiting in your room for you" he said looking at the paper and walking to the room number on it.

Mike continued to wonder the school, lookingfor the best way to get from class to class
Thana sighed and looked out the window. She knew she would have to confront Lucas again at some point.

Luna watched as Lucas left before looked at scarecrow.
He made it to he Dr's room and took a seat in a chair 

"interesting room" he said
Thana left her and her roommates room going outside once more.  She didn't really want to be alone so she went near the trees and managed to befriend some of the creatures that wonder near the trees.
Mike looked out the window to see the girl he talked to before, he found the nearest door and went to the tree and sat  down under it "are you the only one here?" he asked Thana
Scarecrow glared at the demon as he left. 

"Could you snag Thana and bring her to my room, student or not this one will learn respect..." Scarecrow said his wicked grin returning. He stalked to his room and sighed as he saw the demon.

"Now, my answer. Oh great Satan wannabe." Scarecrow said dryly, standing behind his desk.
Thana looked up.

"um outside I think so.  But the other kids may be wondering around doing their own thing." She said and lightly pet some of the creatures.  She always had a soft spot for animals.

Luna was a bit surprised but went to find Thana.  When she found her she was surprised that she was talking to someone.  So for now she simply watched her interact with the other. 
" Alright I chose this boy because I knew he would easily accept the terms" he said, ignoring the insult and  replied nice, and calm

"I am sorry for any disrespect I gave you,, I just get...upset around dogs" he said
Miken odded   "is that what your doing? 'your own thing?"
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"Sorta.  I guess because I may have annoyed a demon that had fused himself with a human for trying to help the human may not even consider me as a friend.  And those that are my friends and roommates are doing their own thing." Thana said calmly.
" Alright I chose this boy because I knew he would easily accept the terms" he said, ignoring the insult and  replied nice, and calm

"I am sorry for any disrespect I gave you,, I just get...upset around dogs" he said

"I see. I'll make sure she stays away. Well inside the classroom that is, outside the classroom this dog will be with me. Also we both mouthed off to each other." Scarecrow said sending a whining Spot out of the room. 

"Also you're essentially using the poor boy?" Scarecrow said his smile coming back. It literally stretched from ear to ear, it revealed maggots and beetles wriggling around in hay.
"that sucks" Mike said "it could be worse right?" he asked

Aion nodded "petty much, but he knows and its pissing him off" he saiid
Thana smiled.  

"I guess it could be.  Like having not friends at all.  I already really don't have much family that cares anyway." She said with a slight shrug.
"that sucks" Mike said "it could be worse right?" he asked

Aion nodded "petty much, but he knows and its pissing him off" he saiid

"Hmmm I'm willing to bet that you won't let him see an exorcist or priest? Or else this deal would be broken." Scarecrow says as he sits down at his desk. 

"May I speak to Lucas?"

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