Roleplay (in school)

"Well then there is a small chance he is in hell being tormented.  By who I don't know doint it's Satan." Thana said with a small smile.

"When and if you get down there maybe incan try to set something up.  So it's not as bad as it would be if we hadn't meet." She said with a small smile.

@The Outcast

Luna sighed and looked at him.

"Meaning you would enjoy having them join in the fun of 'motivating' the other students that get scared and are disgusted." She said with a small smile

"thats would be nice" he sighed 

a deals a deal, every thing is still gonna be the same Aion said
"Well then there is a small chance he is in hell being tormented.  By who I don't know doint it's Satan." Thana said with a small smile.

"When and if you get down there maybe incan try to set something up.  So it's not as bad as it would be if we hadn't meet." She said with a small smile.

@The Outcast

Luna sighed and looked at him.

"Meaning you would enjoy having them join in the fun of 'motivating' the other students that get scared and are disgusted." She said with a small smile


"Oh, no. I would have no need for that. You see if a student would try to 'join in' I'd bring them to my lab. My lab can scare even Gods." Scarecrow said thoughtful.

"I'd have to swear them to secrecy though.... I can trust you with the secret of my lab? Yes?" Spot walked over to Scarecrow and laid at his feet.
Thana smiled at Lucas.  

"Or if you want I can try to conceive my useless father to let you stay up here longer or something." She said with a light smile and finished the food.

Luna looked at scarecrow and nodded.

"I won't say a word.  And good luck scaring Thana.  She doesn't scare easily." She said with a small laugh.
"stay up here longer? you mean, live longer?" he asked he, dropping the bottle 
"Yea I don't see how that wouldn't be possible.  Sure the gods or whatever will be bitchy about but I don't give a damn." Thana said with a smile.

"that is if you want to live longer." She said.
"I don't know, pissing off the gods doesn't sound like a go-" he was interrupted by Aion who takes control of his body 

"This conversation is over" he states making lucas get up and begin to walk away
Thana smiled at Lucas.  

"Or if you want I can try to conceive my useless father to let you stay up here longer or something." She said with a light smile and finished the food.

Luna looked at scarecrow and nodded.

"I won't say a word.  And good luck scaring Thana.  She doesn't scare easily." She said with a small laugh.

"I'd like to meet this 'Thana' you keep mentioning. Could I meet her?" Scarecrow asked. He got up and brushed off his....outfit? He picked up his chainsaw and put in his bag which was definitely smaller.
Thana was shocked and sighed.  She took her tray to where thwt were supposed to go and slowly walked to her dorm.  'Great you may have just pissed off another demon if not that simply annoyed.' She thought.

Luna chuckled.  

"I don't see why not." She said.

"we just gotta find her is all." She said.
"That shouldn't be too hard, cafeteria or her dorm? Though she might be busy if she's in her dorm.... Anywho, should we check the cafeteria first?" Scarecrow suggested. Spot was at attention next to him sniffing the air.

@Thana Silver Wolf
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Aion Brought Lucas right outside the cafeteria 

'What the hell are you doing?' Lucas asked

Aion sighed "if you listen to the half blood woman, you will end the deal and will be normal" he told Lucas

'n-normal?' that was the last thing he wanted, but he also didn't to do whatever Aion had in stored in hell for him 

"So you get to chose right now, me or her. Ill give you until tonight" Aion said, then giving control to Lucas

"Wa-wait" he said, but he could tell the demon didn't wanna talk. He sighed, this was a hard choice. Maybe he should see a teacher?
Thana didn't get to her dorm yet.  Instead she went near a tree.  She sat down and took the picture out of her pocket.  'I'm sorry mom I can't seem to do a damn thing right.' She though as some sadness showed in her eyes.  She then looked up at the sky.

"Yea let's try there first.  Although if I had something of hers maybe spot could use it to track her down?" Luna suggested.

"Probably, she's a good tracker...." Scarecrow said walking out of his classroom and into the hall. He walked to the cafeteria, Spot at his heels, to see it was empty. 

"Her dorm, then? Or we could look for her outside?" 

(Wanna join us? @The Outcast)
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Lucas saw the teachers 'good, something to take my thought off of this'

"hey! are you looking for someone?" he asked the tow teachers

Mike entered the school to see it was bigger on the inside than the out.
"Well outside.  If she can't sleep or anything she would wonder around." Luna said.

"I do have something of hers." She said and pulled out torn piece of clothing.

"this was one of her favorite shirts before it went through hell so to speak." She said she then noticed a student.

"yea we're looking for Thana wolf.  And what seems to be bothering you?  Looks like your stuck between a blood thirsty animal and a meat craving beast." She said looking at Lucas.
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he chuckled "thats about right." he said 'never thought about it like that '

"but anyway, yes I saw her i was just talking to her a little bit ago" he said

Mike wondered around looking for someone "Hello?" he called out

TIME: 5:30 in the eveing 
Thana heard someone and placed her picture back and followed the voice.  She then sees a guy.

"hey you lost?" She asked moving closer to him but also kept her distance.

Luna smiled at Lucas.

"my name is Luna I'm one of the teachers.  If you need help with anything or need someone to talk please let me know and I'll be happy to help." She said looking at him.
"Alright thanks, so who's he?" he asked looking at Dr. Cain 

"oh hi, IS this the school on 1137 st?" Mike asked the mysterious girl 
"This is Dr. Cain another teacher here." Luna said with a small smile.

"yea this is the school your most likely looking for." Thana said still keeping her distance.

Lucas saw the teachers 'good, something to take my thought off of this'

"hey! are you looking for someone?" he asked the tow teachers

Mike entered the school to see it was bigger on the inside than the out.

"Well outside.  If she can't sleep or anything she would wonder around." Luna said.

"I do have something of hers." She said and pulled out torn piece of clothing.

"this was one of her favorite shirts before it went through hell so to speak." She said.

Scarecrow looked at the boy. He sized the student up and a smile crossed his face. 

"Hello I'm Dr. Crane. You'll refer to me as Mr. Scarecrow. And you are?"
Lucas when talking to this guy. Like Mr. Scarecrow shouldn't exist  "Im Lucas W-walker" he said not understanding why he was feeling this way

"Alright, thats good to hear" Mike said "Im Mike, who are you?" he asked approaching the girl 
"Well anyway scarecrow wanted to meet Thana.  And i know her.  Although I can't seem to figure were she may be." Luna said with a small smile.

Thana backed up slightly.

"Thana Wolf.  I'm Thana Wolf." She said.
Lucas when talking to this guy. Like Mr. Scarecrow shouldn't exist  "Im Lucas W-walker" he said not understanding why he was feeling this way

"Alright, thats good to hear" Mike said "Im Mike, who are you?" he asked approaching the girl 

"Alright then Lucas. It's a pleasure to meet you, this is Spot." He points to his chest high dog with stitches all over her body. "She's an absolute sweetheart so no need to be shy." Spot wasted no time and began to sniff Lucas.
"Thats a nice name" he said  still approaching "what are you here for?" he asked her

Lucas remained frozen as the dog smelled him, he dare open his mouth to talk? 

"Last I saw she was heading to her dorm" he said 

Aion laughed your scared of a sack of hay  he thought to Lucas 

He did not answer
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Thana kept backing away.

"School.  Nothing more nothing less." She said.  She was now unsure of befriending anyone after what happened with Lucas.

Luna looked at Lucas.  

"Thanks and don't be scared of scarecrow.  He isn't that bad." She said with a smile.

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